Thursday 27 October 2016

Interview for "Transformational Healing: Five Suprisingly Simple Keys …" author Jamie L. Saloff

Interview with Jamie L. Saloff
Author of Transformational Healing: Five
Surprisingly Simple Keys Designed to Redirect
Your Life Toward Wellness, Purpose, and

We are happy to have with us Jamie Saloff. Welcome
to Reader Views Jamie.

Juanita: Hi Jamie, thanks for taking the time to talk with
your readers today. You have written a book titled
"Transformational Healing: Five Surprisingly Simple Keys Designed
to Redirect Your Life Toward Wellness, Purpose, and Prosperity. "Please tell us what motivated you
to write at this time in your healing journey.

Jamie: About five years after my cancer experience, I began to write incessantly. Though I still had
a lot to learn, the calling had been sent. I wrote several drafts but I kept feeling as though something
We were missing. I actually used the exercises in my book to break through those blocks and to grab a
hold of what I knew lay hidden somewhere inside of me.

Juanita: Jamie, you were diagnosed with cancer at age 24, yet had a miraculous recovery due in
part to a dream you had. Please tell us a little about this life changing dream.

Jamie: The dream itself is not as important as the fact that it made me understand how my
experience was part of an important journey in my life. In addition, through the dream I realized that
no one but me had as much at stake in my life as me. No matter how much my husband or other
family members loved me, only I could take whatever steps necessary to heal my life. I realized it
was up to me to listen to the intuitive nudges inside of me and to stand up for what I needed to do
for me. This was a huge change in my frame of mind and part of what I refer to in my book as an
innate challenge, something we inherit from our parents and must work through before we can
accomplish those things that are most dear to our hearts.

Juanita: How can the same exercises you outline in your book help with such a wide array of
problems – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual?

Jamie: My belief is that if we are fulfilling our purpose, all else in our life falls in line. If we'd all do
that, our lives would be relatively easy. However, most of us drag our feet, stall, and think up
excuses not to do the very thing we know we should be doing. We worry in fear that we might fail,
that it will cost too much money, that we do not have enough education, or that our relatives will
disapprove. This blockage in our life can lend to frustration, the feeling of abandonment, and
eventually – illness. There are a few exceptions to this, but typically it is when we continually ignore
our inner calling that we find ourselves facing illness, injury, and strife.

Juanita: You had read countless other self help books in hopes of relieving your pain, but none
helped achieve the results you were looking for. Why do you think the other books did not work?

Jamie: (Laughs) Well, I think mainly because it was part of my calling to write this book. However,
my frustration came partly due to my inability to understand some of what these writers were saying
or to implement what they suggested I do. For example, many suggested that we work with a
partner, a mentor, or a friend. I just did not have anyone at the time who could help me work through
these things. I felt alone and helpless. Some of what I read made good sense and I did try to
implement those things. I just did not see any dramatic results … and I definitely wanted results. Also,
I felt that a lot of their given advice was generic – one size fits all – and it just was not fitting me. You
know, physically, I am a very petite person. If I buy a one-size-fits all shirt or dress, it hangs on me
like a bed sheet. That is kind of what happened to me when I sought help with these other books.

Juanita: What sets your book apart from all the others on the market today?

Jamie: The most important thing to me when I wrote my book was finding a way to convey the
information in such a way that almost anyone could understand it and implement it regardless of their
beliefs, education, or age. In addition, I wanted the system to be specific to the person and their

Juanita: What is the format of "Transformational Healing?" Is it a workbook with each exercise
building off the last, or can you just pick a chapter that applies to your complaint and go from there?

Jamie: I do not consider it a workbook. I think of it more as a map with clues to a treasure. I learned
all of these techniques in a jumble. I did a little of this and a little of that. I wrote the book in a
cohesive, step-by-step format, but I also understand that step one might not be where a person is at.
So it's okay if they jump ahead or just open the book and start in. The book is broken into the five
main keys: Relief, Commitment, Goals (or Desires), Connection, and Synchronicity. There is also a
large appendix where, in one part, I detail my personal path through the use of the main (first)
exercise. A person who is not ill at the time of reading my book, might find Section III – Goals, a
more appropriate place for them to start, though they might have to page back to understand some
aspects of that chapter.

Juanita: Do you feel family of origin illnesses leave someone genetically predisposed to the same
problems, or is this a learned response?

Jamie: I look at a family of origin illness on a deeper level. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor, this
is about taking an inner journey whether alongside of traditional treatment, before treatment is
needed, or after the fact. I spend about 100 pages on goals and heritage (the two are linked like
conjoined twins) and this is one of the most important sections in my book. Let me briefly explain it
like this. Our grandparents accomplished some things, and failed at some things. They passed these
on to our parents both by influence and by experience. Then our parents did the same, passing them
to us. Now here we are with these same influences, experiences, and innate challenges. Some we
will succeed at over-coming, some we will pass on to our children. How does this tie into illnesses?
It is through our illnesses that we can find the hidden meanings of our innate challenges. Whoa …
what? Think about this for a moment … If you knew where some gold was hidden, and you needed
it, would not you make a straight-for-it beeline to get it? But if you did not know where the gold was,
maybe you'd only heard rumor that it existed, you might stumble and stall in trying to find it. What I
do in my book is explain how you can find the meaning and purpose of your life. To do so means
looking at where you parents and others have been (along with a few other keys). Then once you
know what it is you are looking for, it is easy to find it and achieve it. Yes, there are still challenges,
life is full of them, but you know where you are heading and that makes you more powerful.

Juanita: Jamie, self help / inspirational books are at the forefront of the market right now. Why do
you think so many people are feeling lost, overwhelmed, in need of help?

Jamie: We live in a society where we treat the symptom and not the cause. Give me a pill! Is there a
surgery for this? Plus we receive solace from sharing our misery with our friends – who are also
suffering. (Remember the saying, "misery loves company?") Think of a symptom like a leak in a
Holland dam. We plug the hole with our finger. Soon a leak appears somewhere else. We stick
another finger in that hole. However, the underlying problem is not the small holes appearing in the
dam, perhaps it is faulty construction or a severe increase in back flow. The point is that the dam
will continue to sprout leaks or give way entirely until the underlying cause is addressed. Illness is a
symptom of an underlying emotional cause. I did not make this up. Some of the greatest
psychologists of our time have proven this.

Juanita: What were some of the "ah-ha's" your myriad of complaints and illnesses taught you?

Jamie: (Laughs) Well, this will sound kind of silly, but most of them are embarrassing things, the
kind of things you do not really want to share with someone. I am also hesitant to say, even though I
give lots of examples in my book, because, again, my personal conclusions are not transferable to
someone else. There are a lot of subtleties and intuitive nuances, an individual has his or her own bag
of experiences and correlations. I do not want people to get the idea that because I found cancer to be
a message about standing up for myself, that it would be for them too. It likely would not. My
personal answers were based on my personal associations. When I help others find the meanings of
their ailments, I first have to get them thinking in terms of word associations, stereotypes, and
common sayings. (What a pain in the neck! Bite your tongue! Get off my back …) Then we start
working backwards as to what feelings and connections those associations tie in with. For example,
just the other day, a fellow was telling me he had four nerves removed from a tooth during a root
canal. I said, "Something in your life must really be hitting a nerve." We talked about what sort of
things he associated with teeth, nerves, and also about the type of pain he was experiencing. The
words we use to describe things often lead to an direction as well. This fellow said "the dentist had
to 'burn out' the nerves. "Was he suffering from major life 'burn out'? Only he knows for sure.

Juanita: Most people are completely unaware of the thought that transformation healing comes
from a deeply personal inward journey that is available to each of us at anytime. Why do you think
we have lost the ability to recognize our own innate healing powers?

Jamie: It's easier to take a pill. And … we have been programmed that taking a pill is the way to do
things. For most of us, using intuition and mind over matter are foreign from what we are taught at
home, in school, via the media, and through our interactions with others. Suggesting that we rely on
intuition is asking us to go against all we have been taught. That is hard very hard to do. What we are
talking about is BELIEF. If you've seen the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know," then you'll
understand what I'm talking about.

Juanita: I have heard that you do one-on-one consultations. How may your readers contact you if
they would like further help?

Jamie: I am in the process of revamping my website to make contacting me easier. I find I do my
best consultations via email because it gives the participant a chance to thing through their answers –
and this is a thinking type process. I am also planning to unveil a web-driven e-course later this year,
and I will soon be offering intensive retreats and day-long workshops.

Juanita: Jamie, your life story and book serve as such inspiration. You have a very unique way to
look at illness, wellness, and healing which will be refreshing to your readers. Do you have any last
thoughts you'd like to share today?

Jamie: To me, the book is meaningless unless people actually do the exercises and put them into
practice. Reading the book is a nice thing but it will not change your life. Doing the exercises and
implementing these keys will. I know this because I have lived it. Really, that is what the whole book
is about … how I used these simple principals to gain what I wanted most. I am doing things today
that were bigger than I ever could have dreamed. I did not know they were possible … for me … yet
all I did was just to draw some stick figures on an index card.

Disclaimer: Jamie L. Saloff is not a doctor and does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique
as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems either directly or indirectly, without the advice of a physician.
The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional well-
being and good health. In the event you use any of the information in her book, from her website or from her emails for
yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Source by Juanita Watson

from All About Health And Business via Article Source

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