Monday 31 October 2016

Making a Difference: Why You Just have to Go all Out

What if you burned all sources of retreat just to make a difference. A great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him to make a decision that ensured success on the battlefield. He was about to send his army to a powerful foe whose men outnumbered his own. So he loaded his soldiers into boats sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded soldiers and equipment; then gave the order to burn down the ships which had carried them. Before their first battle, the great warrior said to his men ” You see these boats going in smoke. That means that

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Saturday 29 October 2016

Networking In An Effective Way

networking in an effective way is smartIt has been said that networking with strangers can be seen as wasting your time. Effective networking is all about building relationships so start slowly and work up. Why? A friend of mine was complaining, “I’m doing 2-3 networking events a week – and I’m worn out.” I then asked why they felt doing so much networking was important and they replied, “One of my marketing goals is to do at least 1 networking event a week.” I then told them that their goal was just 1 each week, so why do more than that? The point is to build business relationships and gain trust. This means less is better, rather than the “do as much networking as you can” belief of many.

The Effective Networking Myths And Truths

Myth 1: The more you network, the more effective your networking activity becomes.

Truth 1: It’s a lot more important to be well-known in 1-2 rather than several more groups. You can be spreading yourself “too thin” and building relationships is a hard task in this case. Don’t forget that networking is all about building relationships with people. This is why you get more from LESS! It’s easier to form relationships with people you see regularly.

I asked my friend how the networking was going. “I don’t think I have had any business out of it for at least the last six months” was the reply. They then went on “but everyone knows that you build a business by networking!” Is it REALLY serving a purpose with NO business is at least six months? I doubt it!

Let’s look at a typical networking example and see if it resonates with you:

You meet someone new and you introduce yourself and ask what they do (30 seconds). They answer you by muttering something about law as you’re checking them out. They ask you what you do, and you tell them. Because neither of you are at all interested in the activities of the other, you stare blankly at each other for a few seconds before stating you need a “refill”.

Myth 2: The cocktails and “nibbles” circuit is the way to network to success

effective networking is not about cocktails and nibblesTruth 2: Networking with total strangers to build business is as effective as going to a bar to get married. How likely is that to happen – not very!

Effective Networking Takes More Time!

You’re not going to meet a business “soul mate” at your first networking event and here’s why:

  1. Would you do business with someone after meeting them for the first time and getting handed a poorly printed card. You only spoke to them for a minute or two, so why would you do business with that person?
  2. Business is built on relationships and not a few well spoken words, no matter how effective they are.
  3. Many of us have problems in explaining what we do, especially when inexperienced in this type of event. Then there’s the added skill of actually listening for what prospects need.
  4. Networking with strangers is not as targeted or specific as you want. In fact, it can be completely random. In many cases, networking is as effective as cold calling, which is among the least effective marketing tools there is.

Is networking, therefore, a waste of time? Absolutely not!

Effective Networking Requires A Smarter Approach

Here are a few pointers for you to think about:

  • You can network effectively over coffee or lunch with people one on one. Get to know them and their business. They may become a prospect, alliance partner, or referral source. But aim first and foremost to build trust and a business relationship. The rest will follow naturally.
  • If you prefer to network with strangers, make sure to go with the goal of making 2-3 lunch or coffee appointments with people you find interesting.
  • You can ask every happy customer you have (because they are all happy, right?) for a referral. Ideally someone interested in your goods or services. You can call and use the referrer’s name like this:
    “Hi I’m Joe from (company name) and George said I should call. Isn’t George a great guy?”) You already have one thing in common – George!
  • Write out a list of businesses or people you want to network with who fit into your target market. If you sell software, you may want to meet IT managers at medium-size companies. Compile this list and put it in your little black book or PDA. Focus your attention on reaching out to only those people – or people who can refer you to somebody in that field.
  • Join groups outside of your business and spend time doing non-business activities. These can be in civic, social, religious, recreational, musical, athletic groups – the list is endless! Build relationships with people in your particular group. A person in your group may be looking for a rewire for their house and you’re an electrician. Being the only electrician in the group, you’re introduced to the person in question. You get the job and the client is delighted! Do you think you can build up a reputation quickly this way? You bet you can!
  • So you go to a “standard” networking event with your target in mind. Your goal might be “to meet three people on my target list, so get their business card so I can follow up for breakfast, lunch, coffee or a round of golf.” A traditional “networking event” now becomes simply the first phase of your overall strategy, not an end in itself.

Effective Networking Is Done With People Who Know You, Like You, Or Have Done Business With You.

effective networking builds trustMyth 3: Networking is about getting more people to know what you do.

Truth 3: Networking is about getting people who already know you to share opportunities where you can be helpful to each other.

You can make 2-3 phone calls a day to connect with people from past jobs, former clients, or influential people who have expressed interest in you and your service in the past.

We all have a “fan base” that we don’t take advantage of.

Get in touch with friends, colleagues, mentors, and family to mine the connections you already have at your fingertips.

Get out there and start the process of effective networking. Make it worth your investment of time and energy by networking the smart way.


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Networking In An Effective Way

networking in an effective way is smartIt has been said that networking with strangers can be seen as wasting your time. Effective networking is all about building relationships so start slowly and work up. Why? A friend of mine was complaining, “I’m doing 2-3 networking events a week – and I’m worn out.” I then asked why they felt doing so much networking was important and they replied, “One of my marketing goals is to do at least 1 networking event a week.” I then told them that their goal was just 1 each week, so why do more than that? The point is to build business relationships and gain trust. This means less is better, rather than the “do as much networking as you can” belief of many.

The Effective Networking Myths And Truths

Myth 1: The more you network, the more effective your networking activity becomes.

Truth 1: It’s a lot more important to be well-known in 1-2 rather than several more groups. You can be spreading yourself “too thin” and building relationships is a hard task in this case. Don’t forget that networking is all about building relationships with people. This is why you get more from LESS! It’s easier to form relationships with people you see regularly.

I asked my friend how the networking was going. “I don’t think I have had any business out of it for at least the last six months” was the reply. They then went on “but everyone knows that you build a business by networking!” Is it REALLY serving a purpose with NO business is at least six months? I doubt it!

Let’s look at a typical networking example and see if it resonates with you:

You meet someone new and you introduce yourself and ask what they do (30 seconds). They answer you by muttering something about law as you’re checking them out. They ask you what you do, and you tell them. Because neither of you are at all interested in the activities of the other, you stare blankly at each other for a few seconds before stating you need a “refill”.

Myth 2: The cocktails and “nibbles” circuit is the way to network to success

effective networking is not about cocktails and nibblesTruth 2: Networking with total strangers to build business is as effective as going to a bar to get married. How likely is that to happen – not very!

Effective Networking Takes More Time!

You’re not going to meet a business “soul mate” at your first networking event and here’s why:

  1. Would you do business with someone after meeting them for the first time and getting handed a poorly printed card. You only spoke to them for a minute or two, so why would you do business with that person?
  2. Business is built on relationships and not a few well spoken words, no matter how effective they are.
  3. Many of us have problems in explaining what we do, especially when inexperienced in this type of event. Then there’s the added skill of actually listening for what prospects need.
  4. Networking with strangers is not as targeted or specific as you want. In fact, it can be completely random. In many cases, networking is as effective as cold calling, which is among the least effective marketing tools there is.

Is networking, therefore, a waste of time? Absolutely not!

Effective Networking Requires A Smarter Approach

Here are a few pointers for you to think about:

  • You can network effectively over coffee or lunch with people one on one. Get to know them and their business. They may become a prospect, alliance partner, or referral source. But aim first and foremost to build trust and a business relationship. The rest will follow naturally.
  • If you prefer to network with strangers, make sure to go with the goal of making 2-3 lunch or coffee appointments with people you find interesting.
  • You can ask every happy customer you have (because they are all happy, right?) for a referral. Ideally someone interested in your goods or services. You can call and use the referrer’s name like this:
    “Hi I’m Joe from (company name) and George said I should call. Isn’t George a great guy?”) You already have one thing in common – George!
  • Write out a list of businesses or people you want to network with who fit into your target market. If you sell software, you may want to meet IT managers at medium-size companies. Compile this list and put it in your little black book or PDA. Focus your attention on reaching out to only those people – or people who can refer you to somebody in that field.
  • Join groups outside of your business and spend time doing non-business activities. These can be in civic, social, religious, recreational, musical, athletic groups – the list is endless! Build relationships with people in your particular group. A person in your group may be looking for a rewire for their house and you’re an electrician. Being the only electrician in the group, you’re introduced to the person in question. You get the job and the client is delighted! Do you think you can build up a reputation quickly this way? You bet you can!
  • So you go to a “standard” networking event with your target in mind. Your goal might be “to meet three people on my target list, so get their business card so I can follow up for breakfast, lunch, coffee or a round of golf.” A traditional “networking event” now becomes simply the first phase of your overall strategy, not an end in itself.

Effective Networking Is Done With People Who Know You, Like You, Or Have Done Business With You.

effective networking builds trustMyth 3: Networking is about getting more people to know what you do.

Truth 3: Networking is about getting people who already know you to share opportunities where you can be helpful to each other.

You can make 2-3 phone calls a day to connect with people from past jobs, former clients, or influential people who have expressed interest in you and your service in the past.

We all have a “fan base” that we don’t take advantage of.

Get in touch with friends, colleagues, mentors, and family to mine the connections you already have at your fingertips.

Get out there and start the process of effective networking. Make it worth your investment of time and energy by networking the smart way.


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Time-Saving Social Media Tools

Posting on social media takes time and effort but there are plenty of time-saving social media tools to help us. There are too many tools to mention here so I’ll just talk about a few of those I used myself. I’m attracted to online resources like a child to favorite toys (or dangerous implements), so I’ve discounted more than I remember. Some were no good, some no longer exist, some tempted me to free trials but were too expensive to continue. Others I definitely do not recommend. Why We need Time-Saving Social Media Tools Manually posting the amount of recommended

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Friday 28 October 2016

How To Be Persuasive In Your Writing

How To Be More Persuasive In Your Writing Want to learn how to convince your readers to do something or agree with your point of view? Of course you do. It’s a little technique called…..PERSUASION Here’s how it works: You present a case that others find beneficial to agree with. You make them an offer they can’t refuse, but not in the manipulative Godfather sense. It’s simply a good deal or a position that makes sense to that particular person. Did you know that there are many persuasion techniques that can make your job easier as a content marketer or copywriter and your

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Consider, The Past, Present and Future?

Consider the past. A time when we were prosperous and growing?

Consider the past, when God added to the church daily, such as needed to be saved.

Consider the past, when many were healed and redeemed, many were set free from captivity, oppression and delivered.

Consider the past, when, where there was a problem, we all met it head on and it was overcome.

The Lord says consider it.

Consider the Present. The European Union is getting Stronger.

Consider the Present. Iraq signs military pact with Iran.

Consider the Present. Russia signs accord with China and India.

Consider the Present. US voices fears over Chinese military build-up.

Consider the Present. Prayer, The Ten Commandments, unlawful in Schools and Government Buildings.

Consider the Present. Gay Marriage, Gay priest, Women Deacons.

Consider the Present. Uzbekistan Christians Detained and Tortured for Their Faith.

Consider the Present. Council members in a South Carolina town can no longer mention the name of Jesus Christ or another specific deity in their prayers during meetings.

Consider the Present. A massive, international "gay pride" event previously held in Rome, at the doorstep of the Vatican, has chosen Jerusalem as its next venue.

Consider the Present. More than a third of Church of Scotland ministers do not believe in the virgin birth of Christ.

The Lord says consider it.

The Lord says consider this;
Hag 2: 11-18, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Ask now the priests concerning the law, saying, If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any meat, shall it be holy? And the priests answered and said, No. Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these, shall it be unclean? And the priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

Then answered Haggai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean. Very strong words from Haggai.

A nation can not be clean, before God, if it handles the unclean thing. When are we going to realize that the unclean thing is anything that is an abomination to God? "So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean." God will not be part of uncleanly-ness or unrighteousness. A nation of reprobate people can not stand before God and then desire that their prayers be answered.

Look at the things that God asked us to consider.

1. Prayer, The Ten Commandments, unlawful in Schools and Government Buildings.

2. Gay Marriage, Gay priest, Women Deacons.

3. A massive, international "gay pride" event previously held in Rome, at the doorstep of the Vatican, has chosen Jerusalem as its next venue.

Jerusalem the Pride of God, the Holy City. Blassfeamers, adulterers, double minded hypocrites. Where is your since of right and wrong, good and evil? Have not you been chastised by God enough, what will it take? And these are just a few. Does not this appear to be a double minded man? [Speaking as a Nation]

Jam 1: 6-8 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

2Pe 2: 10-16. But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that can not cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:
Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbade the madness of the prophet.

And now, I pray you, consider from this day and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the LORD: Since those days were, when one came to an heap of twenty measures, there were but ten: when one came to the pressfat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty. I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.

Can not the people see the chastisement of God upon them, can not they see that God is willing to bless, but He will not bless the unclean thing.

Consider now, how one woman took prayer from school, consider now, that one group is introducing gay books to children, consider now, how a hand full of people can change the life of Gods children by introducing acceptance training for gays and lesbians.

Compromise, compromise, the down fall of humanity and righteousness in our land of plenty. This land we call home will become as Sodom and Gomorrha, a land of want and famine.

Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, even from the day that the foundation of the LORD'S temple was laid, consider it. "So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the LORD; and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean."

Consider the past, Consider the present and Consider your future?

Source by Anthony Smith

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Thursday 27 October 2016

The Importance of Your Business Card

What are you trying to say with you business card?

We have talked about collecting other people's business cards and also about how they are often tough to differentiate from one another. These are things you should avoid for your own business card. It is easier to get into a conversation when you have a business card that speaks for itself. My card, BizMechanix, is so different, almost everyone remarks on how good the card looks. I have even had comments about it being the most professional and great looking card they have ever come across. You should make sure that yours is the same. Spend time with a graphic designer, and then also take time to buy good paper stock for printing. You are more likely to get notices and gain business if your card is extremely professional.

Do not use the homemade variety, the serrated edges are a sure give-away that you do not value your card. Remember that you card is the first thing people will see on their desk after the event. It is also your card that they will take note of when entering new names into their contact management system. Take the time and make the effort to create something unique, tasteful, and colorful. You do not have to go over board with it – just make it well worth it. I would rather have an excellent business card than a new car to drive. Most people will not see my car inside the event, but they will see my business card. Do not make it gaudy, just noticeable.

All the pieces have come together and attending the event has been a success. You have made the most out of your attendance and practiced the necessary skills. Now it is time to close in on the potential business. The first thing to do is to sort your contacts in order of importance and potential size of the deal. Choose the most important possibility, analyze the potential and then follow up.

Source by Bette Daoust, Ph.D.

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Interview for "Transformational Healing: Five Suprisingly Simple Keys …" author Jamie L. Saloff

Interview with Jamie L. Saloff
Author of Transformational Healing: Five
Surprisingly Simple Keys Designed to Redirect
Your Life Toward Wellness, Purpose, and

We are happy to have with us Jamie Saloff. Welcome
to Reader Views Jamie.

Juanita: Hi Jamie, thanks for taking the time to talk with
your readers today. You have written a book titled
"Transformational Healing: Five Surprisingly Simple Keys Designed
to Redirect Your Life Toward Wellness, Purpose, and Prosperity. "Please tell us what motivated you
to write at this time in your healing journey.

Jamie: About five years after my cancer experience, I began to write incessantly. Though I still had
a lot to learn, the calling had been sent. I wrote several drafts but I kept feeling as though something
We were missing. I actually used the exercises in my book to break through those blocks and to grab a
hold of what I knew lay hidden somewhere inside of me.

Juanita: Jamie, you were diagnosed with cancer at age 24, yet had a miraculous recovery due in
part to a dream you had. Please tell us a little about this life changing dream.

Jamie: The dream itself is not as important as the fact that it made me understand how my
experience was part of an important journey in my life. In addition, through the dream I realized that
no one but me had as much at stake in my life as me. No matter how much my husband or other
family members loved me, only I could take whatever steps necessary to heal my life. I realized it
was up to me to listen to the intuitive nudges inside of me and to stand up for what I needed to do
for me. This was a huge change in my frame of mind and part of what I refer to in my book as an
innate challenge, something we inherit from our parents and must work through before we can
accomplish those things that are most dear to our hearts.

Juanita: How can the same exercises you outline in your book help with such a wide array of
problems – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual?

Jamie: My belief is that if we are fulfilling our purpose, all else in our life falls in line. If we'd all do
that, our lives would be relatively easy. However, most of us drag our feet, stall, and think up
excuses not to do the very thing we know we should be doing. We worry in fear that we might fail,
that it will cost too much money, that we do not have enough education, or that our relatives will
disapprove. This blockage in our life can lend to frustration, the feeling of abandonment, and
eventually – illness. There are a few exceptions to this, but typically it is when we continually ignore
our inner calling that we find ourselves facing illness, injury, and strife.

Juanita: You had read countless other self help books in hopes of relieving your pain, but none
helped achieve the results you were looking for. Why do you think the other books did not work?

Jamie: (Laughs) Well, I think mainly because it was part of my calling to write this book. However,
my frustration came partly due to my inability to understand some of what these writers were saying
or to implement what they suggested I do. For example, many suggested that we work with a
partner, a mentor, or a friend. I just did not have anyone at the time who could help me work through
these things. I felt alone and helpless. Some of what I read made good sense and I did try to
implement those things. I just did not see any dramatic results … and I definitely wanted results. Also,
I felt that a lot of their given advice was generic – one size fits all – and it just was not fitting me. You
know, physically, I am a very petite person. If I buy a one-size-fits all shirt or dress, it hangs on me
like a bed sheet. That is kind of what happened to me when I sought help with these other books.

Juanita: What sets your book apart from all the others on the market today?

Jamie: The most important thing to me when I wrote my book was finding a way to convey the
information in such a way that almost anyone could understand it and implement it regardless of their
beliefs, education, or age. In addition, I wanted the system to be specific to the person and their

Juanita: What is the format of "Transformational Healing?" Is it a workbook with each exercise
building off the last, or can you just pick a chapter that applies to your complaint and go from there?

Jamie: I do not consider it a workbook. I think of it more as a map with clues to a treasure. I learned
all of these techniques in a jumble. I did a little of this and a little of that. I wrote the book in a
cohesive, step-by-step format, but I also understand that step one might not be where a person is at.
So it's okay if they jump ahead or just open the book and start in. The book is broken into the five
main keys: Relief, Commitment, Goals (or Desires), Connection, and Synchronicity. There is also a
large appendix where, in one part, I detail my personal path through the use of the main (first)
exercise. A person who is not ill at the time of reading my book, might find Section III – Goals, a
more appropriate place for them to start, though they might have to page back to understand some
aspects of that chapter.

Juanita: Do you feel family of origin illnesses leave someone genetically predisposed to the same
problems, or is this a learned response?

Jamie: I look at a family of origin illness on a deeper level. Keep in mind that I am not a doctor, this
is about taking an inner journey whether alongside of traditional treatment, before treatment is
needed, or after the fact. I spend about 100 pages on goals and heritage (the two are linked like
conjoined twins) and this is one of the most important sections in my book. Let me briefly explain it
like this. Our grandparents accomplished some things, and failed at some things. They passed these
on to our parents both by influence and by experience. Then our parents did the same, passing them
to us. Now here we are with these same influences, experiences, and innate challenges. Some we
will succeed at over-coming, some we will pass on to our children. How does this tie into illnesses?
It is through our illnesses that we can find the hidden meanings of our innate challenges. Whoa …
what? Think about this for a moment … If you knew where some gold was hidden, and you needed
it, would not you make a straight-for-it beeline to get it? But if you did not know where the gold was,
maybe you'd only heard rumor that it existed, you might stumble and stall in trying to find it. What I
do in my book is explain how you can find the meaning and purpose of your life. To do so means
looking at where you parents and others have been (along with a few other keys). Then once you
know what it is you are looking for, it is easy to find it and achieve it. Yes, there are still challenges,
life is full of them, but you know where you are heading and that makes you more powerful.

Juanita: Jamie, self help / inspirational books are at the forefront of the market right now. Why do
you think so many people are feeling lost, overwhelmed, in need of help?

Jamie: We live in a society where we treat the symptom and not the cause. Give me a pill! Is there a
surgery for this? Plus we receive solace from sharing our misery with our friends – who are also
suffering. (Remember the saying, "misery loves company?") Think of a symptom like a leak in a
Holland dam. We plug the hole with our finger. Soon a leak appears somewhere else. We stick
another finger in that hole. However, the underlying problem is not the small holes appearing in the
dam, perhaps it is faulty construction or a severe increase in back flow. The point is that the dam
will continue to sprout leaks or give way entirely until the underlying cause is addressed. Illness is a
symptom of an underlying emotional cause. I did not make this up. Some of the greatest
psychologists of our time have proven this.

Juanita: What were some of the "ah-ha's" your myriad of complaints and illnesses taught you?

Jamie: (Laughs) Well, this will sound kind of silly, but most of them are embarrassing things, the
kind of things you do not really want to share with someone. I am also hesitant to say, even though I
give lots of examples in my book, because, again, my personal conclusions are not transferable to
someone else. There are a lot of subtleties and intuitive nuances, an individual has his or her own bag
of experiences and correlations. I do not want people to get the idea that because I found cancer to be
a message about standing up for myself, that it would be for them too. It likely would not. My
personal answers were based on my personal associations. When I help others find the meanings of
their ailments, I first have to get them thinking in terms of word associations, stereotypes, and
common sayings. (What a pain in the neck! Bite your tongue! Get off my back …) Then we start
working backwards as to what feelings and connections those associations tie in with. For example,
just the other day, a fellow was telling me he had four nerves removed from a tooth during a root
canal. I said, "Something in your life must really be hitting a nerve." We talked about what sort of
things he associated with teeth, nerves, and also about the type of pain he was experiencing. The
words we use to describe things often lead to an direction as well. This fellow said "the dentist had
to 'burn out' the nerves. "Was he suffering from major life 'burn out'? Only he knows for sure.

Juanita: Most people are completely unaware of the thought that transformation healing comes
from a deeply personal inward journey that is available to each of us at anytime. Why do you think
we have lost the ability to recognize our own innate healing powers?

Jamie: It's easier to take a pill. And … we have been programmed that taking a pill is the way to do
things. For most of us, using intuition and mind over matter are foreign from what we are taught at
home, in school, via the media, and through our interactions with others. Suggesting that we rely on
intuition is asking us to go against all we have been taught. That is hard very hard to do. What we are
talking about is BELIEF. If you've seen the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know," then you'll
understand what I'm talking about.

Juanita: I have heard that you do one-on-one consultations. How may your readers contact you if
they would like further help?

Jamie: I am in the process of revamping my website to make contacting me easier. I find I do my
best consultations via email because it gives the participant a chance to thing through their answers –
and this is a thinking type process. I am also planning to unveil a web-driven e-course later this year,
and I will soon be offering intensive retreats and day-long workshops.

Juanita: Jamie, your life story and book serve as such inspiration. You have a very unique way to
look at illness, wellness, and healing which will be refreshing to your readers. Do you have any last
thoughts you'd like to share today?

Jamie: To me, the book is meaningless unless people actually do the exercises and put them into
practice. Reading the book is a nice thing but it will not change your life. Doing the exercises and
implementing these keys will. I know this because I have lived it. Really, that is what the whole book
is about … how I used these simple principals to gain what I wanted most. I am doing things today
that were bigger than I ever could have dreamed. I did not know they were possible … for me … yet
all I did was just to draw some stick figures on an index card.

Disclaimer: Jamie L. Saloff is not a doctor and does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique
as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems either directly or indirectly, without the advice of a physician.
The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional well-
being and good health. In the event you use any of the information in her book, from her website or from her emails for
yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Source by Juanita Watson

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Top Bluetooth Wireless Headsets

Bluetooth headsets make up one of the fastest wireless markets here in the US and around the world. Headsets with Bluetooth wireless technology are capable of working with a variety of other Bluetooth enabled devices such as cell phones, PDAs, and digital music devices (like the iPod). Unlike conventional headsets, Bluetooth headsets do not require wires of any sort, but rather receive information from your portable device through 2.4GHz radio waves. The range of communication for most headsets is somewhere around 10 feet, which is usually plenty long.

Not surprisingly, there are a wide variety of Bluetooth headsets out there, and it really comes down to tastes in styles and preferred features as to which one is right for you. You'll want to make sure, for instance, that your Bluetooth device – whether it be an iPod, laptop, or PDA – will work with your chosen headphones. Here we list below some of the most popular Bluetooth headsets and their relevant features.

Logitech Mobile Bluetooth Headset

Logitech's Bluetooth headset is a real competitor in the market. It is a solid product with a dependable brand name, fully capable of providing sound connection between your cell phone and the headset. The device is entirely compatible with most major Bluetooth phones, but you may have to look into its compatibility with other devices. Like most headsets, the device can clip easily to either ear. It comes with an adjustable, swing-out boom that includes a noise-blocking microphone. The battery unit is rechargeable and is capable of giving you about 7 hours of talk time.

Motorola Bluetooth Headsets

Motorola currently has two stylish Bluetooth headsets on the market: the HS810 and HS820, and one soon to be released: the HS850. The HS810 and HS820 are very similar in style and shape.

Both devices are, of course, Bluetooth enabled and can thereby communicate with Bluetooth 1.1 compliant devices, including handsets, PDAs and computers. The device is compatible with the Motorola V600 and V710 phones. The HS810 and HS820 both weigh about 20 grams, and the HS820 has a slightly longer talk time range of 6 hours, compared with the HS810's 5 hours max. They both can run on standby for 100 hours. The HS820 has the ability to communicate with your phone up to 33 feet away, and is equipped with a couple nice features: conference call and voice dialing. The HS810 sells for $ 99.00 and the HS820 for $ 79.00.

Information concerning the newest headset by Motorola, the HS850, has just recently been released. Those lucky enough to have tested and reviewed this device have, so far, given it high marks. Like it predecessors, the HS850 has a simple yet attractive design. The main casing is black, with silver around the control area (image below). One of the more innovative features of this device is the flip-on connection system that enables the headset to connect with your phone as soon as you flip it open.

Jabra FreeSpeak Bluetooth Headsets

Jabra, a leading provider of hands-free communication devices is optimistic about its newest headset the Jabra FreeSpeak FS258 released recently in Malaysia. Weighing only 23 grams, the FS258 is the lightest behind-the-ear device produced by Jabra. The company is encouraged by a new trend in the US towards banning the use of cell phones while driving is some states, such as New Jersey.

Source by Bradley James

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Individual vs. Family Health Insurance Plans – What's The Difference?

Healthcare certainly is not getting any cheaper in the USA, which mean finding the right health insurance plan to suit your budget is not an easy thing to do. However if you work out what you need from a health insurance plan, and who and what you need covered, that will be a big help in making the decision about what type of plan will work best for you and your family.

Health Insurance Plans For Individuals

This is pretty straightforward – this is a health insurance plan that's designed to just cover one person, probably you. If you only have yourself to cover, there's no doubt that choosing an individual health insurance plan is the right decision to make. However there can still be a wide variation in the cost of an individual insurance plan, based on what type and level of coverage you choose.

An indemnity plan, which is the more traditional type of health insurance plan that most of us are familiar with, covers you no matter which doctor you choose to see and whatever procedures you need to have done. You can choose different levels of deductibles and out-of-pocket limits, so costs can vary. This is generally the more expensive option in health insurance, but that may be worthwhile if freedom of choice is important to you.

You can also get a managed plan, which is similar to an HMO, and these are certainly more cost effective. But in return, you give up most of your freedom of choice. Usually you will have to choose a doctor from an approved list, and specialists can only be seen by referral. However if you're generally in good health and only see your doctor once a year for a check-up or the occasional minor illness, it may be worth trading off choice for cost. You are still covered for health emergencies; it's just a little more complicated.

If you want to add dental and prescription coverage, it can usually be added to either type of health insurance plan for an additional cost.

Health Insurance Plans For Families

Again, this is self-explanatory – these are health insurance plans that cover all the members of your family. Naturally, as more than one person is covered, the cost is higher than for an individual plan. Generally speaking, the bigger your family, the more you will pay. The cost can vary enormously based on the gender, ages, whether or not one family member smokes and so on. You can take out an indemnity plan for your family and will have the same freedom of choice as you find in individual plans. If you have multiple people covered, this can be a bonus.

If you're not so concerned about choice, then financially you'll be better off choosing a managed health care package for your family. This works the same way as it does for individuals, but will cost more. However it's still cheaper than an indemnity plan.

Health Insurance Plans For Groups

If you're an employee, it's possible that your employer may offer some form of group insurance coverage, and pay some or most of the premium. You can usually still choose between the two main types of health insurance, so the policy you choose will determine the final cost to you.

Source by Tim Gorman

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Difficulties in Curing Gastric Ulcer

Stomach ulcer, also referred to as gastric ulcer is a serious disorder that causes open lesions at the level of the stomach. Gastric ulcer commonly affects people with ages over 50 and it has the highest incidence in the female gender. Although there are many factors that can lead to the development of gastric ulcer, the disorder generally occurs due poor blood circulation in the lining of the stomach and an overproduction of digestive fluids. Infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria is also a major cause of gastric ulcers. These bacteria weaken the stomach walls, enabling gastric acids to cause inflammation and ulcerations to the mucosal protective cover of the stomach. In addition, Helicobacter pylori bacteria trigger an overproduction of digestive fluids, thus allowing the ulcer to progress further.

Gastric ulcer usually occurs in the region of the posterior stomach wall, in the proximity of the pyloric orifice. In the initial stage of the disease, the ulcer appears as a circular lesion with a diameter of 1-2 cm. In the absence of proper medical treatment, the ulcer can expand, causing a wide hole in the stomach wall. This complication is referred to as perforated ulcer and it is considered to be a medical emergency. Along with internal bleeding, perforated ulcer accounts for thousands of annual deaths in the United States.

The progression of gastric ulcer does not follow an exact pattern. In some cases, the ulcer can evolve slowly, generating mild, almost unperceivable symptoms, while sometimes the ulcer can evolve rapidly, generating intense, ongoing abdominal pain and burn. When gastric ulcer evolves latently, doctors usually experience great difficulties in tracing and diagnosing the disease. Often, gastric ulcers are revealed long after they become serious, rendering people with the disorder susceptible to a wide range of life-threatening complications.

The most common symptom of gastric ulcer is abdominal pain. The pain is usually ongoing and it tends to intensify after meals and during the night. Some people experience such pronounced pain that they can not even tolerate clothing. Constipation, nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms of gastric ulcer. Vomiting of blood is a clear sign of complication.

There is no specific cure for gastric ulcer in present. Although some patients respond well to treatments with antacids and antibiotics, others may experience a relapse soon after completing the course of medications. Gastric ulcer has a pronounced chronic character and most people are confronted with it for years. Multiple gastric ulcers are even more difficult to overcome and they require ongoing medical treatment.

Although gastric ulcer can not always be cured, medical treatments can prevent its progression and alleviate its generated symptoms. Along with an appropriate diet, the medication treatments available nowadays can minimize the risk of complications.

Source by Groshan Fabiola

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Easy Guide to Buy Digital Camcorders and DVD Camcorders

A camcorder is a portmanteau word made by combining 'Camera' and 'recorder'. A camcorder is a portable television camera and videocassette recorder. It is an electronic device for recording video images and audio onto a storage device. It contains both camera and recorder in one unit. The camcorders generally contain digital cameras. A camcorder having digital camera or digital technology is known as digital camcorder. A camcorder having dvd facility is dvd camcorder. A camcorder is powered with a camcorder battery.

Sony introduced the first camcorder in 1983, followed by Kodak in 1984. The first camcorders combined the video-camera with an existing full-size VHS / Betamax recorder. These camcorders were large devices that required a sturdy tripod or strong shoulders to stably support the camera's bulk. The majority of these were designed for right-handed operation, except a few that possessed ambidextrous ergonomics.

Sony introduced the first HandyCam camcorder in 1984. The HandyCam could be held and operated entirely within the palm of the operator's hand, made possible by the 8mm video format.

The lens, imager, and recorder are the three major components of a camcorder. The lens gathers and focuses light on the imager. The imager (usually a CCD (charge-coupled device) or CMOS sensor IC on modern camcorders; earlier examples often used vidicon tubes) converts incident light into an electrical (video) signal. Finally, the recorder encodes the video signal into a storable form. The optics and imager are commonly referred to as the camera section.

The recent times are witnessing a great revolution in the camcorders. The camcorders with ultra modern technology are in the market. The mainstream consumer market favors ease of use, portable cheap camcorders and discount camcorders.

There is a great number of websites offering bulks of info on camcorders, cheap camcorders and discount camcorders. There are numerous online sources offers camcorder articles & blogs, camcorder review, digital camcorder review, sony camcorder review, canon camcorder review, sharp camcorder review, kodak camcorder review etc. The guys planning to buy camcorder must go through these reviews and articles, before buying a camcorder.

Source by Sardool Sikandar

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Do You Have a Wounded Moon?

Astrologers have known about the wounded Moon for centuries, but most psychologists, therapists, and psychiatrists are totally oblivious to how this affliction affects the life of an individual.

What is a wounded Moon?

When the outer planets of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto form a negative relation to a person's Moon in their birth chart, they are emotionally wounded. This is not a rare occurrence. It is often found in the charts of many people. It is important to realize that the Moon in your birth chart shows how you receive and give nurturing. When our Moon is afflicted by the outer planets, we often feel totally unstained emotionally by life.

A skilled astrologer can see these aspects immediately and can determine how these planets impact your emotional life.

Here Are Some Indications of a Wounded Moon

When Saturn has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart:

Saturn has often been called "the leaden planet" because its dark energy leads a person to feel heavy, emotionally depressed, and blocked from any sense of inner nurturing. They are often unaware of the cause of this depression. This person was born depressed, because their life began in a depressing environment. The nurturing energy of the mother (the Moon) was denied them. Even though the mother may be present after birth, the child gets the message that she is cold and uncaring. This Saturn aspect indicates that the mother does not sustain the child emotionally. There may be karmic conditions in which she has no choice. But, regardless of the circumstances, the child feels unloved and unprotected by the mother.

When Uranus has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart:

When Uranus afflicts the Moon it creates a volatile energy and indicates an emotionally rebellious individual. They can not tolerate any restrictions or boundaries in their personal life. They may have had some traumatic birth experience where they had a hard time getting out of the womb. This experience could be the cause of why they have such strong reactions to being restricted in any way. Their attitude toward their mother or other family members may be unreasonable and emotionally reactive. They seem to be very touchy individuals and can "fly off the handle" in an instant.

When Neptune has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart:

A Moon that is afflicted by Neptune often reveals a deep sadness in the person. They feel that they were abandoned by the mother and feel totally unsustained by her. This condition creates very deep emotional needs and often leads the person to become a caretaker of others in order to feel nurtured themselves. They have a great "need to be needed" and will often sacrifice their own life caring for others. In this way, they feel connected emotionally. They have a strong feeling that they have never had a home and feel cut off from any inner nurturing.

When Pluto has a negative relationship to the Moon in the birth chart:

This is a very deep and painful affliction which creates tremendous anxiety within the individual. When there is even a hint that their security is threatened, they will burst out in a most terrifying rage. Much of this exists in their imagination, but nevertheless, very real to them. To most people the event that triggered the rage seems like a very minor one. The negative outburst seems totally uncalled for. This person is always "putting out fires" which do not really exist. They often react with such intensity that people tend to avoid their company. They can be very coercive and emotionally demanding, and they find it practically impossible to adjust their needs to the needs of others. They are simply too busy trying to take care of their own security needs to be bothered by those of other people.

If you suspect that you may have a wounded Moon, talk to a skilled astrologer. He will help you understand how you are set up emotionally and will provide you with suggestions on what you can do to change or work with the energy.

Source by Randall Curtis

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Health And Safety Tips For Senior Travelers

There are many perks to retirement. The biggest of which can be the many activities you will now be able to participate in, since your time is your own. It is also a time when many people decide to travel.

This is a great time to vacation since; you are not necessarily tied to a specific date for your return. One of the biggest concerns, however, is that there are often health issues that keep people from traveling,
as they would like.

Still, there are ways to take care of yourself and take your dream vacation. It just involves paying special attention to your health needs, and a little preparation before embarking on the trip of a lifetime. Below are some health and safety tips that will point you in the right direction.

Be sure you are clear on all of your necessary medication. No matter what time zone you are in, make certain you take your medication at the regularly appointed time, and that you are diligent in doing so. Whether you travel by car, plane, or bus, this is still a crucial part of your everyday routine, so be sure it receives the proper attention.

Know how your insurance works in different parts of the country, or even the world. If you are unsure about what your insurance will cover, and where it will and will not cover it, ask your carrier to provide you with this information. Make sure you understand it before leaving for your trip. This is still very important even if you do not have a pre-existing health condition.

If you find that it does not, consider purchasing a short-term health insurance policy that will help you should you need it. Short-term policies that are designed to specifically cover travel are available,
so ask your carrier about them if you find this is something you will need.

Always carry your insurance information with you. This is essential at all times, but can be especially important should you suddenly become ill and require the help of others in receiving the proper medical

Consider wearing a medical bracelet. If you are allergic to any foods or medications, or have any pre-existing medical conditions, that those around you will not be aware of, they may not be able to help you in an emergency situation. Having this information on hand will assist others in quickly assessing the situation and providing you with the help you need.

Another good idea for those with pre-existing medical conditions who plan on traveling outside of their country of residence, is to carry a letter explaining your condition written by your primary care physician.

This will help medical officials know how to treat you should an emergency occur.

It will also help them understand what your past treatment of the condition has been, and how to best assist you. If you need a passport, make sure you fill in all the required emergency information. Doing this will provide others with a name, address, and phone number of an emergency contact, should the need arise. It will also help to facilitate identification in the case of an accident that leaves you unconscious or incoherent.

Source by Daniel L Wilson

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.info Freedom Frenzy

Whether you're someone that registers domain names on a regular basis, or you're a person looking to register one domain name for your website or business, then it's likely that you've encountered the free .info registrations taking place at several registrars .

I've encountered a lot of debate regarding the free .info giveaways. Some think that this free rush will decrease the value of the domain extension, while others insist that no matter what the price, certain domains maintain value due to the high demand of the keywords.

The best thing we could do to maintain the value of the .info is to only register the extension appropriate keywords. I've seen a lot of random, and worse, profitless .info domain names being registered for the sake of being free. This does not really help the .info market, especially when I've personally come across several hundred domain names that match perfectly with the extension, and are still available for registration.

The .info should be used for exactly the purpose it was designed. For information. Anything else would just be impractical. It's not difficult to find worthwhile terms to match with the .info extension. Do some research. Visit your favorite directory and browse through for topics. I've found hundreds of available extension appropriate terms using this method. Forget the strategy you've been using to find .com's, and other such extensions. The .info is a very special extension, and should be treated as such.

This is not to limit you, quite the contrary. This is a great opportunity for many people to register valuable domain names at little to no cost whatsoever. If you spend a little extra time to find better registration choices, then it will pay off in the end. Rushing out to register the first thing that comes to mind for the sake of doing it will not benefit you, or anyone else in the end, especially come renewal time.

Another tip is to only register names that would be worth registering if you were paying out of your pocket for them. Also only register names that would be worth the renewal cost. Chances are if you avoid these two tips, it will not even be worth it to you to park your ineffective domains at a revenue bearing parking service. Think before you register. Be sure that there is a way that you can profit from this opportunity, whether it be in reselling, developing, or parking. Quick, thoughtless registrations of the .info are counterproductive, and should be avoided at all costs.

Source by Jennifer Chiera

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Lobsterfest Party for the Graduate!

It can be a real treat for the student graduating from college or high school to have a nice lobster dinner, but you can make it a lot more fun by turning it into a Lobsterfest. This way you take off some of the pressure required of eating at a fine restaurant, plus everyone gets to don their bibs and dig right into the delicious feast. The guests will love this feastival of seafood.

Colors for this party are red, white, blue and gray. Look for some fun checkered tablecloths that you can clip to the table because this party is usually held outdoors. If you hold the party indoors, make sure you have it in a party area large enough to hold a table full of guests all vying for another helping of lobster tail. Hang up lots of streamers in the party area and you can also wrap the streamers around the table and chair legs for extra decorative effect. Balloons for the party can be a good idea but tie them in an area away from the table and the food so they will not get in the way.

Wall murals can add the beach scenery to a Lobsterfest held indoors. Most of these wall murals are around 5 feet in length and printed on a latex paper that can easily be pasted to the wall. Leave it up after the party for the graduate to enjoy. Do not forget to customize a graduation banner in the name of your graduate guest of honor.

Favors handed out to the guests as they leave the party will help to make that lasting impression. You can make up small goodie bags filled with candy, stickers, customized pens and pencils, and even some graduation key chains. Blue or red votive candles make a lovely addition to the goodie bag and they are inexpensive.

Source by Gail Leino

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Honoring The Best Of You In Spite Of Challenges

To create your life, may I ask you a life question? You’re on a desert island with a young person that you love.  You only had one chance at telling them the most important thing in life. What one piece of advice about life would  you tell them? This advice would be the way that YOU see -what’s  import in your  life. We are all changed by our life’s challenges, this is true. Our lives evolve, from the time we are infants to children to adults. We all change as a result of our private life experiences. Some are bad experiences

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Tuesday 25 October 2016

7 Success Tips For Work From Home Entrepreneurs

Successful work from home entrepreneurs have one thing in common which is discipline. When I got started online I jumped two feet in without really understanding the learning curve and the discipline needed to see great results. Often times I found myself forgetting my reason for even starting a home business opportunity as a result of shortcomings that most of us see early on. The major reason for the shortcomings was I was too focused on making money and not providing valuable tips and strategies that solve a problem – which would make a smoother transition to presenting my opportunity! Although taking an

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I Never Lose: Network Marketing Training

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Monday 24 October 2016

Post Planner Connects You To Influencers

Post Planner Connects You To Influencers, helping you to run a robust “influencer marketing” campaign. If you don’t know what influencer marketing is all about, I’ll catch you up to speed. Special Affiliate Offer: Invitation To Post Planner The Hottest Marketing Strategy Influencer marketing is exactly what it sounds like. You develop a network of marketers, give them some love and kindness and build as deep a relationship with them as you can. Yes, it’s pretty much a one way street. You promote their content by linking to it on social media sites. You leave comments on their posts. You

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Sunday 23 October 2016

What Is Crippling Your Rise To The Top Of Your Dream

Do you Suffer from Excusitis?  Who Knows…. What in the World is Excusitis? Excusisits is a terrible crippling disease, that can actually last a lifetime once it takes hold.  It destroys people’s will, it causes them to live in conditions that are intolerable, it leaves them broke financially and emotionally. The good news is that it can be beaten, and recovery is possible but it is not easy as it hides in your body in many nefarious ways. My Story I have a long history with excusitis, as I think I’ve finally got the thing beaten and I’m on the

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Saturday 22 October 2016

Permanent Cure For Back Pain

Nowadays, lower back pain is on the list of common disorders, which is why we are anxious to find a cure for back pain. Back pain, especially the lower back ache is a chronic condition where the patient suffers from a persistent mild or sharp pain in their back. Besides, the pain may accompany stiffness, burning, tingling and numbness. If you are looking for the best cure for this pain, Ayurveda is the answer. Let’s take a look at the causes and treatment methods of the lower back pain in Ayurveda. Causes For Back Pain Mostly, backache is the result of the poor posture. With balanced posture, you can reduce […]

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How to Select a Perfect Niche for Your Blog?

Do you want to start a new blog? Editors Note: PAC welcomes Guest Blogger Robin Khokhar And don’t know on what Niche or topic you should start a blog. Well, in this post I will help you to select a niche for your blog. And will also explain you that which niche can help to earn money online and which niche will help to become a reputed author. Choosing a right niche is important because Google gives more preference to the sites which have a single niche instead of a multi-niche. Why must you choose a Perfect Niche For your

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Friday 21 October 2016

Million Dollar Interview with Whitney Husband

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Write Right So Your Readers Can Read Well

Write right so your readers can read well! As a freelance writer, editor, and educational professional, this is probably one of my biggest pet peeves: the lack of clarity in the way many people write. I’m talking about writing coherent sentences by making sure nouns, pronouns, and verbs coordinate with one another, and not mixing up plural and possessive forms of words. Also, spelling…I mean, really, with spell checkers in so many applications and even online, there is practically no reason to misspell anything. It’s still possible to use the wrong word (especially mixing up homonyms/homophones or words that sound

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Tuesday 18 October 2016

Happy National Cook With Your Kid Day

  National “Cook With Your Kid” Day was Saturday, October 15th and was a great day to invite your kids into the kitchen – something you can still do! This is an opportunity to bond, teach them about nutrition and just have fun together. So how do you get your kids to want to do it? It’s simple! Plan to cook their favorite foods together, let them pick a new recipe or just experiment and see what comes out of it. Below are a few recipes to get you started. Guacamole has always been a favorite at our house, no

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Blitz Days to Boost Your Network Marketing Business

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Monday 17 October 2016

Build A Targeted Audience Utilizing Facebook

  Build A Targeted Audience Utilizing Facebook Facebook is giving us the opportunity to pick and choose our targeted audience so that you can find your perfect prospects, followers, and clients for your business. No matter what kind of business you are running, you can use Facebook to build your clientele faster and cheaper. If you look around, you will find that a significant percentage of the top marketers and business owners are using Facebook as an advertising tool. It is a powerful tool to have in your toolbox. Facebook advertising can make your entire marketing process a whole lot

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The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

build rapport with the power of listeningOne of the most vital skills for any effective communicator is the have the power of listening. The skill of listening isn’t taught in school, and it’s something that should be developed more. Listening is a powerful skill that can be learned effectively and practiced. It’s amazing how much more respect and esteem you will get by listening rather than talking constantly.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes you can link a specific phrase to someone? I once knew a guy called Ray kept saying “I hear you” when he was listening to me talking. Even though I liked this characteristic, I often wondered whether he was saying that because he actually heard, or that he maybe disagreed with what I was saying. It may have just been a habit and he wasn’t listening anyway.

Either way, there is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing refers to the physical dimension of the hearing process, which is when sound waves strike the ear and the brain processes them into meaningful information. To “listen” actually involves far more than hearing what someone says. This will mean a person paying attention and focusing on the subject in order to understand and respond appropriately.

Understanding More Using The Power Of Listening

Humans have basic and complex needs. Among the most basic is the need to understand and to be understood. The most effective way to understand people is by listening to them. Not only that, when people realize you have truly listened to them, you’ll gain more than just their respect, they will value you and recognize your credibility to speak.

Consider you own feelings when someone really listens to what you have to say.

It makes you feel good doesn’t it? You actually feel understood and there is a better “connection” to the person who is listening. When they show interest, you feel they really care.

An Important Element Of The Power Of Listening Is The Ability To Attend.

To be able to be in “attend” mode is where we focus in on a message and filter out others that are distracting us. It’s being able to focus on what a person is saying, and ignoring everything around us that’s happening at the same time.

Someone said once that the reason history repeats itself is due no one listening the first time around. The first time I heard that, I realized history had a habit of repeating itself, especially around bedtime at home! That was when my kids practiced attending. Focusing on what they were doing (not homework I hasten to add), they would ignore me because every time I reminded them it was bedtime!

Our overwhelming urge to talk is one of the biggest distractions to attending.

talking can kill the power of listeningThe desire to talk is immense and it’s so powerful that while the other person is talking, we are actively thinking about what to say next, and waiting for our opportunity to speak. When we are focusing on what we are going to say or interject. Our attention drifts away from what the person is saying to our own thoughts. We may appear to be interested and attentive, but we can distracted by our thoughts or something else that’s happening at the same time so easily it’s frightening! This is perhaps the point where we do fall into hearing and not listening. Our attention has drifted onto other things and is therefore not concentrated on understanding and responding.

True listening is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced. This is because the mind functions seven times more quickly than it’s possible to speak. The mind needs to be slowed down so that we can focus on what the person is saying without paying attention to other thoughts or distractions that are irrelevant to the situation.

An Example Of The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

This example comes from “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

One thing Jack writes about in the book is how to use the power of listening to build rapport and connections with people. This is the result from a series of four questions used in Jack’s personal and business situations. The questions are asked one after another.

The first time he tried this was with his sister, Kim. He asked the first question and listened to her answer. When she finished, he asked the next question, and continued after he got the answer through all the questions.

After all this, Kim smiled said to him “That’s the best conversation I think we’ve ever had. I feel so clear and focused. I know exactly what I need to go and do now.  Thank you” He was amazed as he hadn’t said a word except to ask the four questions, and had resisted the inclination to jump in with his own responses. Jack has found that this works every time and frequently uses this method.

It may be useful to look this up and craft your own questions. The important thing is to site and listen to the answers and avoid the urge to respond in any way. The answers given by the person can be just the thing they are actually looking for to gain clarity in a given situation. This seemed to be the case in the example of Jack Canfield’s sister.

Take a moment to think of a question, or ultimately a series of questions you could use to practice actively listening, and resisting the temptation to speak. When you have the opportunity, use your question or questions to experience a great way to build rapport with others through the power of listening.


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The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

build rapport with the power of listeningOne of the most vital skills for any effective communicator is the have the power of listening. The skill of listening isn’t taught in school, and it’s something that should be developed more. Listening is a powerful skill that can be learned effectively and practiced. It’s amazing how much more respect and esteem you will get by listening rather than talking constantly.

Isn’t it funny how sometimes you can link a specific phrase to someone? I once knew a guy called Ray kept saying “I hear you” when he was listening to me talking. Even though I liked this characteristic, I often wondered whether he was saying that because he actually heard, or that he maybe disagreed with what I was saying. It may have just been a habit and he wasn’t listening anyway.

Either way, there is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing refers to the physical dimension of the hearing process, which is when sound waves strike the ear and the brain processes them into meaningful information. To “listen” actually involves far more than hearing what someone says. This will mean a person paying attention and focusing on the subject in order to understand and respond appropriately.

Understanding More Using The Power Of Listening

Humans have basic and complex needs. Among the most basic is the need to understand and to be understood. The most effective way to understand people is by listening to them. Not only that, when people realize you have truly listened to them, you’ll gain more than just their respect, they will value you and recognize your credibility to speak.

Consider you own feelings when someone really listens to what you have to say.

It makes you feel good doesn’t it? You actually feel understood and there is a better “connection” to the person who is listening. When they show interest, you feel they really care.

An Important Element Of The Power Of Listening Is The Ability To Attend.

To be able to be in “attend” mode is where we focus in on a message and filter out others that are distracting us. It’s being able to focus on what a person is saying, and ignoring everything around us that’s happening at the same time.

Someone said once that the reason history repeats itself is due no one listening the first time around. The first time I heard that, I realized history had a habit of repeating itself, especially around bedtime at home! That was when my kids practiced attending. Focusing on what they were doing (not homework I hasten to add), they would ignore me because every time I reminded them it was bedtime!

Our overwhelming urge to talk is one of the biggest distractions to attending.

talking can kill the power of listeningThe desire to talk is immense and it’s so powerful that while the other person is talking, we are actively thinking about what to say next, and waiting for our opportunity to speak. When we are focusing on what we are going to say or interject. Our attention drifts away from what the person is saying to our own thoughts. We may appear to be interested and attentive, but we can distracted by our thoughts or something else that’s happening at the same time so easily it’s frightening! This is perhaps the point where we do fall into hearing and not listening. Our attention has drifted onto other things and is therefore not concentrated on understanding and responding.

True listening is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced. This is because the mind functions seven times more quickly than it’s possible to speak. The mind needs to be slowed down so that we can focus on what the person is saying without paying attention to other thoughts or distractions that are irrelevant to the situation.

An Example Of The Power Of Listening And Building Rapport

This example comes from “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

One thing Jack writes about in the book is how to use the power of listening to build rapport and connections with people. This is the result from a series of four questions used in Jack’s personal and business situations. The questions are asked one after another.

The first time he tried this was with his sister, Kim. He asked the first question and listened to her answer. When she finished, he asked the next question, and continued after he got the answer through all the questions.

After all this, Kim smiled said to him “That’s the best conversation I think we’ve ever had. I feel so clear and focused. I know exactly what I need to go and do now.  Thank you” He was amazed as he hadn’t said a word except to ask the four questions, and had resisted the inclination to jump in with his own responses. Jack has found that this works every time and frequently uses this method.

It may be useful to look this up and craft your own questions. The important thing is to site and listen to the answers and avoid the urge to respond in any way. The answers given by the person can be just the thing they are actually looking for to gain clarity in a given situation. This seemed to be the case in the example of Jack Canfield’s sister.

Take a moment to think of a question, or ultimately a series of questions you could use to practice actively listening, and resisting the temptation to speak. When you have the opportunity, use your question or questions to experience a great way to build rapport with others through the power of listening.


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9 Steps To Optimise And Share Your Blog On Pinterest

  If you are a Blogger, then I’d love you to action these 9 steps to optimize and share your blog on Pinterest. Put simply, that means you are making it really easy for people to share your blog content, but also optimizing those shares, by setting things up so Pinterest ♥︎’s your Pins when they get there 😊 And of course, you want people to be following your Pinterest profile too! Why use Pinterest? It is super easy to connect your blog and Pinterest, and remember that posts pinned to Pinterest will stay there, waiting to be discovered by chance… or

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