Friday 29 July 2016

Developing Alliances And Value With Cooperation In Business

forming alliances and business cooperationHaving worked in the construction industry in the past, I understand the value of alliances and business cooperation. Even though I worked as a sub-contractor to the main developing contractor as an electrician, it’s vital to coordinate and program the work together as a team. Of course, the main contractor sets out the schedule, but communication is paramount to keep everything running smoothly with a successful outcome.

If one thing goes “out of kilter” it can create real problems for the project and is generally unnecessary in my experience. It may be as crazy as one “ego” against another, which is against all the principles which I was encouraged to work in. Business cooperation and building alliances between trade company representatives who work on any project, from the smallest to the largest, is key. “Getting on” with your work mates, no matter what trade they are in, is the obvious way forward for anyone. The value to the customer also improves because of the way the job has come together and completed efficiently.

This proves that a construction project will run better when there is good communication, a feeling of “fitting in” with the whole thing and working TOGETHER! Egos are discouraged because they get in the way, but, as in many life models, they do exist. The greatest success is always based on the best cooperation and the best alliances.

Developing Alliances And Business Cooperation Online.

When I started working online, I believe that this cooperation can prove healthy in any business and developing alliances can only be a good thing. Of course, there is already a culture of cooperation and alliances with things like affiliate programs. Those who develop the products and sell them using affiliates are in effect using “sub-contractors” to whom they pay a commission for getting more sales.

Any form of business can use this cooperation principle, whether it’s in affiliate programs, ad coops or even in blogging. A newbie blogger needs to learn the right skills and build their confidence. When the internet was in its infancy, a new blogger learned much the same as they do now, but without the massive competition that is around now. It can be daunting at the very least writing and publishing a blog these days because of the millions of sites out there.

The questions arise:

  • How can I get seen?
  • How can I promote my website and get it ranked?
  • Am I WASTING my time?

What they need is SUPPORT. That’s where an alliance or club that offers help and guidance to a new blogger comes into its own, and they can only benefit. Working with other online business owners and bloggers takes a lot of the overwhelm out of getting that first post written and published. Encouragement from the community, however small, is essential to helping the new blogger to continue and flourish.

cooperation and alliances for business ownersThe newbie learns new skills and then shares the value in their new blog posts. Because of the alliance with other business owners, that content gets shared. From this point it can start to get interesting. It’s not too common for things to happen “overnight”, but imagine writing something that really connects with people and goes viral! The magic of the internet is you don’t know what will happen until it’s out there. Some things will happen and others won’t. The important thing is to consistently keep learning and keep sharing that value and you will progress.

Another great way to develop alliances is to subscribe to other blogs and comment on them. You will get noticed and can start to receive more traffic from this. This is extremely valuable if you find relevant niche related content to expand your influence and you use blogging for your business.

Business Cooperation And Alliances Through Groups.

Having been involved over time in tribes and small work groups to encourage progression with my business and my blog, one of the best places I have found is the Power Affiliate Club (PAC). There are several expert authors, of which I am privileged to be one, all of whom are willing to help new bloggers to move forward. It may be with simple advice, but also with encouragement to move forward and create that new blog and see it grow. Everything starts from a seed and grows to a flourishing plant when tendered for carefully and nurtured. Online business and blogging requires the same. If you have several people helping to feed and nurture that blog popularity initially, it’s surprising how it can grow and develop.

Everything starts with developing relationships. You can’t have an alliance with nobody. When you have started that relationship, you can form a group on social media or something like that and share your ideas and blogs etc. This is the formation of your own alliance and a good way to create better relationships and build a clientele for the products or business you promote too.

There are many ways to get started, but the important thing is to take that first step. Any new online business owner needs to learn skills, especially communication and generating content to entice people into their circle of influence. Don’t be afraid to work together in an alliance and take advantage of business cooperation to move forward.


Check out other posts from the PAC July Blog Carnival

Blog Carnival

The post Developing Alliances And Value With Cooperation In Business appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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