Saturday 28 April 2018

Talented man modified his piano to play the guitar solo from ‘Hotel California’

It’s actually amazing to think about the possibilities of creating music with modern technology. Give someone a piano, Ableton, and a MIDI controller and your halfway towards making a record.  

Ron Minis uploaded a video to Youtube on Wednesday titled, “when you want to play guitar solos like the eagles but your Russian parents made you learn piano.”

Minis breaks out a full rendition of the classic guitar solo from The Eagles “Hotel California” with his piano. Even the dog had to appreciate the piano solo. 

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Armando Iannucci: I was saved from being a reject by comedy

Practising Music Improves The Symmetry Of Your Brain

music improves your brain in many waysMusic is a marvellous way to pass the time or simply just entertain you. In this article, which was shared from New Scientist, you will see how music improves your brain symmetry and the benefits of music. It doesn’t matter whether you just listen or actively play and practice music, the advantages are amazing.

How Do We Know Music Improves Your Brain?

I would argue that its impossible to find someone who isn’t moved by a particular song or piece of music. Like storytelling, making music is a universal human trait, shared across all cultures for many thousands of years. It has been found that music improves your brain, inducing powerful emotional responses. A new study in PLOS ONE confirms that music, if we make it our profession, actually rewires the circuitry of our brains.

Music, indubitably, is a very primal form of communication that activates specific centers of our brain: those most associated with reward, planning, motivation and emotion. It is known that learning how to play a musical instrument can alter the brain: a study from back in 2009 demonstrated that prolonged practice increased the size of the centers of the brain responsible for hearing and dexterity. Musicians are also known for being more proficient at identifying pitch, and they are better than most at picking out speech from considerably loud background noise. Somewhat remarkably, they even have an enhanced ability to detect emotional cues in conversations.

Previous research indicates that the tissue that connects the left and right hemispheres of our brains is larger in musicians. Could it be possible that music has the power, therefore, to improve the communication between the two hemispheres?

To see if musicians really did have an improved hemispheric connection over non-musicians, a new study spearheaded by researchers at the University of Jyvskyl in Finland used fMRI scanners to look at the brains of two groups of people: the members of the first were all professional, practising musicians with degrees in music; the second were people who had have never professionally played a musical instrument.

Once inside in the fMRI scanners, the subjects were subjected to three very different pieces of music: classical Stravinsky, Argentinian tango and progressive rock. The researchers were looking for flares in neurological activity in both hemispheres of the brain; as suspected, the patterns of activity in the musicians left and right hemispheres was far more symmetrical than that of non-musicians.

The group of musicians included keyboard players, cellists, violinists, bassoonists and trombone players. Intriguingly, the most symmetrical neurological display of the study was observed in the brains of the keyboard players. The researchers suggest that the kinematic symmetry the symmetry of a musicians physical movements as they play their instrument of choice is directly linked to the level of neurological symmetry they have. Keyboard players have a more mirrored use of both hands and fingers when playing, Iballa Burunat, the lead author of the study, told New Scientist; therefore, they are more likely to have synaptic symmetry than those playing stringed instruments.

As this study only tested the effect that listening to music, not actually playing it, had on the brain, these results suggest that practising musicians genuinely have a rewired brain, one that communicates more effectively than most even after they’ve put down their instruments.


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Friday 27 April 2018

Biggest Instagram Marketing Lies Revealed

Here are the biggest lies about Instagram marketing! Social media marketing ecosystem is rotten with fraud and fake “social media experts”. The lies they spread to control the perception of the industry to advance their interests benefits no one except themselves. Lie #1: Instagram Marketing Does Not Cost You Anything Some marketers think Instagram is an absolutely free platform, and marketing their brands on Instagram would cost them nothing. That’s correct, it’s free! BUT what about your marketing skills and the time you spend on it. Not to mention, the cost of designing posts, hiring a professional photographer if you’re

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Shockingly Simple SYSTEM to Get Leads, Sales and Sign ups

from Diane Hochman

Monday 23 April 2018

9 Ways Clutter Messes With Your Health And Relationships

Are you thinking how clutter messes with your health and relationships? Most people are clueless at how much their clutter affects them. It is only when you decide to start clearing it out that you realize how much better you feel with out it. Watch out for the following main effects that creep into your life. 1.  Clutter can depress you.  Clutter makes your energy become stagnant. It pulls you down and can make you depressed. Feelings of hopelessness emerge compounded by the clutter. In order to be relieved of this feeling, a space needs to be cleared for something new

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Wednesday 18 April 2018

How to Rebuild Your Warm Market

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Best SEO Tips – 15 Actionable Tips To Boost Organic Traffic and SEO in 2018 and beyond

In this article, I will be giving you my best SEO tips, 15 actionable SEO tips that still work in 2018 and beyond that will really help you boost your organic traffic All you have to do is to apply them to your blog or site for a noticeable upturn in your SEO rankings and your traffic.

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Monday 16 April 2018

How to Become An Author or Writer

How to Become An Author or Writer I’ve been online for quite a few years now and most of what I’ve learned and have done in the past has been with some MLMs and affiliate marketing but that’s in the past. It goes with the territory that making money online covers a whole lot of niches and each depends on the other to work.

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Thursday 12 April 2018

Do You have Lady balls?

New promotion “Lady Balls” by Ovarian Cancer Canada. Editor’s note: This article was first published in January 2016. Because of the topic and the author’s current update, it’s important to raise continued support.

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Monday 9 April 2018

The Nature Of Networking

from Diane Hochman

How to Beat Blogging Frustrations Like – No One is Visiting My Site

How to beat blogging frustrations like – no one’s visiting my site or leaving comments? So. Got the blogging boo hoo’s? I totally understand and I’m about to enlighten you from personal experience. And my wish for you is to consider, reflect, and possibly implement my insights and suggestions. Ready? Based on my observations from being online for over 20 years, I’ve noticed one major , common thread with anyone or company business online and it’s this: We are all highly focused on self-promotion. This is the #one source of frustration because you’re not getting, or enough of it, attention

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Finding Your Passion???

from Diane Hochman

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Copy and Copy-writing Tips

Copy and Copy-writing Tips What is Copy? Some people are intimidated when they hear the word “Copy.” The reality is that we are using copy every day when you go out and order our food, in your business, at work, at home, with your kids, your spouse, your friends… A copy is everything we write, say, and read. We can even use it in our thoughts. We have to be aware of how we say things and what is the outcome of our words. So there will be no case of “She said …He heard…” Here is a simple example of using and

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