Wednesday 31 January 2018

Donna Johnson Featured Speaker at the Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing Event

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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5 x Efficient Pinning & Scheduling Techniques for Pinterest

Consider these 5 x Efficient Pinning & Scheduling Techniques for Pinterest to showcase all your Brand products, services, tools, tutorials, testimonials and value on Pinterest… everything that… you create as content you find value from showcases your business builds your brand makes you laugh gives you inspiration or motivation you want to remember you want to buy has to be pinned to a board! Top Tip ~ If you are targeting your niche, whatever resonates with you, will resonate with your audience … so use your Pinterest Boards to showcase your Brand. In order to make the best use of your time, and

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

3 Tips For Successful Business and a Pill

3 Tips For Successful Business and a Pill I want to share with you 3 tips for a successful business that I picked up from a program that I’m going through. I’ll be very transparent with you and will share a little bit of my personal DMO (Daily Method of Operation). I find it fascinating to see that every single person claims they want to be successful and yet so many of us will give up and settle for less. Just recently I was ready to be that person and give up on all my dreams, on my ‘Why’ on so many

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Monday 29 January 2018

How to Create Coming Soon Pages in WordPress

Editors Note: Guest Post by Ivan from Web Factory No matter what people and the advertisers tell you, creating websites actually isn’t that easy. Even if you have years of experience behind you, starting a new site takes time and there’s always a problem or two in your way that you will have to solve. When you’re working with WordPress, some things are definitely easier than starting a site from scratch. There are numberless themes and plugins that will kickstart you and help you with your job. And while you are working on your site, wouldn’t it be great to

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Saturday 27 January 2018

Mostly Blogging With Janice Wald

Janice Wald is focused on helping bloggers to achieve success. Janice is an author, freelance writer, blogger, and blogging coach. She blogs at where she shares tips for bloggers and marketers. Wald has been included in over thirty expert interviews and interview panels and recently published AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BLOG which is available on Amazon. How did you get into blogging? I started reading blogging tips to make my own blog a success and then realized that’s what I wanted to blog about! What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your

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Friday 26 January 2018

Show Me The Money

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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There is a New Old Breed Taking Over the Internet – Can You Guess?

There’s a new old breed taking over the internet. Honestly, seniors, “older people”, are rising way above the image of blue hair and canes! According to Sell to Seniors Statistically, seniors, as a demographic, control 50% of all discretionary income and own about 80% of the wealth in financial institutions. They are at a point where they are comfortable, ready for adventure and eager to spend money on goods and services to enhance their quality of life. Many people over the age of 50 are clamoring to the internet to find a way to generate income to supplement their lifestyle. Some

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Wednesday 24 January 2018

7 Tips for Building Your Audience Using Trending Topics

One of the best ways to attract new people to your audience is to take advantage of trending topics and current events, and weave them into your content. If you can tie your content to current news trends and controversies, you can build a more engaged audience than you might have if you just provide straight information. The key here is that you must know your audience before you attempt this, as it can turn people off. The second key is that you need to be a bit of a pot-stirrer yourself, as it takes some thick skin to wade

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Friday 19 January 2018

5 of the best Content Curation sites for 2018

We love curation sites on PAC. Here are 5 of the best Content Curation sites for 2018. But first, what is content curation? Content curation is the process of sifting through all the various sources of content on the web to compile a list of the most informative or interesting pieces to then share with your target audience. When used with content marketing it becomes a very valuable marketing tool. But how does content curation then help us as marketers? Well, it depends on how you curate content. Let’s say you write about marketing and social media. Content curation allows you to

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Thursday 18 January 2018

Got Content Constipation?

Oh man, I feel your pain! You need to write a blog post and you’re cringing at the thought of doing it. I get it. Before you grab the Advil, take a deep breath and let’s discuss this so you can close out of this post with a big smile, sound good? If you have a blog, writing an article is not on the top “Ten” of favorite things to do and yet, what do we ALL do on the internet – we read. Sure, it’s alright to read other people’s stuff, that’s easy. But writing your own content? If

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Tuesday 16 January 2018

A Successful Life

How do you achieve success? What does it mean to have a successful life? What is success?  suc·cess – noun sək-ˈses : the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame: the correct or desired result of an attempt Personally, I like the second option better. I mean do not get me wrong, wealth is terrific, respect is incredibly important but fame…. well that one really depends on what your goal or desired result is. It depends on what having a successful life means to you. One thing that we all can agree on is that: Success is something that we all want

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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Is Blog Clutter Making Your Visitors Run and You Cry?

  Do you have a cluttered blog? Let’s clean it up by doing a few simple things. Sound good? As a blogger with several years of experience, I have been in the universe of learning, observing, extracting ideas from what others were doing, and FINALLY, doing my own thing. It took a lot of time to “find” my own “pizzazz” shall we say (everyone has their own uniqueness). I’ve seen a lot of different blogs, good and bad,  which were great learning resources. All of them helped me to develop an understanding of blog “style” and execution. The biggest lesson

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Tuesday 2 January 2018

7 Social Media Business Blogging Goals For New Years

 Blogging goals are all about your expression, social media is all about how and to who you share what you do. Most people are trying to achieve their blogging goals along with their day jobs so that someday they can live their dream of a blogging life. Everyone has a unique writing style because everyone is an individual. We are attracted to people for who they are. (branding) You need to be YOU and create this unique recognition and reputation for yourself. This does take time to do. Here Are 7 Steps To Help You Achieve Your Blogging Goals In the Year

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