Thursday 28 December 2017

Jolly And Heartwarming Christmas Quotations

This year I created a bunch of Jolly and Heartwarming Christmas Quotations which I’ve been posting on Social Media during this festive period. I’ve had quite a few lovely comments, and requests from my community so I’d like to share them with PAC to wish you all a fantastic Holiday Season for 2017   If you would like to download my collection just click HERE   I have created a zip file for download which includes: 32 different festive quotes ~ 15 Pinterest optimised ~ 29 Instagram optimised You can download this for free by clicking HERE I hope you enjoy them

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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Is Your Content Working For You? Tips for Analyzing Your Efforts

It’s essential that you track and analyze your content marketing efforts in order to know how well they are working for you. It’s one thing to produce good content consistently. But, if your content marketing efforts are not getting eyeballs on your masterpieces, and you’re not getting the sales, signups, and general engagement that you want from your marketing efforts it can be extremely frustrating. You’re left wondering why no one reads your posts or buys your products. Here are a few things you can do about it. On Your Blog Tip #1 – Know where your traffic is coming

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Monday 25 December 2017

Help Us Help You Monday

Wouldn’t you like the blogs you visit, and the posts you read, to ASK YOU what you want to know? What you’re interested in? After all, we believe it’s a two-way relationship, helping you get the information you need, and learning from you how we can provide you with what you want to know… So. Now we have “Help Us Help You Mondays”   Every Monday starts a new week in the Facebook PAC Community. Members submit their blog posts for the week (2 posts per week) and PAC members visit, comment, and share their content. It’s pretty cool because

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Saturday 23 December 2017

Sonal Talwar Has One Aim

Her blog, Health Fundaas, provides information and tips that include what exercises you need to do to recipes that will help you lose weight smartly.   How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I was never interested in blogging and had no knowledge about it. But one of my office colleagues and a very good friend Atish Ranjan motivated me to start blogging. Initially, I was reluctant to enter into the field of blogging but he kept motivating me and pushed me. Today, I enjoy blogging and my readers love my health and fitness tips.  

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Friday 22 December 2017

Why Create A Boring Lead Magnet With No Juice

Honestly, why create a Lead Magnet that’s boring, has no “juice” to it to grab a visitor’s attention? I know you’ve seen them – “Sign Up for My Newsletter”, and that’s it. Seeing something like this immediately propels me to click on the “X” in the top right, or bottom right corner to close the pop-up. If the invitation is on the sidebar, I usually ignore it.Why? Because there’s nothing of interest to capture my attention to sign-up for future emails. Or is relevant to what I may be looking for. There are so many websites , probably including mine

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Wednesday 20 December 2017

What the New U.S. Tax Bill Means for Network Marketing

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Do Chickens Fly?

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Eric Worre's Top 5 Videos of 2017

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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16 Simple Ways to Promote Your Blog

Creating a blog is very challenging. It takes a lot of time to create your content. You need technical ability to get it done. And then you have to put in the legwork and effort to then promote your blog so that it gets seen. There are literally endless ways to promote your blog. In this article, I will be sharing with you 16 really simple ways to promote your blog, past, present and also providing insight to know what do moving into the future. Read, digest, and then read again and you will have a key strategy that you can

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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Thursday 14 December 2017

How Are You Planning For a Successful 2018

How are you planning for a successful 2018? Dedicating the last two weeks before Christmas to clear your space and plan for 2018 is good practice!  It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.  ~Steve Maraboli  Every December I take time for a major cleanup. Starting with my bedroom, closets, office/studio…the whole house and work my way to the “fun part” my computer. It’s very refreshing to begin the new year with a clear mind and I don’t know about you but I can’t think straight if my home is not clean and things

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A Network Marketer's Night Before Christmas

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Tuesday 12 December 2017

What Guru Launches Overlook

Like you, I’m attracted to “Guru Launches. I’m eager to learn new strategies and information on how to improve my blog, my writing, productivity, and be inspired by those who have really “Made it” online. People like Daren Hardy, Stu McLaren, Frank Kern, Michael Hyatt, Robin Sharma, Alex Mandosian, Mike Dillard, Anthony Robbins, to name a few (and so many more) are indeed outstanding and worth listening to. Depending on who you follow, these guys have been in the online marketing arena for years – perhaps even a decade or two. I recall Frank Kern when he started out being

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Monday 4 December 2017

Ravi Chahar Blog Innovator and Creator

Ravi Chahar is a WordPress Professional, web developer, and designer. Ravi’s intention is to guide his readers about WordPress, Blogging, Web Development, Web Design and more. He has expertise in WordPress theme development and customization and can set up and redesign the Thesis themes.   What is the focus of your blog? BloggingLove focuses on the providing the best guides to all the WordPress beginners and pros. You can find every possible WordPress tutorial from web development to fixing all the WordPress errors. There are many other niches related to blogging, social media marketing etc. It focuses mainly on helping

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Saturday 2 December 2017