Wednesday 27 September 2017

If I Had More Time

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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How do I grow traffic to my site? – Shortcuts

One of the biggest if not the biggest conundrums a blogger has is to discover the answer to the question “how do  I grow traffic to my site?”. Your articles can be stunningly good but if you don’t know how to get people to visit your site on a daily basis then your pretty much wasting your time and money. I’m not going to get all technical in this article and ask you to follow a steep learning curve instead I just want to offer you some very basic ideas that you may or may not have thought of employing to generate organic

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Thursday 21 September 2017


Editors Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Izuzu Nworgu It is almost impossible to remain positive in an environment where there is so much negativity. Or in a situation that brings negative feelings or thoughts. We cannot eradicate negativity completely, but we can learn how to remain positive amidst negativity. Let us consider 4 ways on how to remain positive amidst negativity. Avoid comparing your life to others Make peace with yourself Stop being a people pleaser Surround yourself with positivity AVOID COMPARING YOUR LIFE TO OTHERS Your friend recently posted a wonderful picture of his family that depicts abundant material possessions, another


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Monday 18 September 2017

Diane Hochman On Stage

from Diane Hochman

On the contrary

from Diane Hochman

Diane Hochman's 18th Anniversary In Her Home Business

from Diane Hochman

How to Build A Solid Support System (And Why You Need One!)

I don’t know about you, but I used to have a tough time asking for help. I thought I needed to know all the answers if I wanted others to see me as someone who was competent and smart. Fortunately, early on in my career a mentor figured out what was going on and assured me that it was not only okay to ask for help, no one who ever managed to achieve any level of success did so without a support system. Call it a clan, a network, a tribe or community, whatever you call it, whoever you are,

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Sunday 17 September 2017

Get Fully Inspired With Bisco Ibitade

Bisco Ibitade intends to fully inspire on his blog focused on success, self development, and entrepreneurship. He wants to build a generation of optimists. Bisco’s blog can be found at How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I wanted to be known and admired. Then along the line, I realized I could use it to affect lives. What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? I wish I knew blogging was a business. A means to affect lives and impact destinies. What is your most proud blog related

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A $200 Gift For Friends & Family

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Saturday 16 September 2017

3 Tips for Giving Your Old Blog Posts a New Look

If you have old blog posts with evergreen content, you can make them relevant again by giving them an upgrade. In my last post, I mentioned that one way to overcome blogger burnout is to re-read your old posts. What I should have also told you is that while you might be amazed at how far you’ve come since those early days, you might also feel a sense of dread at how outdated all that old content looks. But, fear not! There are things you can do to breathe new life into your old blog posts, and it’s a pretty

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Tuesday 12 September 2017

Top 7 Tips to Stay Healthy, Productive, and Sane While Working From Home

Editor’s Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Hussain Omar Working from home is the dream of any blogger or opportunity seeker these days, they look to its bright side. Yes it is great to have a good income while staying at home and using your laptop and internet connection. Yet there are some challenges you should win to stay healthy, sane, and productive. In this post I’m going to provide tips to be so. Have Your To-Do List The internet is the most distractive environment if you are not managing it the right way. You have to stay focused, planning only

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Tuesday 5 September 2017

How to get a Good reputation for your Blog?

Editor’s Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Robin Khokhar If you are running your blog and it has no reputation in the blogosphere, then it is of no use. A blog with a good reputation is liked by many bloggers. So, the Question is how to maintain a good reputation for your blog? Does your Blog have a good reputation? Are you trying to get a Good reputation for your Blog? Then, you should continue reading this post and learn how to increase the reputation of your blog. How to check the reputation of a Blog? The word “reputation” means checking how liable

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