Sunday 30 July 2017

Get Your Momentum Going Again

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Be Prepared With Adrienne Z. Milligan

Today we are joined by PAC Member, Adrienne Z. Milligan. Adrienne has several interests and, in fact, has four separate websites. She certainly does keep herself busy. What is the focus of your blog? Gluten Free Preppers is focused on living gluten free and being prepared.  Adrienne Z. Milligan is focused on my writing portfolio and writing services that I provide for clients. This includes website content, marketing materials, and articles. Twisted Roots is the family history and genealogical research of my family and my husband’s, as well as other contributors. Milligan Group is the merchant services (credit card processing)

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Friday 28 July 2017

Wellness Matters In Every Aspect Of Your Life

  Wellness Matters In Every Aspect Of Your Life Who doesn’t want to live a longer, more vibrant life? Your health is the foundation of everything you do every single day. It allows you to make a living, to pursue your passions, to be there for those who need you most.   Starting on your path to wellness can feel overwhelming. It might seem like you’re staring up at a mountain. You can see the top of that mountain, but you may feel that reaching the summit is impossible. And it would be impossible if you were to try to

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Wednesday 26 July 2017

Which Way Are You Running?

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Building Relationships: You’ve got them on your list, now what do you do?

Once someone signs up for your list, then the real work of building relationships begins. In a way, getting the sign up is the easy part. It’s what you do with your people after they sign up for your opt-in offer that will determine your success. One of the things I see time and again (and have even been guilty of myself on occasion) is people going to great lengths to build a list, and then never doing anything with it beyond the initial welcome email. If you’ve gone to the trouble of creating your content upgrades or designing your

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Tuesday 25 July 2017

My Top 3 Social Blogging Sites

Social Blogging Sites are a great option for anyone who is starting out blogging. They are a great place to cut your teeth. The danger is that you can unwittingly fall victim to their stringent Terms Of Service or the site may just fail and vanish without a trace, meaning the loss of hours of your hard work. Over at we have always championed them but with caution, because Social Blogging Sites can be very useful tools if you have your own self-hosted WordPress site or the equivalent. Here Are My Top 3 Social Blogging Sites With Examples Of How

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Monday 24 July 2017

Take Charge Of Who You Become

Take Charge Of Who You Become We are created by our creator, but who you become is your responsibility. Why does setting goals not work for most people? I recently attended a 3-day seminar with one of my favorite leaders and entrepreneurs –  Mia Davies. The girl is so bold but sweet at the same time. She’s been through a lot in her life, the past, but now she’s who she wants to be and truly desires. I’m going to share some of the things she’s pointed out, that I relate to. Knowing them helped me move forward putting my

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Saturday 22 July 2017

CrowdFunding with Patreon

Could CrowdFunding help you? This is how the Crowdfunding model works in building a supportive community online. What is the most dangerous Risk of all? – The risk of spending your life doing what you want on the BET that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later – Randy Konisar Do it now. Here is how… Crowdfunding and Patreon  Many have not heard of Patreon, but I  have some great information for you about all of the many awesome creatives that are members there.  It is a great way to grow your brand, your business, and your bank book!

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Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Greatest Networkers on Earth Do This

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Paint Yourself in the Picture with Reba Linker

Reba Linker loves to connect in her Facebook group, is a bestselling author and is host of a Youtube interview show, Paint Yourself Into the Picture. Visit to learn more about books, courses and coaching. Learn more about Reba’s new membership site, AtoZ Healing Space, at What is the focus of your blog? Spotlighting a wide variety of healing modalities, practitioners and trainings. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I’m a Gemini! That means that I LOVE to COMMUNICATE and share what I am learning with others. In my AtoZ blog I

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Thursday 13 July 2017

How to Go From “I Don’t Know What to Write” to Mastery

So you don’t know what to write on your blog, eh? What a common problem and fixable too! Most likely you’re new to blogging, yes? But you know what? Many seasoned bloggers have had this challenge as well. So you’re not alone. Now take a deep breath and let’s discuss. I’ve experienced this as well and I have a personal opinion about “writer’s block” for new bloggers. Anytime anyone learns something new, no matter what it is there is anxiety as well as insecurity about “doing it right”. When it comes to blogging there is no right way. The ONLY

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Sunday 9 July 2017

The Open Book of Barrie Evans

Barrie Evans is an internet and network marketing consultant focused on online marketing and mindset. Barrie Evans is also a bit of an open book so if, after watching the above video and reading this blog, you want to know more just ask in the comments below. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? By accident really. I used to play around with websites and found that I like writing about things. What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? That you have to love what you

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Top Leader Interview with Terje Duesund

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Thursday 6 July 2017

3 Quick Facebook Marketing Tips To Apply To Your Business

Let’s be honest. Some good ole Facebook marketing tips are a necessity right now seeing as it is the most successful social network that we have seen thus far – especially for advertising. Just about everyone, and their mother, has an account and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon! But as an online marketing entrepreneur there are pitfalls you may run into on Facebook in trying to get your product or opportunity visible to a widespread audience of buyers. This is true particularly when you are not only competing for attention with other businesses in your niche,

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Sunday 2 July 2017

Scar Tissue

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Who is NT Izuchi?

NT Izuchi is an Internet Business Coach, content creator, avid Boston sports fan and teacher by nature.  Personally, I think that he did an awesome job with the IzuDigital Academy. What is the focus of your blog? Building an authoritative, income-generating presence online. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I got into blogging because it just made sense. Whenever I search for solutions to my problems in the search engines, an overwhelming majority of the time it’s blogs that dominate the first page. So it made sense for me to establish my authoritative presence

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