Wednesday 28 June 2017

7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream

7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream What is your dream? Here Are 7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream If you have been struggling to achieve your dream,  read through the following and internalize the thoughts presented. By applying them, you will be on the road to achieving your dream! Step #1 – Dream It Every dream begins in the heart and mind. Believe it is possible to achieve your dream. THINK BIG Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family, and for others. If you had a dream that you let grow cold, re-ignite

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The Ultimate Social Network

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Monday 26 June 2017

Business Ideas for Small Business Success

Business Ideas for Small Business Success Everyone has daydreamed about what they want their life to look like,  and your own small business ideas can make that dream come true! Especially when you hear in the news every day that people are losing their jobs due to business cutbacks and layoffs. In the future, it may be because they are replaced by technology, even by robots. The internet has created a massive opportunity for literally anyone to start a business from home. Millions of people are working part-time and full‐time from home. Some while holding down a job. Whether it’s

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Saturday 24 June 2017

The Sublime Life of Sue Bride

Sue Bride is passionate about sharing resources for blogging and social media. This is especially true as it also gives her the ability to work from home while she cares for her disabled son.  The digital world also gives her the perfect platform for spreading Fragile X Syndrome awareness. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? To spread information and awareness about Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic disability. There was very little online about it at that time. Blogging was new when I started so I also started to teach others. What do you know

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Friday 23 June 2017

How to Avoid Decision Fatigue

If you’ve ever reached a point where it felt like you couldn’t make even one more decision, then you’ve experienced a condition known as decision fatigue. Chances are you already associate willpower and self-control with making good decisions, but what you may not have considered is how your level of mental energy can affect the quality of your decisions. Willpower Isn’t Enough to Avoid Decision Fatigue Every day we make dozens of decisions. Many of them are made as unconscious elements of your daily routine … what to wear, what to have for breakfast, whether to exercise, and scheduling your

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Wednesday 21 June 2017

When Other Succeed...And You Don't

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Start Achieving Your Goals

If you could start achieving your goals, your life would be quite different, wouldn’t it? Just think of it. You want more prospects. You need a bigger email list. It’s time to put together that ebook, finally. Now, I could go on and list one goal after another that would help you grow your business. I could give you a lot of essential “kickstart” goals to achieve if you’re a newbie to online business. How To Know What Your Goals Are But I’m not trying to create a catalog of goals, here. Everybody is in a different place in their

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Monday 19 June 2017

What is the Future of Social Media?

It seems to me that social media is dominated by just 2 or 3 platforms. Facebook, Instagram (owned by Facebook) and Twitter. We then have a whole host of niche type sites that co-exist really just around Facebook and Instagram and are allowed to because they don’t tend to step on the toes of the giants. I don’t like the monopoly that Facebook has built and I’m not really sure how it has been allowed to happen. Change is desperately needed. So what is the future of social media? Well, we are all the future of social media. We decide where we

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Saturday 17 June 2017

Content Brainstorming: Six Ways to Find New Content Ideas

Content brainstorming is a huge part of being a successful blogger. You want to be seen as the go-to person for your community, so you will always need new ideas and content to share with them. But, at some point in your blogging career you will likely feel as if you’ve run out of things to write about. It’s not uncommon… it happens to every blogger at some point. And that’s where content brainstorming and knowing how to find new ideas comes in handy. Here are six of my favorite ways to find new content ideas for my blogs. Pay attention

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5 Steps for Cracking the Code on Social Media

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Walk Away From Need

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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How To Turn Off Your Social Media Notifications

How To Turn Off Your Social Media Notifications? One of the most important things or should I say the most important thing for you is ‘Focus’. What you focus on expands! Focus on good and you will bring good to your life, focus on kindness and kindness is coming your way, but if you focus on negativity and what’s missing in your life you only get more of it. Eliminate Distraction. Often we get pumped and excited to do something, make plans to write a blog post or finish the project that we started a week ago, or go through

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Monday 12 June 2017

3 Ways To Share Your YouTube Videos to Pinterest

In this article I’ll show you 3 Ways to share your YouTube videos to Pinterest. But why would you want to do this? Pinterest is the place to showcase your Brand and Business to attract customers. You can set up a series of boards, each one showing a curation of posts offering things such as value / fun / resources / products / tutorials / blogs / videos / training You can mix up your content on your boards, and you can create some solely focused on video. I understand that for many people, Pinterest is not their primary lead generation social site … but it is

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Friday 9 June 2017

Essential Ingredients For A Good Blog Post

There are some essential ingredients for a good blog post, get them right and you will cook up a storm. When it comes to online marketing, you must have heard that blog content must be marketed to spread the word about your website.  But it is just not about making insane amounts of content and blog posts that hold no meaning, as in the end these will do damage instead of bringing traffic and profit. There’s more to an extraordinary blog post than just words on a screen. Below are some key ingredients for a good and successful blog post

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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Who is Sage? Find Your Ideal Blog Audience

Are you struggling to increase your blog readership? It could be that you haven’t yet found your one ideal reader. You might ask why bother with one reader when I blog for a lot of people. Well, that one ideal reader is the benchmark for all your others. He/she is one who really appreciates what you write. They benefit and learn from what you say. You’ve hit on areas they struggle with and gave them solutions. If you are new to blogging, don’t expect to identify your ideal reader for a while. Keep on going and all will become clear.

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Monday 5 June 2017

Mandy Allen Creates Her Own Magic In Life

Mandy Allen, I think you’ll find her to be of great interest and you will learn much about her. I know that I did! After school Mandy began her career in a bank but found herself to be quite unhappy. Mandy needed more excitement in her life. She found this much needed thrill when she quit her job, went to Paris, and stayed there for three years. Upon returning to home in North Norfolk, UK Mandy began to explore several passions.  She became a carpenter due to a love of working with her hands, earned a degree in Youth and Community Studies, and went

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Thursday 1 June 2017

How Does PAC Inspire Individual Success

If you thought PAC was just another blogging community, you have to look deeper and see the subtle inspiration for personal success – whatever that may be. PAC is an “Effort”  based community focused on generating member engagement, promotion, opportunities for personal growth in writing, creating ebooks, being better bloggers, creating blogs, and what does all of that entail? Doing the work required to manifest member goals online in a supportive environment. PAC encourages members to explore their abilities and the ones they want to improve by raising their hand to become involved with the community and what it offers through

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