Thursday 28 December 2017

Jolly And Heartwarming Christmas Quotations

This year I created a bunch of Jolly and Heartwarming Christmas Quotations which I’ve been posting on Social Media during this festive period. I’ve had quite a few lovely comments, and requests from my community so I’d like to share them with PAC to wish you all a fantastic Holiday Season for 2017   If you would like to download my collection just click HERE   I have created a zip file for download which includes: 32 different festive quotes ~ 15 Pinterest optimised ~ 29 Instagram optimised You can download this for free by clicking HERE I hope you enjoy them

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Wednesday 27 December 2017

Is Your Content Working For You? Tips for Analyzing Your Efforts

It’s essential that you track and analyze your content marketing efforts in order to know how well they are working for you. It’s one thing to produce good content consistently. But, if your content marketing efforts are not getting eyeballs on your masterpieces, and you’re not getting the sales, signups, and general engagement that you want from your marketing efforts it can be extremely frustrating. You’re left wondering why no one reads your posts or buys your products. Here are a few things you can do about it. On Your Blog Tip #1 – Know where your traffic is coming

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Monday 25 December 2017

Help Us Help You Monday

Wouldn’t you like the blogs you visit, and the posts you read, to ASK YOU what you want to know? What you’re interested in? After all, we believe it’s a two-way relationship, helping you get the information you need, and learning from you how we can provide you with what you want to know… So. Now we have “Help Us Help You Mondays”   Every Monday starts a new week in the Facebook PAC Community. Members submit their blog posts for the week (2 posts per week) and PAC members visit, comment, and share their content. It’s pretty cool because

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Saturday 23 December 2017

Sonal Talwar Has One Aim

Her blog, Health Fundaas, provides information and tips that include what exercises you need to do to recipes that will help you lose weight smartly.   How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I was never interested in blogging and had no knowledge about it. But one of my office colleagues and a very good friend Atish Ranjan motivated me to start blogging. Initially, I was reluctant to enter into the field of blogging but he kept motivating me and pushed me. Today, I enjoy blogging and my readers love my health and fitness tips.  

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Friday 22 December 2017

Why Create A Boring Lead Magnet With No Juice

Honestly, why create a Lead Magnet that’s boring, has no “juice” to it to grab a visitor’s attention? I know you’ve seen them – “Sign Up for My Newsletter”, and that’s it. Seeing something like this immediately propels me to click on the “X” in the top right, or bottom right corner to close the pop-up. If the invitation is on the sidebar, I usually ignore it.Why? Because there’s nothing of interest to capture my attention to sign-up for future emails. Or is relevant to what I may be looking for. There are so many websites , probably including mine

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Wednesday 20 December 2017

What the New U.S. Tax Bill Means for Network Marketing

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Do Chickens Fly?

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Eric Worre's Top 5 Videos of 2017

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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16 Simple Ways to Promote Your Blog

Creating a blog is very challenging. It takes a lot of time to create your content. You need technical ability to get it done. And then you have to put in the legwork and effort to then promote your blog so that it gets seen. There are literally endless ways to promote your blog. In this article, I will be sharing with you 16 really simple ways to promote your blog, past, present and also providing insight to know what do moving into the future. Read, digest, and then read again and you will have a key strategy that you can

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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Thursday 14 December 2017

How Are You Planning For a Successful 2018

How are you planning for a successful 2018? Dedicating the last two weeks before Christmas to clear your space and plan for 2018 is good practice!  It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.  ~Steve Maraboli  Every December I take time for a major cleanup. Starting with my bedroom, closets, office/studio…the whole house and work my way to the “fun part” my computer. It’s very refreshing to begin the new year with a clear mind and I don’t know about you but I can’t think straight if my home is not clean and things

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A Network Marketer's Night Before Christmas

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Tuesday 12 December 2017

What Guru Launches Overlook

Like you, I’m attracted to “Guru Launches. I’m eager to learn new strategies and information on how to improve my blog, my writing, productivity, and be inspired by those who have really “Made it” online. People like Daren Hardy, Stu McLaren, Frank Kern, Michael Hyatt, Robin Sharma, Alex Mandosian, Mike Dillard, Anthony Robbins, to name a few (and so many more) are indeed outstanding and worth listening to. Depending on who you follow, these guys have been in the online marketing arena for years – perhaps even a decade or two. I recall Frank Kern when he started out being

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Monday 4 December 2017

Ravi Chahar Blog Innovator and Creator

Ravi Chahar is a WordPress Professional, web developer, and designer. Ravi’s intention is to guide his readers about WordPress, Blogging, Web Development, Web Design and more. He has expertise in WordPress theme development and customization and can set up and redesign the Thesis themes.   What is the focus of your blog? BloggingLove focuses on the providing the best guides to all the WordPress beginners and pros. You can find every possible WordPress tutorial from web development to fixing all the WordPress errors. There are many other niches related to blogging, social media marketing etc. It focuses mainly on helping

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Saturday 2 December 2017

Thursday 30 November 2017

Game Plan Ready for 2018

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Build Your Brand, Authority, and Credibility

Build Your Brand, Authority, Credibility I want to share with you how to build your Brand, Authority, and Credibility. Also, use this same strategy to drive traffic to your website and build your list of highly targeted subscribers and make money at the same time. When you first start your business building a Brand, Authority, and your credibility is not the easiest thing that you can do. It takes a lot of time, effort, and hard work to do so. What I’m going to share with you, works for everyone no matter what your business is about if you have a

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Wednesday 29 November 2017

How to write SEO friendly blog posts

Blogging is undoubtedly a great method for getting your message out to your followers along with building a social media presence. But what good is a blog or come to mention it a site if it is never seen by your proposed audience or niche? Well, it’s a bit like talking to an empty room. Not many if any will hear your message or in blogging terms read your call to action or gain anything from your blog if no one is in your the room or on your page. So how do we fix this and get seen? Well, we

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Thursday 23 November 2017

Just Dance 2018 (PS4) by Barrie Evans

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4 Tips To Help You Engage Using Better Vocabulary

Vocabulary, reading, learning new words, engaging in Conversations are some of the challenges bloggers face. Some people find it hard to engage in conversation with other bloggers.   Often I have felt intimidated or uneasy trying to even communicate with more professional bloggers.  I needed to find a solution to feeling inadequate in speaking with other writers.  Learning to expand the knowledge base for vocabulary wasn’t too difficult to find. I started researching on the internet about  how to expand one’s vocabulary.    The  website  Enhance Vocabulary has a great article written by Randall S. Hansen Ph.D  titled, “Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your

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Monday 20 November 2017

Power Affiliate Club – PAC Primer

At PAC -Power Affiliate Club we know that regular blogging is so important for creating visibility, boosting your SEO ranking, and building your blog’s authority. Do you know why? See our 5 Points of our Primer Having a community of like-minded people to help and encourage you is a wonderful thing. This is my experience with a blogging community named the  Power Affiliate Club or (PAC) PAC is a blogging membership program run by Lesly Federici, one smart marketer. A blogger with great communication skills. She knows her stuff when it comes to marketing for bloggers and affiliate marketers. Lesly knows

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Goal Setting & Planning Webcast Event

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Thursday 16 November 2017

Content Planning Funnel-Style

It’s getting to be that time of year again, when many bloggers start content planning for the new year. I’m always a little surprised by people I talk to who don’t do any type of planning, and just ‘wing it’ when it comes to putting content on their blogs. And that’s fine if you’re writing a hobby blog that you just add content to when you feel like it. But when you make your living through your blog, you need to be a little more organized than that. The way many bloggers plan is they decide what topics to write

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Wednesday 8 November 2017

Influencers Panel Go Pro Recruiting Mastery 2017

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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The Wonderful World of Pinterest Group Boards

In this post I’m going to walk you through The Wonderful World of Pinterest Group Boards, sometimes called Collaborative Boards. When you become an authority in your field of Business, the chances are your peers, community and group members will want to share your content amongst their members and followings too. So for Community Leaders, why not pay it forward and invite your members to showcase their content on one of your boards to increase their audience exposure? This a simple and effective process. Your Pinterest account is your own business and personal brand catalogue. You can create boards for

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Wednesday 1 November 2017

High Performance Habits with Brendon Burchard

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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4 Crazy Reasons Why You should be Your Authentic Self

Try to spot the Difference. They look the same except one seems to be a little different. If you have played this game, you know for sure that the Spot The Difference game is so much fun. Although, It might be easy for you to spot the difference of the pic above, it can also be frustrating if you don’t even have a clue as to where to begin. Isn’t it strange that while this game is so much entertaining, it has a connection with reality. Have you ever asked one what you needed to do to get them to

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Tuesday 31 October 2017

Whitney Husband Featured Speaker at Go Pro Recruiting Mastery

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Pinterest SEO – Smart Feed Explained

Let’s start this article with a question. What is Pinterest? Well, it is a social site, right? well yes, but it is so much more than that. Pinterest is a social site crossed with a search engine. Yes, that’s correct it is a search engine. And just like any other search engine, Pinterest takes our content and ranks it on a “best first” basis. Google search has a complicated algorithm that ranks the content on a “best first” basis as well. It takes the content that best answers the users search inquiry and ranks it accordingly. So now that you know

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Monday 30 October 2017

Learning SEO With SY Abuzar

SY Abuzar founder of BlogRankSEO is a professional blogger and digital marketer from India. His blog is a hub of learning about SEO, blogging, Affiliate Marketing, and more. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I was watching videos on Youtube about uploading videos on it and how can I make money from it as well and in the related videos section I also jumped on blogging video, that’s how I get into blogging… What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? It’s a good question, I

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Friday 27 October 2017

Cut Out The Hype

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Three Common Mistakes in Running a Challenge and What To Do About Them

Last week I finished running my first challenge. It was 30 days, and for each day I had a blog post and an email message for my participants. Overall I learned a lot, especially about what not to do. So today I want to share with you three mistakes I made, and what should have been done instead. Mistake #1 – Not having my content prepared ahead of time I’ve never been a stockpiler of content. Usually it’s a good deal for me if I get a post done the night before it’s due. That is not the way to

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Jordan Adler Featured Speaker at GPRM

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Thursday 26 October 2017

The Most Powerful Tool That Can Change all Your Outcomes

The Most Powerful Tool That Can Change all Your Outcomes Many times we forget two things: Number 1: We forget that everything we do involves people. Work, fun, family, customers, clients, prospects you get the point. Number 2: We are responsible for every word that comes out of our mouth, how we are going to lay it out and how our words are going to land and affect our listeners. Last year was a bit challenging for me in few areas of my life. But what those challenges taught me changed me as a person, my vision, the way I

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Monday 23 October 2017

Help Us Help You Monday

Wouldn’t you like the blogs you visit, and the posts you read, to ASK YOU what you want to know? What you’re interested in? After all, we believe it’s a two-way relationship, helping you get the information you need, and learning from you how we can provide you with what you want to know… So. Now we have “Help Us Help You Mondays”   Every Monday starts a new week in the Facebook PAC Community. Members submit their blog posts for the week (2 posts per week) and PAC members visit, comment, and share their content. It’s pretty cool because

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Friday 20 October 2017

5 Ways To Do Content Marketing

 Do you know what Content Marketing is?  When I started I had no idea what content marketing was.  I had confusion about what it could do, and how it fits into marketing. Here are 5 steps about content marketing. Definition– “a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. Social media is an integral part of content marketing” Now I know that content marketing is building a community, being yourself and generously giving by teaching

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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Tom & Denice Chenault

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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PAC’s Infectious Mission: Have You Been Bit?

When ever there’s a “Mission” it usually stems from an idea. Somebody has a passion for a certain something or a desire to generate a movement. Never underestimate an idea (to read how the idea for PAC came about two years ago –  read this) As PAC thrives, it grows slowly. With growth comes a clearer vision for the future. Many people, perhaps you, don’t really understand what PAC is (Power Affiliate Club) which is why I’m sharing what is it, and the vision, with you. Recently I discovered a man by the name of Vishen Lakhani who is the creator of

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Thursday 12 October 2017

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Monday 9 October 2017

Vinton Samms And The Growth Of His Business

Vinton Samms from 1 Sure Profits joins us to talk about affiliate marketing and his goals.   How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I have come across people asking questions about aspects of affiliate marketing. So I decided if I put some information in a space that one could access or be referred to, it should help What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? Effective marketing techniques What is your most proud blog related achievement? How did it affect you and/or your business? I have not

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Wednesday 27 September 2017

If I Had More Time

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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How do I grow traffic to my site? – Shortcuts

One of the biggest if not the biggest conundrums a blogger has is to discover the answer to the question “how do  I grow traffic to my site?”. Your articles can be stunningly good but if you don’t know how to get people to visit your site on a daily basis then your pretty much wasting your time and money. I’m not going to get all technical in this article and ask you to follow a steep learning curve instead I just want to offer you some very basic ideas that you may or may not have thought of employing to generate organic

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Thursday 21 September 2017


Editors Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Izuzu Nworgu It is almost impossible to remain positive in an environment where there is so much negativity. Or in a situation that brings negative feelings or thoughts. We cannot eradicate negativity completely, but we can learn how to remain positive amidst negativity. Let us consider 4 ways on how to remain positive amidst negativity. Avoid comparing your life to others Make peace with yourself Stop being a people pleaser Surround yourself with positivity AVOID COMPARING YOUR LIFE TO OTHERS Your friend recently posted a wonderful picture of his family that depicts abundant material possessions, another


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Monday 18 September 2017

Diane Hochman On Stage

from Diane Hochman

On the contrary

from Diane Hochman

Diane Hochman's 18th Anniversary In Her Home Business

from Diane Hochman

How to Build A Solid Support System (And Why You Need One!)

I don’t know about you, but I used to have a tough time asking for help. I thought I needed to know all the answers if I wanted others to see me as someone who was competent and smart. Fortunately, early on in my career a mentor figured out what was going on and assured me that it was not only okay to ask for help, no one who ever managed to achieve any level of success did so without a support system. Call it a clan, a network, a tribe or community, whatever you call it, whoever you are,

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Sunday 17 September 2017

Get Fully Inspired With Bisco Ibitade

Bisco Ibitade intends to fully inspire on his blog focused on success, self development, and entrepreneurship. He wants to build a generation of optimists. Bisco’s blog can be found at How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I wanted to be known and admired. Then along the line, I realized I could use it to affect lives. What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? I wish I knew blogging was a business. A means to affect lives and impact destinies. What is your most proud blog related

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A $200 Gift For Friends & Family

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Saturday 16 September 2017

3 Tips for Giving Your Old Blog Posts a New Look

If you have old blog posts with evergreen content, you can make them relevant again by giving them an upgrade. In my last post, I mentioned that one way to overcome blogger burnout is to re-read your old posts. What I should have also told you is that while you might be amazed at how far you’ve come since those early days, you might also feel a sense of dread at how outdated all that old content looks. But, fear not! There are things you can do to breathe new life into your old blog posts, and it’s a pretty

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Tuesday 12 September 2017

Top 7 Tips to Stay Healthy, Productive, and Sane While Working From Home

Editor’s Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Hussain Omar Working from home is the dream of any blogger or opportunity seeker these days, they look to its bright side. Yes it is great to have a good income while staying at home and using your laptop and internet connection. Yet there are some challenges you should win to stay healthy, sane, and productive. In this post I’m going to provide tips to be so. Have Your To-Do List The internet is the most distractive environment if you are not managing it the right way. You have to stay focused, planning only

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Tuesday 5 September 2017

How to get a Good reputation for your Blog?

Editor’s Note: We welcome Guest Blogger Robin Khokhar If you are running your blog and it has no reputation in the blogosphere, then it is of no use. A blog with a good reputation is liked by many bloggers. So, the Question is how to maintain a good reputation for your blog? Does your Blog have a good reputation? Are you trying to get a Good reputation for your Blog? Then, you should continue reading this post and learn how to increase the reputation of your blog. How to check the reputation of a Blog? The word “reputation” means checking how liable

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Monday 28 August 2017

Finding the Joy in Your Blog: 5 Tips for Dealing with Blogger Burnout

When your blog is the center of your online activities, blogger burnout can really harm your business. What do you do when the “shiny” wears off your blog? You know what I mean… it used to be fun to get up and blog every day. There used to be more to write about than you could possibly cover in ten years of blogging. But now, the writer’s block has set it, you don’t have a clue what to say, and it feels like just one more chore to get done. But wait…  (famous last marketing words)… your blog is the

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Friday 25 August 2017

How to get SEO results

SEO is something that I really work on when I post an article because it really is something that I can control when it comes to getting good search results. Everything else takes you a long, long time to achieve. The everything else being, real quality backlinks and TrustRank. Quality backlinks only come organically over time as a result of posting great content and this only happens when you are found. And Google only then Trusts you once you have some kind of track record of doing it right. So in this article, I really wanted just to help motivate

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Saturday 19 August 2017

Who Is Sandy Mangis And What Is The Secret?

Sandy Mangis has a secret and she is not afraid to share it. We are excited to learn more about that secret during this week’s PAC Member Spotlight. What is the focus of your blog and business? I am a Business Strategist & Mindset Coach for Professional Women looking to transform their career and financial status. Helping the ones overwhelmed and tired, looking for the freedom to express who they are and build on their own potential. I blog at Sandy’s Secret Jar of Success. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I stumbled into

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Wednesday 16 August 2017

Before You Quit, Ask Yourself This...

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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How to Make Money Investing in Cryptocurrency!

In less than a decade, Cryptocurrency has grown from a simple digital currency to a still-growing lucrative industry. Early adopters, folks who took the risk, who foresaw profit and invested in digital coins are now experiencing financial buoyancy. It all started in November of 2008 (well, maybe before) with the digital currency master called Bitcoin. Little was known about it as the coins were almost meaningless. With a few cents, buyers could just walk away with hundreds of coins. No one seemed to see the million dollar value embedded in the simple computer database units. In 2010, the most expensive Pizza

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Monday 14 August 2017

The Diverse World of Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

At PAC we’re thrilled to be able to introduce you to our diverse world of interesting members. Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ is no exception.   Philip is a multi-lingual freelance writer, editor, blogger, internet marketer, social campaigner and translator (English to Malayalam), Philip was born and brought up in Tiruvalla, Kerala, India and is now based at Hyderabad, Telangana State, India. He blogs at   What is the focus of your blog? My main focus is to share my knowledge I acquired from my life journey in different fields. I like to share or make awareness about the knowledge, I learned from my life journey which

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Friday 4 August 2017

Inspire Your Audience With Your Pinterest Boards

Learning how to inspire your audience with your Pinterest boards will most definitely increase the interaction on your profile. You can organise your content in many different ways to showcase your brand. Today I am giving you a Board Training… to show you the basics of creation, organisation and optimisation of them so you really know how to structure your brand in a visually attractive way. Introduction to ‘Inspire Your Audience with Your Pinterest Boards’ What is a Pinterest Board? A board is a collection of Pins on a related subject as a sub-section of your brand, titled accordingly, which allows you

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Thursday 3 August 2017

These Two Got Caught Doing PAC Graffiti

How these two got caught doing PAC graffiti, I’ll never know. But they sure added some pzazz and interest to our PAC logo. Would you agree? Video is here to stay. And as you know, or not, it also counts as “Content” for your blog, right? But, having sophisticated videos such as this can be used as “Intros” and “outros” to your own videos that you’ve created. It makes them look more professional. If you were to do this on your own it would cost a fortune – the photographer, the technical set up, the software, and so on. Here

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Wednesday 2 August 2017

You Can't Keep the Plates Spinning

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It’s TBC Giveaway time!!!

It’s TBC Giveaway time! Read my previous articles on TBC (The Billion Coin): The Billion Coin The Billion Coin Has Arrived I am so excited to be able to do this for all the people that read this! If you have been following me for any length of time you will know I am invested in crypto currency.. I caught the bug last May and every since then it’s been pretty hard if not impossible for anything else to get my attention.. On one hand I am focused.. LASER FOCUSED…The way you need to be when you join any ‘

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Sunday 30 July 2017

Get Your Momentum Going Again

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Be Prepared With Adrienne Z. Milligan

Today we are joined by PAC Member, Adrienne Z. Milligan. Adrienne has several interests and, in fact, has four separate websites. She certainly does keep herself busy. What is the focus of your blog? Gluten Free Preppers is focused on living gluten free and being prepared.  Adrienne Z. Milligan is focused on my writing portfolio and writing services that I provide for clients. This includes website content, marketing materials, and articles. Twisted Roots is the family history and genealogical research of my family and my husband’s, as well as other contributors. Milligan Group is the merchant services (credit card processing)

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Friday 28 July 2017

Wellness Matters In Every Aspect Of Your Life

  Wellness Matters In Every Aspect Of Your Life Who doesn’t want to live a longer, more vibrant life? Your health is the foundation of everything you do every single day. It allows you to make a living, to pursue your passions, to be there for those who need you most.   Starting on your path to wellness can feel overwhelming. It might seem like you’re staring up at a mountain. You can see the top of that mountain, but you may feel that reaching the summit is impossible. And it would be impossible if you were to try to

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Wednesday 26 July 2017

Which Way Are You Running?

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Building Relationships: You’ve got them on your list, now what do you do?

Once someone signs up for your list, then the real work of building relationships begins. In a way, getting the sign up is the easy part. It’s what you do with your people after they sign up for your opt-in offer that will determine your success. One of the things I see time and again (and have even been guilty of myself on occasion) is people going to great lengths to build a list, and then never doing anything with it beyond the initial welcome email. If you’ve gone to the trouble of creating your content upgrades or designing your

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Tuesday 25 July 2017

My Top 3 Social Blogging Sites

Social Blogging Sites are a great option for anyone who is starting out blogging. They are a great place to cut your teeth. The danger is that you can unwittingly fall victim to their stringent Terms Of Service or the site may just fail and vanish without a trace, meaning the loss of hours of your hard work. Over at we have always championed them but with caution, because Social Blogging Sites can be very useful tools if you have your own self-hosted WordPress site or the equivalent. Here Are My Top 3 Social Blogging Sites With Examples Of How

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Monday 24 July 2017

Take Charge Of Who You Become

Take Charge Of Who You Become We are created by our creator, but who you become is your responsibility. Why does setting goals not work for most people? I recently attended a 3-day seminar with one of my favorite leaders and entrepreneurs –  Mia Davies. The girl is so bold but sweet at the same time. She’s been through a lot in her life, the past, but now she’s who she wants to be and truly desires. I’m going to share some of the things she’s pointed out, that I relate to. Knowing them helped me move forward putting my

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Saturday 22 July 2017

CrowdFunding with Patreon

Could CrowdFunding help you? This is how the Crowdfunding model works in building a supportive community online. What is the most dangerous Risk of all? – The risk of spending your life doing what you want on the BET that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later – Randy Konisar Do it now. Here is how… Crowdfunding and Patreon  Many have not heard of Patreon, but I  have some great information for you about all of the many awesome creatives that are members there.  It is a great way to grow your brand, your business, and your bank book!

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Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Greatest Networkers on Earth Do This

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Paint Yourself in the Picture with Reba Linker

Reba Linker loves to connect in her Facebook group, is a bestselling author and is host of a Youtube interview show, Paint Yourself Into the Picture. Visit to learn more about books, courses and coaching. Learn more about Reba’s new membership site, AtoZ Healing Space, at What is the focus of your blog? Spotlighting a wide variety of healing modalities, practitioners and trainings. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I’m a Gemini! That means that I LOVE to COMMUNICATE and share what I am learning with others. In my AtoZ blog I

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Thursday 13 July 2017

How to Go From “I Don’t Know What to Write” to Mastery

So you don’t know what to write on your blog, eh? What a common problem and fixable too! Most likely you’re new to blogging, yes? But you know what? Many seasoned bloggers have had this challenge as well. So you’re not alone. Now take a deep breath and let’s discuss. I’ve experienced this as well and I have a personal opinion about “writer’s block” for new bloggers. Anytime anyone learns something new, no matter what it is there is anxiety as well as insecurity about “doing it right”. When it comes to blogging there is no right way. The ONLY

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Sunday 9 July 2017

The Open Book of Barrie Evans

Barrie Evans is an internet and network marketing consultant focused on online marketing and mindset. Barrie Evans is also a bit of an open book so if, after watching the above video and reading this blog, you want to know more just ask in the comments below. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? By accident really. I used to play around with websites and found that I like writing about things. What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started your business? That you have to love what you

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Top Leader Interview with Terje Duesund

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Thursday 6 July 2017

3 Quick Facebook Marketing Tips To Apply To Your Business

Let’s be honest. Some good ole Facebook marketing tips are a necessity right now seeing as it is the most successful social network that we have seen thus far – especially for advertising. Just about everyone, and their mother, has an account and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon! But as an online marketing entrepreneur there are pitfalls you may run into on Facebook in trying to get your product or opportunity visible to a widespread audience of buyers. This is true particularly when you are not only competing for attention with other businesses in your niche,

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Sunday 2 July 2017

Scar Tissue

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Who is NT Izuchi?

NT Izuchi is an Internet Business Coach, content creator, avid Boston sports fan and teacher by nature.  Personally, I think that he did an awesome job with the IzuDigital Academy. What is the focus of your blog? Building an authoritative, income-generating presence online. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I got into blogging because it just made sense. Whenever I search for solutions to my problems in the search engines, an overwhelming majority of the time it’s blogs that dominate the first page. So it made sense for me to establish my authoritative presence

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Wednesday 28 June 2017

7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream

7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream What is your dream? Here Are 7 Steps to Achieve Your Dream If you have been struggling to achieve your dream,  read through the following and internalize the thoughts presented. By applying them, you will be on the road to achieving your dream! Step #1 – Dream It Every dream begins in the heart and mind. Believe it is possible to achieve your dream. THINK BIG Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. Dream of the possibilities for yourself, your family, and for others. If you had a dream that you let grow cold, re-ignite

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The Ultimate Social Network

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Monday 26 June 2017

Business Ideas for Small Business Success

Business Ideas for Small Business Success Everyone has daydreamed about what they want their life to look like,  and your own small business ideas can make that dream come true! Especially when you hear in the news every day that people are losing their jobs due to business cutbacks and layoffs. In the future, it may be because they are replaced by technology, even by robots. The internet has created a massive opportunity for literally anyone to start a business from home. Millions of people are working part-time and full‐time from home. Some while holding down a job. Whether it’s

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Saturday 24 June 2017

The Sublime Life of Sue Bride

Sue Bride is passionate about sharing resources for blogging and social media. This is especially true as it also gives her the ability to work from home while she cares for her disabled son.  The digital world also gives her the perfect platform for spreading Fragile X Syndrome awareness. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? To spread information and awareness about Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic disability. There was very little online about it at that time. Blogging was new when I started so I also started to teach others. What do you know

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Friday 23 June 2017

How to Avoid Decision Fatigue

If you’ve ever reached a point where it felt like you couldn’t make even one more decision, then you’ve experienced a condition known as decision fatigue. Chances are you already associate willpower and self-control with making good decisions, but what you may not have considered is how your level of mental energy can affect the quality of your decisions. Willpower Isn’t Enough to Avoid Decision Fatigue Every day we make dozens of decisions. Many of them are made as unconscious elements of your daily routine … what to wear, what to have for breakfast, whether to exercise, and scheduling your

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Wednesday 21 June 2017

When Other Succeed...And You Don't

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Start Achieving Your Goals

If you could start achieving your goals, your life would be quite different, wouldn’t it? Just think of it. You want more prospects. You need a bigger email list. It’s time to put together that ebook, finally. Now, I could go on and list one goal after another that would help you grow your business. I could give you a lot of essential “kickstart” goals to achieve if you’re a newbie to online business. How To Know What Your Goals Are But I’m not trying to create a catalog of goals, here. Everybody is in a different place in their

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Monday 19 June 2017

What is the Future of Social Media?

It seems to me that social media is dominated by just 2 or 3 platforms. Facebook, Instagram (owned by Facebook) and Twitter. We then have a whole host of niche type sites that co-exist really just around Facebook and Instagram and are allowed to because they don’t tend to step on the toes of the giants. I don’t like the monopoly that Facebook has built and I’m not really sure how it has been allowed to happen. Change is desperately needed. So what is the future of social media? Well, we are all the future of social media. We decide where we

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Saturday 17 June 2017

Content Brainstorming: Six Ways to Find New Content Ideas

Content brainstorming is a huge part of being a successful blogger. You want to be seen as the go-to person for your community, so you will always need new ideas and content to share with them. But, at some point in your blogging career you will likely feel as if you’ve run out of things to write about. It’s not uncommon… it happens to every blogger at some point. And that’s where content brainstorming and knowing how to find new ideas comes in handy. Here are six of my favorite ways to find new content ideas for my blogs. Pay attention

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5 Steps for Cracking the Code on Social Media

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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Walk Away From Need

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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How To Turn Off Your Social Media Notifications

How To Turn Off Your Social Media Notifications? One of the most important things or should I say the most important thing for you is ‘Focus’. What you focus on expands! Focus on good and you will bring good to your life, focus on kindness and kindness is coming your way, but if you focus on negativity and what’s missing in your life you only get more of it. Eliminate Distraction. Often we get pumped and excited to do something, make plans to write a blog post or finish the project that we started a week ago, or go through

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Monday 12 June 2017

3 Ways To Share Your YouTube Videos to Pinterest

In this article I’ll show you 3 Ways to share your YouTube videos to Pinterest. But why would you want to do this? Pinterest is the place to showcase your Brand and Business to attract customers. You can set up a series of boards, each one showing a curation of posts offering things such as value / fun / resources / products / tutorials / blogs / videos / training You can mix up your content on your boards, and you can create some solely focused on video. I understand that for many people, Pinterest is not their primary lead generation social site … but it is

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Friday 9 June 2017

Essential Ingredients For A Good Blog Post

There are some essential ingredients for a good blog post, get them right and you will cook up a storm. When it comes to online marketing, you must have heard that blog content must be marketed to spread the word about your website.  But it is just not about making insane amounts of content and blog posts that hold no meaning, as in the end these will do damage instead of bringing traffic and profit. There’s more to an extraordinary blog post than just words on a screen. Below are some key ingredients for a good and successful blog post

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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Who is Sage? Find Your Ideal Blog Audience

Are you struggling to increase your blog readership? It could be that you haven’t yet found your one ideal reader. You might ask why bother with one reader when I blog for a lot of people. Well, that one ideal reader is the benchmark for all your others. He/she is one who really appreciates what you write. They benefit and learn from what you say. You’ve hit on areas they struggle with and gave them solutions. If you are new to blogging, don’t expect to identify your ideal reader for a while. Keep on going and all will become clear.

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Monday 5 June 2017

Mandy Allen Creates Her Own Magic In Life

Mandy Allen, I think you’ll find her to be of great interest and you will learn much about her. I know that I did! After school Mandy began her career in a bank but found herself to be quite unhappy. Mandy needed more excitement in her life. She found this much needed thrill when she quit her job, went to Paris, and stayed there for three years. Upon returning to home in North Norfolk, UK Mandy began to explore several passions.  She became a carpenter due to a love of working with her hands, earned a degree in Youth and Community Studies, and went

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Thursday 1 June 2017

How Does PAC Inspire Individual Success

If you thought PAC was just another blogging community, you have to look deeper and see the subtle inspiration for personal success – whatever that may be. PAC is an “Effort”  based community focused on generating member engagement, promotion, opportunities for personal growth in writing, creating ebooks, being better bloggers, creating blogs, and what does all of that entail? Doing the work required to manifest member goals online in a supportive environment. PAC encourages members to explore their abilities and the ones they want to improve by raising their hand to become involved with the community and what it offers through

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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Learn from Their Mistakes

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Why Should You Consider Becoming An Entrepreneur?

Thinking about becoming an entrepreneur?   Entrepreneurship….Is It For You? There are two types of people who are attracted to Internet Marketing / Entrepreneurship and who want to start their own online biz… Person A: They simply want out of their job because they don’t like working much. Person B: This person wants out of their jobs because they want to accomplish so much more out of their life and their jobs are restricting them from producing something bigger. Which one are you? If you are feeling under optimized, potentially caged at times in your current career and your earning power is limited and feel that you

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Sunday 28 May 2017

Vashishtha Kapoor Growth Hacker and WordPress Lover

Vashishtha Kapoor is a growth hacker and wordpress lover who describes himself as “A guy with specs who rarely reads books.” Vashishtha also stays at home for weeks at a time. It is a good thing that he has his PAC friends to keep him company. What is the focus of your blog? WordPress, Internet Marketing and Web Design. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I came to know about blogging when I was working in a web marketing company as an Intern. What do you know now that you wish you knew when

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Saturday 20 May 2017

Six Figure Summit Online!

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Six Figure Summit Online Broadcast

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Has Monna Ellithorpe Found Her Place?

Monna Ellithorpe has been writing in journals, diaries and creating short stories since her teen years. She didn’t have the “happily ever after” life she had dreamed of. Writing became a way to release the never ending ideas, thoughts and sentences that rambled around in her mind; waiting to find a place in a story. This writer and blogger lives in Fort Myers, FL. and continues to write short stories and articles while working on her first novel. Monna also helps others to publish their books, is creating a writing course and offers a Facebook based Writing Workshop. Request membership HERE.   How did you

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Friday 19 May 2017

Brand Development – What Is It? How do you do it?

Brand Development is tricky. You are developing a digital marketing strategy and a brand identity. Just how you go about doing this for your business, will be unique or exclusive to only you. Why is this so? Because a brand is YOU first, before your business. You are an individual with many facets to your personality,  and you bring these talents to your business. It’s your business’s identity (both online and offline.) I have come to understand that if a business doesn’t ensure it’s brand online looks good, you are wasting your money on internet marketing, which also is part of brand development. My marketing

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Wednesday 17 May 2017

Why Doesn’t My Site Rank Well?

There are any number of reasons why a site doesn’t rank well on Google SERPS. In most cases, it just takes good content published consistently to gain some traction and for the problem to fix its self. That being said here are some common reasons Your Site Doesn’t Rank Well Because it’s New It will normally take a couple of weeks for a new site to get indexed by Google and to become visible on search. But being indexed is just step one of being found. It is kind of like starting a new business. It takes time to build a

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Saturday 13 May 2017

Lydia Brown Embracing Addiction Abuse with Compassion

Lydia Brown has had a long career as a counselor and advocate for those with substance abuse and alcohol abuse issue and those affected by it. Lydia holds a Masters degree in Psychology and several certifications that help her to fulfill her varied roles in this arena.  She is also a Business Building Coach who enjoys working with those who struggle with but desire to have an online home business.  Lydia blogs at Addiction Treatment News where she shares news on alcohol and addiction treatment and related community and government issues. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this

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Sunday 7 May 2017

Play Catch

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Opening Your Heart to Love and Healing With Dr. Erica Goodstone

Dr. Erica Goodstone is a Spiritual Relationship Healer helping men and women heal their relationships through love. Dr. Erica has been actively involved with blogging and social media for many years, having been coached by some of the leading online marketers. As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marriage Counselor, Sex Therapist, Body Oriented Psychotherapist and Personal Health and Wellness Coach, Dr. Erica’s life’s work is about revealing the simple secret to creating love that endures.  Hint – it all begins with self-love. What is the focus of your blog? This is my authority site, a place where I have consolidated

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Friday 5 May 2017

Guest Posting – What’s In It For you?

The advantages of guest posting are widely known amongst serious bloggers.  Read more to find out what’s in it for you! A great number of bloggers will accept a guest post on their blog.  It offers the writer a unique opportunity to showcase their ideas and opinions.  You can gain a readership they might not otherwise enjoy through guest posting. Bloggers may approach you personally to ask you to write a guest post for them.  You may also find some will advertise they accept guest posts and ask anyone to submit a post for consideration. At all times it is up

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Monday 1 May 2017

I Like the Way You Work It!!!

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What Your Mistake is Trying So Hard to Tell You

You wish the ground should open up and take you in because you just made the biggest mistake in your life. You are upset and wish you could go back in time and make things right. This big mistake has cost you to lose everything in your life. You can’t look at those you love in the eye because your heart knows how much you have hurt their souls. The scar that your mistake has left behind will never go away in generations to come. How could you do this to me? You lash out at your mistake and while you

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Sunday 30 April 2017

Thoughts Become Things

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Be A Light To The World with Ikechi Awazie

Ikechi Awazie is a Web developer, System Administrator and Creator of the blog,  Be a Light to The World. His ambition is to stop people from playing small. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? My Journey began when started writing articles for platforms like hubpages, ezine articles and others. I found out that blogging was not just a way to share beliefs and ideas but it was a cool way to make a great community. I decided that I would blog to make a difference, one post at a time. What do you know

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Friday 28 April 2017

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words Have you ever noticed that certain words you’ve heard triggered you to take a particular action? The other day I caught myself opening an email just because of the subject line. I didn’t know the person behind the email or why I am receiving it in the first place, but they got attention, and I clicked to open and read the email. The truth is there are some very powerful words that we just can’t ignore. It reminds me of a course I took with Brian Fanale the co-creator of MLSP. He is using hidden commands in every

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Thursday 27 April 2017

How Important Is Having A Safer Environment For You And Your Family?

Is Having A Safer Environment Important To You & Your Family? Why or why not? Recently I became a member of one of the best known online global shopping clubs in the world that produces safe and biodegradable products to not only keep our environment safe and clean but will keep your home safe and clean as well. Right now they are having a phenomenal deal going on where you can become a preferred member for only $1/year and they are rewarding all new customers with a $38 gift & $100 in FREE products of your choice. How cool is

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Three More Ideas to Change Your Life

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Monday 24 April 2017

These 3 Ideas Will Change Your Life

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How To Break Through Your Success Barriers

Do you lose sleep trying to figure out How To Break Through Your Success Barriers? There are always barriers to your success. You know… fears that keep you from trying, or self-esteem issues that make you doubt your abilities. It’s imperative to break though these success barriers if you are going to build a profitable online business. But how? Let’s break it down into some simple things that can help get you over the hump. Define Your Version Of Success The first thing is to define exactly what success means to you. To many people, success means earning a certain amount

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Sunday 23 April 2017

With A Menu of Reasons

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How to Do Content Curation for Your Blog the Right Way

Content “Curation” is a way of reproducing another author’s knowledgeable content on your blog, with a mention and a direct link back to the original content. An example would be… “Creating and Curating content is a powerful way of establishing yourself in your industry, demonstrating your stance on important topics and setting the tone for your brand” by Zac It also does much more, as you will see in this article. Good things for your blog like attracting more traffic to your blog, sharing links, better ratings on Google, credibility, and organization of information that your readers would like to read.

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Wednesday 19 April 2017

Why RSS Feeds Are Still Important For Bloggers

RSS feeds, although out of fashion for web users in general, are still important for bloggers in two main ways. Let me explain what these are. Firstly, I’d better explain what RSS and Feed Readers are for those not familiar with them. What are RSS and Feed Readers Blog platforms come with inbuilt RSS feeds which create a file of your recent posts, updated each time you write a new one. These files use an XML format, a code not meant to be read as it is. Here’s an XML example of a post from part of a recent PAC

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Monday 17 April 2017

YouTube Finding Prospects

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Build Your Brand and Social Influence with Hashtags

When we talk about building influence with hashtags we are really talking about using them in a way that drives traffic and engagement to the content that we create. So for example, I write and publish an article on how to grow your followers on Instagram. Popular hashtags you could use for a subject like this would be #Instagram, #Instagood, #Followers … you get the idea. Well, this is great but what if you could use hashtags in a way to not only grow your engagement and views but to also build your brand So, as well as using the

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Saturday 15 April 2017

Dexter Roona, The InfoBunny

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Friday 14 April 2017

Grow Your List with Easy Content Upgrades

Using content upgrades to grow your list can be tough if you’re not sure what types of content to give your readers. You know you should be offering content upgrades to your readers as a way to grow your mailing list. But sometimes it’s not easy coming up with an opt-in idea for every post you write. The other big complaint about using content upgrades is the amount of time it takes to create them. If you plan your content well, thought, creating the actual content upgrades don’t have to take much time at all. Where the time comes in

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Thursday 13 April 2017

PAC Link Party Thursday Blog Promotion

Share your Blog Promotion here! Just add your link at the bottom of this post! Get more traffic to your blog and promote your opportunity! You may find something you like … An InLinkz Link-up  

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Sunday 9 April 2017

Kathryn Maclean Welcomes You

Every PAC member should know Kathryn Maclean. After all, she welcomes every new PAC member and is a PAC Expert Author. Kathryn, is also giving in many other ways. She even offers a FREE 15 minute discovery call for all potential new clients. You can learn more about that HERE. The focus of Kathryn’s business is Connecting small businesses to the net through blogging and social media. How did you get into blogging? What made you choose this path? I was learning marketing in a small group and was told that I needed a website. What do you know now

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Friday 7 April 2017

Proof A Person's Life Can Change in 8 Minutes

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The Billion Coin – ReVisited Update V2

The Billion Coin (TBC)  ReVisited Update V2 The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. If you missed it, here’s a follow up post to my previous post. So what’s happened since my last post? Let me fill you in ! If you’re curious,  here’s a video : TBC is one year old! See the video here!   What is The Billion Coin The Billion Coin is a crypto currency. (what’s one of those?) A currency that exists online which is used to buy goods and services in a very similar way to BitCoin. The formula begins with a membership agreement. All members of The Billion

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