Saturday 31 December 2016

Friday 30 December 2016

Top Leader Interview with Johnny Wimbrey

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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7 Ways To Further Your Business Brand in 2017

  7 Ways To Further Your Business Brand in 2017 “Your Business Brand has the exciting potential of being the operating principle for everything your organization every does” – Ted Matthews 1.Your website is a communication platform where your branding matters. A branded blog means it is distinctive. It stands out in both the look of it, as well as the content and how it affects your reader. If you have a custom theme for your blog, it gives a unique look or identity to it. Simply, your Business Brand is your promise to your customer, informing them what they

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Friday 23 December 2016

50 Social Christmas Jokes You Can Share

You all know those corny Christmas Jokes that you find inside your Christmas crackers … Well, here is my compilation for you to amuse your friends and family. Be prepared for some groans as well as some giggles! A festive way to share these is to print them off, cut them into strips, then use them to share at your gatherings… kids love them! So, here we go…   🎅🏽 Q ~ What do Elves use to make their Christmas Cake? A ~ Elf-raising flour!   🎅🏽  Q – Why don’t Polar Bears eat penguins? A – Because they can’t get the

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Saturday 17 December 2016

Four Guaranteed Ways to Increase Your New Site Traffic

  Editor’s note: PAC welcomes Guest Author Hussain Omar Once your website is up, the next think you will think about is traffic, right? Of course you will not think of ” organic” traffic in the first couple of months as most of the new sites will be caught in Google sandbox for a while before they get some authority to attract search engines. So, what are the other options you are left with? You can go for the social route, but that will assume that you already have some fans, and connected with some influencers which is usually not

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Friday 16 December 2016

Top Leader Interview with John Sachtouras

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Building A Personal Foundation That Lasts

It’s that time of year when we begin thinking of a fresh round of goals, New Year Resolutions, and business plans. For all of the planning we do at the end of the year, have you ever thought about the health of your personal foundation? The easiest way to explain a personal foundation is to compare it to the foundation of your home. Just as your home needs a sturdy foundation to support the structure, you need a solid foundation to support your life. Personal foundations will naturally vary depending on your circumstances. But they will always include core values,

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Tuesday 13 December 2016

Figuratively Naked Ep 3 Creating A Space (Tiara Special)

from Diane Hochman

Entrepreneurs Do Not Wait For Support They Create It

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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What Christmas Can Teach Us About Blogging

It’s Christmas Day, presents are bought and wrapped, and the tree is glistening with cheer. Food is prepared and its scent fills the air. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” Isn’t it? Christmas Day might be wonderful but the preparation hard work. No different from when you’ve finally published a killer post. I’ve considered escaping to a warm, relaxing Pacific Island this year. Fiji, Bali, Hawaii all appeal. My children wouldn’t approve, because our family traditions are now well entrenched. Memories of our car breaking down in the middle of a 450 mile trip from Sydney to Melbourne

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Sunday 11 December 2016

Thursday 8 December 2016

The Holidays Should Focus On Gratitude

The Holidays Are Here Once Again The holidays are a time to reconnect to the really important things in life. The holidays have a way of having us reminisce about holidays past. If the holidays include you shopping for gifts for others, then you are thinking of ways to make the recipients happy. You want to make sure they know that you appreciate them and what they do for you all throughout the year. Lessons From Holidays Past I have noticed that as we mature, we look upon the holidays much differently than when we were children. As an only

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Friday 2 December 2016

Million Dollar Interview with Danien and Stephania Lo Gatto-Feier

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro

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Why You Are A Hero And The World Needs You

Heroes are the ones that have a winning catch and are so brave that they do the unthinkable. Which is why it’s not surprising that you don’t consider yourself a hero. So you don’t have the awesome powers that can make you be the “Man of Steel”. You  have not bagged as many awards as the most brilliant General. You have come to see yourself as an ordinary man, one who isn’t worth praise . What have you done to deserve such an adoration? After all, heroes are the men and women that you read in stories and they don’t usually walk

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