Tuesday 29 November 2016

Creating Your Game Plan for 2017

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXP5Y-uOEw

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PAC Testimonial Time For 2016

It’s PAC Testimonial Time! Wow.. did this year go fast or what! I know, we all say this at the end of a year. But now it’s time to look back and forward to the potential of a new year,right? PAC will be moving into it’s forth year online mid 2017! With just a few weeks left of 2016, we thought having an opportunity for our members and readers to post their thoughts about PAC would be a nice way to close out this year. We know we’ve helped a lot of people with their blogs, writing skills, and enhancing

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Monday 28 November 2016

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Your Benefit

How Can You Use & Benefit From The Law of Attraction in Your Business  If you’ve never used the Law of Attraction (LoA) before, you might wonder what it is, why so many people believe it is true, and how you can use it to your benefit. What Is The Law of Attraction? The Law of Attraction states that things that are alike will attract each other. That is, if I think positively and I concentrate on positive outcomes, then my thoughts will actually attract those positive outcomes into my life. The Law of Attraction recommends very specific ways in

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Saturday 26 November 2016

The Differences Between Niche Marketing and Mass Marketing

Fourpercent Group Training System

niche marketing beats mass marketingNiche marketing and mass marketing have many differences, the most common of which is the size of the market or group being targeted. Aside from targeting a smaller market, a niche marketer has a particular focus and knows which group he needs to concentrate on. In most cases, niche marketing focuses on markets that are not reached by mainstream providers. On the other hand, mass marketing deals with big numbers and an even bigger community. If a mass marketer targets parents, a niche marketer will go smaller, targeting the more specific group of single parents.

Mass Marketing Is Not As Specific As Niche Marketing

In mass marketing, the focus is normally on attracting as many customers as possible. The big challenge, however, lies in the fact that the target market is one whole big chunk and it will be a Herculean task just getting all the customers to like the product. Marketers will need to break down this big customer group into smaller ones. If the mass marketer’s target market are parents, he will have to find a way to create different segments, like one for married parents, another for unmarried parents, a third group for single parents, and a fourth group for divorced or separated parents. The list can go on and on as the marketer tries to look for more segments; one can be based on the parents’ age group and another can be on the financial capabilities of the parents. It’s a long and tiring process.

The Process Of Niche Marketing

Now, for niche marketing, it is an entirely different process. Since the target market is already small, concentrated and narrowed down, there is no need to break down the market into different segments. The customers are already properly identified. If the niche focuses on single parents, it becomes easier for the marketer to gather information from the customers. It will be easier for him to reach out to his customers and find out what they need and what they want.

Another noteworthy difference between mass and niche marketing is that mass marketing uses expensive forms of media to reach people. Marketers and their agencies/companies spend thousands of dollars advertising on radio and television. Niche marketing, for its part, has a budget that cannot support mainstream media advertising. The most common forms of advertising strategies used by niche marketers are the electronic mail and snail mail (post office mail). Niche marketers may also use networking for their advertising needs. Ever since the advent of the Internet, niche marketers have found it easier to attract customers. By ensuring their website is informative and relevant, they can draw in customers searching for the services they offer.

Looking at these differences, it’s easy to see the best option for effective advertising and marketing is the niche process. Niche marketing is the way to go for those who want to bring their businesses and products to greater heights.

Local SEO Domination

Source by Mike Paetzold

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Friday 25 November 2016

Wonderful Online Affiliate Programs For The Holidays

It’s early for online affiliate programs, but your competitors already have snow, Santa, and holiday shopping  income on their minds. Time to start your affiliate advertising for the holidays! The Internet industry has been around for a while now, affiliate  programs are  very popular business models for generating income online. It allows you to get products together quickly for your online business  and cheaply. As an example. If you’re looking to increase your holiday sales do keep these shopping holidays following the US Thanksgiving Day in mind. I have a RECOMMENDATIONS  page on my site for upcoming specials on various products that I am an affiliate

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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Blend In Or Shine All The Way

  Blend In Or Shine All The Way Every beginning is challenging, no matter what you are starting you will have to face some challenges. There will be a learning curve, which will take you from point A to point B. Knowing that there is no shortcut to success, it’s in your best interest to keep your eye on the prize and never lose your faith. You know yourself best, better than anyone else. You know that if you want something and you put your mind into it, you will do it without even considering the obstacles. I have been

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Monday 21 November 2016

Should you join Niume the new social media blogging site?

Niume is a very curious social media start-up aimed primarily at bloggers to help them get noticed. The question is what value does Niume offer bloggers and are bloggers really the targeted audience?   Niume is another new social site that rewards its members for joining and using the platform. I’m all in favor of social sites that reward and give back to their members. As you probably know I was a big fan of the failed social site Tsu and I’m now an even bigger fan now of The8App. Any site that is looking to change how we use social media and help steer

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Sunday 20 November 2016

Working From Home – How to Avoid Being Cheated

Fourpercent Group Training System

beware of scams when working from homeIf you are only just thinking of working from home and are new to the home business scene, be very wary of the scams that exist. This is especially true if you are looking to work on-line (As the Internet is the number 1 breeding ground for Shady on-line business scams). After coming across several advertisements, it will be easy for you to distinguish between scams and genuine work opportunities, but it is very common to fall prey to the false claims of the scam artists in the initial stages. Do bear in mind the following points when you next looking at offers about working from home.

One of the first things to remember is that there is no shortcut to success. Most of the get-rich-quick schemes that thrive on the Internet are pure fiction and their only aim is to draw as much money from you as possible. There are many people who have been successful working from home but they had to put in a lot of effort and a lot of hours in before they could quit their day jobs. So if you come across sites that claim to give you money that is way out-of-proportion with the work you put in, you can easily assume that it is too good to be true.

There might be many legitimate data-entry jobs over the Internet but even still the number of scams outnumbers the legitimate ones. Most of the advertisements for data entry ask for a upfront fee and it is a good indicator of the offer being a scam. Never pay money for someone to give you a job, an authentic job offer would not ask for any payment from your side. This holds true for other scams like filling up surveys and advertisements asking you for money to send you assembly kits.

Working From Home Scams – What To Look For

Other scams include sites that ask you for a small sum of money to download their product that will help you in setting up on-line business. This could be a rip-off in one of two ways:

  1. The download might just be a book giving you tips on setting up on-line business but it will have no original information. All the so-called “precious” information offered by the website, will be available freely on other sites, all you have to do is search long enough.
  2. It might contain ‘Spy-ware’ that will infiltrate your personal computer and take all your personal information like your bank details! So, if you are downloading anything to increase your potential for working from home, be 100% sure that it is authentic.

If you have not applied for a job and you get offers regarding working from home, be very careful yet again. There could be some hidden problems here. It is advisable not to trust the scams that send you a well-composed offer letter, in which buried in it are questions about your bank account.

Another all time great scam doing the rounds in the name of ‘work from home’, is the Internet-based pyramid schemes with no actual product. While most multi-level-marketing and legitimate network marketing offers are not scams, this type of business model is used all the time to setup less than reputable ‘business opportunities’ that then fleece thousands of people out of their money. Know who you are working with. The numbers of people who make it big are only a handful (even in the more reputable network marketing companies), so it is advisable to steer clear of these schemes if the people you are working with are not successful themselves.

Be sure to look into working from home with peace of mind, not with turmoil and regret.

Local SEO Domination

Source by Sarah Elson

Find out more about online scams on Wikipedia HERE

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Friday 18 November 2016

What Do You Blog About?

What Do You Blog About? How do you come up with ideas for what to blog about? How many different topics do you blog about? I know, you probably have a specific niche and topic that sets the tone for your blog. But within the scope of that niche and topic, how many different things do you really blog about. What category should you put your next blog post in? You organize your blog into categories, right? There’s a reason for that. It helps you develop blog posts for each of the main categories that define your blog, right? But

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Leader Interview with Whitney Husband

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Iackhz__u8

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2fDrD18

Thursday 17 November 2016

Changing Habits To Improve Your Personal Life

Changing habits helps us to improve lifeHabits, oh those nasty habits. Changing habits is not easy, but to improve your personal life and possibly your business life, you need to eradicate those bad habits.

Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits have to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to learning how you can change your habits.

Changing Habits Is Harder When Making Excuses

How many people do you know who go through life making excuses?

Anytime these people see something complicated, they will often make excuses why they cannot deal with the problem. “This is just the way I am.” This is a common problem in the world, which we’ve all heard billions of times. If you are out to improve your life however, you need to say, “This is something that hinders me from achievement and I have the power to change it.”

The first key to success is stop making excuses. Learn how to tell the truth. The truth is the only answer that leads you to improve your personal life. Once you learn to tell the truth, you will need to commit self to learning and developing new habits.

Start by choosing a new habit and being committed to it. Today I plan to drink more water. Some don’t like water, yet water is our way of living healthier. Instead of “not liking” something that will save your life, start saying “today I will drink more water”. Even if you start out drinking a glass for the first couple of days, you are making changes.

“Today I am going to stop judging others and myself”. This is a common mistake people make in the world. They spend time judging others and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos. You make your bed, you must learn to sleep in it, which is why you should change your ways. Judging is only for our Master in the sky.

Negative Thinking Doesn’t Help In Changing Habits

Do you think negative? I can’t change this. My life is full of nonsense, I can’t swing it anymore. Why me? Who put a tag on my head, saying persecute me. If you spend your life thinking negative and improve your life by making habit changessaying negative things, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change something and I am going to. Instead of saying life is full of nonsense; accept it as truth yet move ahead to make your life better. “Why me” is a common question, which no one knows why, yet we have to accept it, make better decisions and move ahead. If you feel persecuted, ask yourself what you’re doing that makes you feel this way. Do you have friends or family members weighing you down? If so, then tell them to “but out” and go make new friends. No one in life is worth you constantly suffering this negativity. You have the power to make changes, but you don’t have the power to change other people.

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small. Instead of rushing into everything, take baby steps to success. Too many times people try changing habits overnight, which leads to frustration.

When you are working to change your life and habits make sure you seek support and feedback. You do not have to walk the road to success alone. Feedback is found at your library, the Internet, at colleges, and so on. You will find support inside these channels too. Ask someone you trust to support you and give you feedback when you need it. Changing habits takes a little time, so work patiently and consistently and see the benefit of those changes improve your life.


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The Go Pro 2016 event is Sold Out! Get VIRTUAL ALL-ACCESS tickets!

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EygtMeQrbII

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Changing Habits To Improve Your Personal Life

Changing habits helps us to improve lifeHabits, oh those nasty habits. Changing habits is not easy, but to improve your personal life and possibly your business life, you need to eradicate those bad habits.

Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits have to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to learning how you can change your habits.

Changing Habits Is Harder When Making Excuses

How many people do you know who go through life making excuses?

Anytime these people see something complicated, they will often make excuses why they cannot deal with the problem. “This is just the way I am.” This is a common problem in the world, which we’ve all heard billions of times. If you are out to improve your life however, you need to say, “This is something that hinders me from achievement and I have the power to change it.”

The first key to success is stop making excuses. Learn how to tell the truth. The truth is the only answer that leads you to improve your personal life. Once you learn to tell the truth, you will need to commit self to learning and developing new habits.

Start by choosing a new habit and being committed to it. Today I plan to drink more water. Some don’t like water, yet water is our way of living healthier. Instead of “not liking” something that will save your life, start saying “today I will drink more water”. Even if you start out drinking a glass for the first couple of days, you are making changes.

“Today I am going to stop judging others and myself”. This is a common mistake people make in the world. They spend time judging others and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos. You make your bed, you must learn to sleep in it, which is why you should change your ways. Judging is only for our Master in the sky.

Negative Thinking Doesn’t Help In Changing Habits

Do you think negative? I can’t change this. My life is full of nonsense, I can’t swing it anymore. Why me? Who put a tag on my head, saying persecute me. If you spend your life thinking negative and improve your life by making habit changessaying negative things, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change something and I am going to. Instead of saying life is full of nonsense; accept it as truth yet move ahead to make your life better. “Why me” is a common question, which no one knows why, yet we have to accept it, make better decisions and move ahead. If you feel persecuted, ask yourself what you’re doing that makes you feel this way. Do you have friends or family members weighing you down? If so, then tell them to “but out” and go make new friends. No one in life is worth you constantly suffering this negativity. You have the power to make changes, but you don’t have the power to change other people.

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small. Instead of rushing into everything, take baby steps to success. Too many times people try changing habits overnight, which leads to frustration.

When you are working to change your life and habits make sure you seek support and feedback. You do not have to walk the road to success alone. Feedback is found at your library, the Internet, at colleges, and so on. You will find support inside these channels too. Ask someone you trust to support you and give you feedback when you need it. Changing habits takes a little time, so work patiently and consistently and see the benefit of those changes improve your life.


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Thursday 10 November 2016

Automated Social Syndication Using Syndwire

Syndication is a very important part of the SEO process. If you can automate social syndication through web 2.0 properties that have high authority, this way to build authority into your site. When you have that authority in the eyes of Google and the major search engines, it is generally easier to rank. In this post I am going to review a system that I have been using for a month or so now. This particular system is called Syndwire. Syndwire is the creation of Joe Troyer and it was created to take on Only Wire. Many of you will

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Monday 7 November 2016


from Diane Hochman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyVLrKSWP00

Thursday 3 November 2016

What Causes Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades?

what causes back pain between the shoulder bladesWhile not as common as lower back discomfort, many people feel back pain between the shoulder blades (the scapulas). This upper back pain between the shoulder scapula can be caused by a number of factors.

Back pain is something that affects many people around the world, both men and women of all ages. It’s said over 80% of us will require back pain relief at one time or another.

The Causes Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades Can Come From:

  • Being physically fit and trying to look good have never been more prevalent so… many young people spend a lot of time exercising. Often they are over-doing it, doing the exercises incorrectly, not properly warming up and stretching. This causes the muscles that run from their neck down between their shoulder blades to get strained very easily. Exhaustion of the muscles causes back pain between the shoulder blades too, so don’t push beyond your effective limits.
  • Many of us are spending more and more time in the office, sitting in uncomfortable office chairs (with bad posture), taking phone calls (with the phone propped between the ear and shoulder), lifting, twisting, bending and doing tasks that cause our bodies to tire out. When your body gets tired, usually your back begins to sag and back pain between the shoulder blades sets in.
  • As mentioned, those of us with poor posture tend to slouch – which can cause pain throughout the back, not just in the upper back area.
  • Men and women who are overweight and women with above average sized breasts tend to have back pain between their shoulder blades thanks to the added strain of the weight placed on their spinal column.
  • Add in potential medical disorders and diseases such as a pinched nerve, disc herniation, disc degeneration, and others… and the muscles in the upper back don’t stand a chance.

These things are only a few things that can be the causes of back (thoracic) pain, but they can cause discomfort ranging from mildly annoying to seriously painful, chronic and debilitating.

It is important to do what you can to address and alleviate these issues. We have enough to worry about under normal circumstance without adding in pains from back issues.

First… as always, before you seek upper back pain relief and start self-treatment, see your doctor to get a diagnosis of what is creating your particular issue.

Causes for an upper back problem and back pain between the shoulder blades are many and varied and you need to find out what condition is causing your aches before you do anything that could make them worse.

Follow Professional Advice On Back Pain Between The Shoulder Blades

Be sure to follow whatever advice your therapist recommends. I’m constantly amazed at how many of us pay for professional advice – and then ignore it.

There are back pain exercises to help loosen the muscles and strengthen your back, but those who do exercise need to ensure that they don’t overexert themselves when cycling, running, training on the elliptical machine, or other activities. Make it a point to stretch properly both before and after exercise.

Those spending a good amount of time in the office need to ensure that they have comfortable chairs to sit on. A poorly designed chair is more of a common cause of chronic back pain between the shoulder blades than most of us realize.

I like seeing a shapely leg as much as the next man, but many women wear heels that are too high, and the overly high heels contribute to their back aches. (As well as damage the feet.) Wearing comfortable shoes in the workplace is vital for back pain relief. Save the heels for a night on the town.

Poor posture can easily lead to a herniated cervical disc. It is easy to slouch, but correcting your posture will go a very long way towards avoiding potentially severe back problems.

If you suspect that you have poor posture, take a look in the mirror to check it out. If your chin is more than 2 inches in front of your chest, then you are probably hanging your too head low and slouching.

Roll your shoulders back and lift your head towards the roof. Straighten your back and lift your chest to correct your posture. You need to make the effort to walk around with good posture, it may be a hassle, but it’s easier than surgery, years of physical therapy, medication and trips to your physician.

Women who have large breasts should ensure that they wear bras that offer sufficient support. Larger breasted women can visit a bra specialist to obtain information on what kind of bra is the best to provide the necessary support.

Taking these small steps to change can actually help you reduce the amount of back pain between the shoulder blades that you experience, and you may find that these few small changes are the difference between acute discomfort and a pain-free life.

Source by Danny Eitreim

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Use Discipline To Keep Your Goals In Sight

Discipline is required. Don’t dismiss the importance of your daily internal dialogue. Discipline in your daily thoughts and actions is required in order to reach your goals. Thoughts are very powerful things. I always taught my children that, “Thoughts lead to actions and actions speak louder than words.” If you also believe this to be true, then it follows that if we want to reach our goals, our very big goals, let’s start with the end in mind. Start by closing your eyes and envisioning these big goals. Think of being on a sailboat, sailing on a calm blue sea.

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Wednesday 2 November 2016

The BillionCoin has arrived You should read this!

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock recently you might not have heard of TheBillionCoin (TBC). Just in case you didn’t know it’s a crypto currency. Some argue that is not actually a crypto currency. The point they make is that is is not part of the Bit Coin infrastructure, When, In fact every transaction is processed through the bitcoin infrastructure. Let me explain what it TheBillionCoin is: TBC is a community based P2P (person 2 person) coin (not token). Which you buy from other members who belong to TheBillionCoin and you buy/sell in the same way using the the

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Tuesday 1 November 2016

The Second Most Powerful Way to Learn

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00p-JA9qf-I

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6 Steps to Avoid Getting Sidetracked

Imagine you are on a roll, making real progress on a task or project. All of a sudden, the phone rings, an e-mail alarm goes off, a colleague asks for a favor, your mother-in-law drops by on the “spur of the moment,” you’re called to school to pick up a sick child, etc. Uh oh, sidetracked again! It is estimated that the average adult is interrupted 73 times per day – and that’s just at work. Add family, friends, and children to the mix and you can easily double that number. It may seem obvious that interruptions will increase the

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