Tuesday 31 May 2016

4 List Building Mistakes That Cost You Money As We Speak!

“The money is in the lists.” As an affiliate marketer you’ve probably heard that one hundreds of times. And it’s true – but not if you’re doing it wrong! It should read ‘Money is in the lists only if you know what you’re doing’. If you’re taking a stab at it, though, chances are that you’re doing it wrong and you’re costing yourself cold, hard cash. On a list of affiliate marketing mistakes, messing up your list building reigns supreme. Botch that one and everything you do after will have a significantly diminished impact. It’s like trying to run a

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Monday 30 May 2016

Why Not Slide Into More Traffic Using This

Slide into more traffic with Slideshare. Especially if your main clientele are Business Professionals, it’s a a must. A lot of people, perhaps even you, just don’t think using Slideshare is important when it comes to marketing their business. You may be surprised how wrong you are. “Slideshare is a sharing platform for business documents, videos and presentations. Slideshare lets anyone share presentations and video and also serves as a social discovery platform for users to find relevant content and connect with other members who share similar interests. The company also has a huge enterprise following, and companies like IBM

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Saturday 28 May 2016

Are You In Empowr Yet?

Are You Empowr’d Yet? If you want to get paid for Social Media then you should be! This is a post talking about a new social network which is very similar in nature to Facebook, TSU and many other social networks but this one has a twist! Empowr is a social network NOT just made for marketers, It is made for anyone who maybe, might want a bit of a change from the usual networks we go on. I will compare it to Facebook as it’s the easiest site for comparison purposes. Currently this is what Facebook let’s you do: Connect

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Take Action Because Action Speaks Louder Than Words

action speaks louder than wordsMany of us have been in a situation where you have a good idea what must be done, but can’t do it. You know it’s the right thing to do, but you can’t move. We all know that Action speaks louder than words, so why do we let ourselves get stuck?

Horrible feeling and position to be in – STUCK!!

You keep going over and over things in your head, but even then don’t do anything about it. You have the belief that everything will work out. Somehow life will just magically work it out for you. Then, whatever the outcome, you accept it. There are times when you feel this is okay, perhaps even the best choice; but really it’s down to fear. We just don’t have the courage to make a decision.

Action Speaks Louder Than Words, So Get On With It!

Decisions and taking action is all about facing fear and having the courage to actually do it. Being afraid of making a decision is not something that will serve you. We all want something from life, but for some reason, we don‘t all “go for it”!

Why is that?

Because fear stops you from acting of your own will, even though the action you take would be for the greater good. You’ll look at the “possible” consequences and can’t bear to move forward. This is the negative taking control of you.

So, what about the other action? Well, the fallout of that may also be unbearable, so you don’t take action on that either! You can’t stay where you are. You really must do one or the other. What then happens is you go back to the same fork in the road, taking no action on either and hoping that the next time you go there you’ll have a lot more clarity. Nope! THAT doesn’t work either!

Next comes the “what if” and the “if only”. What if you had the courage to act sooner? You know the rest.

Problem is, we all talk about things, but do we ever follow up and do the things that we are stating we actually WANT to do?

Making decisions is important in taking control of your life. It’s a skill in itself. Some have the ability to do it better than others. For those people, it’s an innate ability. For everyone else, it requires a little work. It needs practice. You have to flex those “decision-making” muscles. You can’t afford to wait around for anything to happen. You have to face up to your fear…fear of failure and of missed opportunities are big ones to take note of.

It’s no good talking about doing something and then not doing it because you’re afraid. Because action speaks louder than words, you have to beat off that fear by taking action to achieve your dream goal. It won’t simple “materialise” like a wish from a Genie or something bizarre like that.

To develop the ability to act when a situation demands it, you need to have acceptance in your mind. When you learn to accept things, you’re able to do more without being fearful of it. No matter what you think, you can’t control everything. FACT!

You can’t see the future (unless you’re psychic or something, in which case skip this); another fact. You will always make mistakes; but you can recover and move on. Accept this and you’re on your way to making tough decisions something you’re used to doing.

Accept that actions are better than just word speakAcceptance really isn’t difficult. You accept things every day. If you drive for example, you take it for granted that the driver coming from the opposite direction isn’t a lunatic and will deliberately run into you. When you cross the road at a designated crossing, or got into a car with someone else driving, then you accept things are going to be ok. How can you do that without thinking? The answer is you don’t really have a choice. You want to get to where you’re going. If you refused to get in a car because you are afraid you might crash, would that affect your getting to your destination? Very possible. You take the “risk” because you’re convinced that you have no choice at that time.

Well, why not apply that acceptance to your decision? We all know that generally speaking, there are no guarantees in life. You may make mistakes, but at least you had the courage to choose. And who could say you wouldn’t have been struck by lightning if you took the other path. There is no way of knowing if you hadn’t acted as you did. Accept this too. It will give you the confidence to keep improving.

Don’t be a victim of circumstance, what ifs or maybes. Talking about something and being fearful about achieving it won’t serve. Taking action and beating those fears WILL serve you. Always remember that action speaks louder than words every time!


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Take Action Because Action Speaks Louder Than Words

action speaks louder than wordsMany of us have been in a situation where you have a good idea what must be done, but can’t do it. You know it’s the right thing to do, but you can’t move. We all know that Action speaks louder than words, so why do we let ourselves get stuck?

Horrible feeling and position to be in – STUCK!!

You keep going over and over things in your head, but even then don’t do anything about it. You have the belief that everything will work out. Somehow life will just magically work it out for you. Then, whatever the outcome, you accept it. There are times when you feel this is okay, perhaps even the best choice; but really it’s down to fear. We just don’t have the courage to make a decision.

Action Speaks Louder Than Words, So Get On With It!

Decisions and taking action is all about facing fear and having the courage to actually do it. Being afraid of making a decision is not something that will serve you. We all want something from life, but for some reason, we don‘t all “go for it”!

Why is that?

Because fear stops you from acting of your own will, even though the action you take would be for the greater good. You’ll look at the “possible” consequences and can’t bear to move forward. This is the negative taking control of you.

So, what about the other action? Well, the fallout of that may also be unbearable, so you don’t take action on that either! You can’t stay where you are. You really must do one or the other. What then happens is you go back to the same fork in the road, taking no action on either and hoping that the next time you go there you’ll have a lot more clarity. Nope! THAT doesn’t work either!

Next comes the “what if” and the “if only”. What if you had the courage to act sooner? You know the rest.

Problem is, we all talk about things, but do we ever follow up and do the things that we are stating we actually WANT to do?

Making decisions is important in taking control of your life. It’s a skill in itself. Some have the ability to do it better than others. For those people, it’s an innate ability. For everyone else, it requires a little work. It needs practice. You have to flex those “decision-making” muscles. You can’t afford to wait around for anything to happen. You have to face up to your fear…fear of failure and of missed opportunities are big ones to take note of.

It’s no good talking about doing something and then not doing it because you’re afraid. Because action speaks louder than words, you have to beat off that fear by taking action to achieve your dream goal. It won’t simple “materialise” like a wish from a Genie or something bizarre like that.

To develop the ability to act when a situation demands it, you need to have acceptance in your mind. When you learn to accept things, you’re able to do more without being fearful of it. No matter what you think, you can’t control everything. FACT!

You can’t see the future (unless you’re psychic or something, in which case skip this); another fact. You will always make mistakes; but you can recover and move on. Accept this and you’re on your way to making tough decisions something you’re used to doing.

Accept that actions are better than just word speakAcceptance really isn’t difficult. You accept things every day. If you drive for example, you take it for granted that the driver coming from the opposite direction isn’t a lunatic and will deliberately run into you. When you cross the road at a designated crossing, or got into a car with someone else driving, then you accept things are going to be ok. How can you do that without thinking? The answer is you don’t really have a choice. You want to get to where you’re going. If you refused to get in a car because you are afraid you might crash, would that affect your getting to your destination? Very possible. You take the “risk” because you’re convinced that you have no choice at that time.

Well, why not apply that acceptance to your decision? We all know that generally speaking, there are no guarantees in life. You may make mistakes, but at least you had the courage to choose. And who could say you wouldn’t have been struck by lightning if you took the other path. There is no way of knowing if you hadn’t acted as you did. Accept this too. It will give you the confidence to keep improving.

Don’t be a victim of circumstance, what ifs or maybes. Talking about something and being fearful about achieving it won’t serve. Taking action and beating those fears WILL serve you. Always remember that action speaks louder than words every time!


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Friday 27 May 2016

6 Powerful Tips For a Successful Facebook Live

Facebook Live – Here’s What You Need To Know   So, what is Facebook Live Streaming and why should it matter to you? Simply, Live Streaming means that you’re filming videos and streaming them live. So instead of creating content using a camera, editing it and then uploading it to YouTube, you are instead broadcasting and streaming LIVE directly. This is known as raw footage. For marketers this is HUGE because it will allow you to communicate directly with your audience in a highly engaging manner and will give them the ability to ask questions, have a discussion and get LIVE

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Million Dollar Interview with Mario Oreggia

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h104aP24pw

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7 Tips to Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Revenue in 2016

Recently I met Michael. Michael has been in the affiliate marketing business for 3 years now. He was skeptical at first so he started off slowly, devoting maybe two days a week to his affiliate activities without getting all that much in return. Sure, he was getting some money on the side but he wasn’t getting rich. Until one day when things started to pick up. This was in early 2015. He started putting in more work into promoting his offers, building up lists, and generating leads. By summer, Michael has pocketed over $ 80, 000 in commissions! He was

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Sometimes A Solution Needs A Little Creative Thinking

we all need to think creatively sometimesSometimes we need a little creative thinking to come up with solutions to problems. If you’re like me, you will always work on the premise that there is not a problem, but there is a solution. The thought process of knowing there is always a solution triggers that creative thinking to be able to come up with that seemingly elusive solution.

How many times have you found yourself thinking there will be no other solution to a problem? You even think that problem leads to a dead end! How many times have you been stuck and believe the problem in front of you is one you cannot solve. No leads. No options. No solutions.

Did you feel you had exhausted all possible options and yet you’re nowhere near even starting up that mountain? It’s there in front of you, large, unconquerable and impregnable! When you come across big problems, you may feel you’re trying to fry an egg in a chocolate frying pan. The pressure of solving this problem may be too much for you.

Never Fear! Creative Thinking Is Your Saviour!

If you can come up with some creative problem-solving techniques it may help you look at a problem in a different light. That light may just be the end of the tunnel leading to the solutions.

It’s important to be open-minded and accept there may be more than just one solution to the problem. You must also be open to the fact there will be solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable. All because you started getting creative with your thinking.

Now we are looking at things more optimistically, we can work on being more creative in solving problems.

  1. Often the reason we find it hard to solve problems is because we haven’t looked closely enough at what the problem is. Trying to understand the problem from the “inside”, having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral solving it. Knowing exactly what the problem is and how it looks in more depth, you have a better foundation for finding the solution.
    Put together a simple statement of what the problem is. You need to identify the relevant sections and what the relationship with one another is. Think about the things you stand to gain or lose from the current problem. Now you have that simple statement of what the problem is, you can work to solve it.
  2. Take note of the constraints and assumptions you have based on the problem itself. It’s often these assumptions that obstruct our way to finding a solution. Look at it practically and decide which assumptions are valid. These assumptions will need to be addressed.
  3. Try solving the problem in sections. Often, big problems consist of several small ones. It’s like a large job. A large job consists of many small ones that, when completed, finish the big one. Look at the more detailed parts of the problem and solve each one in itself. This is known as the top-down approach. Write down some questions and come up with a one-sentence solution from your answers. The solution will be a general statement of what will solve the problem. You can then further develop the solution, increasing its complexity a bit at a time.
  4. Even though it helps to use a little critical thinking to solve a problem, you need to keep a creative and analytical thought in your head too. When someone comes up with a potential solution idea, try to think how that solution will actually work. As you run through this analysis, look for possible flaws in that solution.
  5. Because there is sometimes more than one solution to a problem, remember there may be more than one solution being developed. Take note of all the solutions and try to track their development.
  6. Creative thinking to solve problemsRemember the old saying,” two heads are better than one”. Always be open to new ideas. You will benefit from listening to ideas each person has. This is especially true when the person you’re talking to has experienced solving problems similar to yours.
    You don’t need to be on your own when solving a problem. Organizing some collective thought on the subject will be a great benefit to you.
  7. Be patient. As long as you remain patient and persevere, a solution will eventually present itself. Remember how long it took Edison to perfect the light bulb. Keep persisting until you find the solution and believe you will find it. That way you will find it for sure

Creative thinking exercises can also help you in the process of being a more creative problem solver.

An Example Of A Creative Thinking Exercise Is…

Grab a pen and a piece of paper. In the middle of the paper, write any word that comes to mind. Look at the word and write down the first two words that you think of. Keep going until you build a tree of related words. This exercise will help you build analogical skills and strengthen your creative processes.

Next time you have a problem you think you can’t solve, think again. The solution could be staring you right in the face. All it takes is some creative thinking, a little planning and a little work and you’re done. There are no problems, only solutions!


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Sometimes A Solution Needs A Little Creative Thinking

we all need to think creatively sometimesSometimes we need a little creative thinking to come up with solutions to problems. If you’re like me, you will always work on the premise that there is not a problem, but there is a solution. The thought process of knowing there is always a solution triggers that creative thinking to be able to come up with that seemingly elusive solution.

How many times have you found yourself thinking there will be no other solution to a problem? You even think that problem leads to a dead end! How many times have you been stuck and believe the problem in front of you is one you cannot solve. No leads. No options. No solutions.

Did you feel you had exhausted all possible options and yet you’re nowhere near even starting up that mountain? It’s there in front of you, large, unconquerable and impregnable! When you come across big problems, you may feel you’re trying to fry an egg in a chocolate frying pan. The pressure of solving this problem may be too much for you.

Never Fear! Creative Thinking Is Your Saviour!

If you can come up with some creative problem-solving techniques it may help you look at a problem in a different light. That light may just be the end of the tunnel leading to the solutions.

It’s important to be open-minded and accept there may be more than just one solution to the problem. You must also be open to the fact there will be solutions to problems you thought were unsolvable. All because you started getting creative with your thinking.

Now we are looking at things more optimistically, we can work on being more creative in solving problems.

  1. Often the reason we find it hard to solve problems is because we haven’t looked closely enough at what the problem is. Trying to understand the problem from the “inside”, having a concrete understanding of its workings is integral solving it. Knowing exactly what the problem is and how it looks in more depth, you have a better foundation for finding the solution.
    Put together a simple statement of what the problem is. You need to identify the relevant sections and what the relationship with one another is. Think about the things you stand to gain or lose from the current problem. Now you have that simple statement of what the problem is, you can work to solve it.
  2. Take note of the constraints and assumptions you have based on the problem itself. It’s often these assumptions that obstruct our way to finding a solution. Look at it practically and decide which assumptions are valid. These assumptions will need to be addressed.
  3. Try solving the problem in sections. Often, big problems consist of several small ones. It’s like a large job. A large job consists of many small ones that, when completed, finish the big one. Look at the more detailed parts of the problem and solve each one in itself. This is known as the top-down approach. Write down some questions and come up with a one-sentence solution from your answers. The solution will be a general statement of what will solve the problem. You can then further develop the solution, increasing its complexity a bit at a time.
  4. Even though it helps to use a little critical thinking to solve a problem, you need to keep a creative and analytical thought in your head too. When someone comes up with a potential solution idea, try to think how that solution will actually work. As you run through this analysis, look for possible flaws in that solution.
  5. Because there is sometimes more than one solution to a problem, remember there may be more than one solution being developed. Take note of all the solutions and try to track their development.
  6. Creative thinking to solve problemsRemember the old saying,” two heads are better than one”. Always be open to new ideas. You will benefit from listening to ideas each person has. This is especially true when the person you’re talking to has experienced solving problems similar to yours.
    You don’t need to be on your own when solving a problem. Organizing some collective thought on the subject will be a great benefit to you.
  7. Be patient. As long as you remain patient and persevere, a solution will eventually present itself. Remember how long it took Edison to perfect the light bulb. Keep persisting until you find the solution and believe you will find it. That way you will find it for sure

Creative thinking exercises can also help you in the process of being a more creative problem solver.

An Example Of A Creative Thinking Exercise Is…

Grab a pen and a piece of paper. In the middle of the paper, write any word that comes to mind. Look at the word and write down the first two words that you think of. Keep going until you build a tree of related words. This exercise will help you build analogical skills and strengthen your creative processes.

Next time you have a problem you think you can’t solve, think again. The solution could be staring you right in the face. All it takes is some creative thinking, a little planning and a little work and you’re done. There are no problems, only solutions!


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Thursday 26 May 2016

Robin Smith’s Instagram Bootcamp Review

Like “bootcamps”? Instagram making you crazy? Here’s a great program by Robin Smith that will sort it all out for you! Facebook’s Instagram. It’s been years since Facebook acquired Instagram in April 2012 for approximately US$1 billion in cash and stock. The Instagram app is still growing every day. If you thought that joining Instagram  seemed just to complicated,  I have some great news! I have been trying to get going on Instagram for some time now. I use  my phone, an Android smart phone.  I haven’t been able to find a really good course  that  would teach me all about

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Make It Your Destiny To Accomplish Great Things.

You can accomplish great things Don’t let your past dictate your future. What is gone is gone – forever. Because you have had a few ups and downs doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish great things. Now is the time to move on, to become what you want: to be the best in anything you choose to do and design your own destiny.

I have some simple tips to share with you that can help you to move in the direction of manifesting your destiny to accomplish many great things.

To be able to connect with other successful people in your chosen niche, or even to quietly achieve your dreams for yourself, you’ll need to work towards a better, more enlightened future; toward a more empowered and motivated you and a life you’ll design and achieve. You’ll be able to live your life as you want it, and you’ll become the person you always dreamt of becoming.

Accomplish Great Things By Investing In You.

Invest in life – in your life. It’s time to take action, so no more wavering dreams or aimless wishing and hoping. No more sleepless nights worrying about the future being the same as it is now.

Believe in yourself and believe that what you’re dreaming of will happen. From today, you’re going to take massive action and move forward in your life in a dramatic way. You’ll do what’s needed to accomplish daily goals, big and small. The biggest and most important part is you’ll expect to succeed at everything you do.

You have unlimited power, so embrace it and build a life of excellence. Success is your only option. Do everything you can to fill your days with accomplishments, however small. At this stage it’s important to realise that most successes revolve around your ability to feel certain that you can achieve anything. And for you to feel certain, you need to be more confident.

Have Confidence You Will Accomplish Great Things

One of the foremost things needed to achieve anything in life is confidence. Confidence is an indispensable tool to help you succeed and your further development or betterment. This is the case be it for your personal or professional needs. Confidence is part of the path to success and fulfilment. When you have high confidence, you’ll have the courage, strength and motivation to tackle and overcome setbacks and challenges.

The good news is confidence can be learned. Yes, anyone can learn the skills to having unstoppable confidence.

Here are a few tips that are easy to do and extremely effective. Doing these simple tips daily will help to retrain your thinking and become an automatic part of your new successful and confidence habit.

  • accomplish more great things. Set high limitsChallenge the thoughts that have been holding you back and limiting your belief. Stretch your mind to raise your limits to unlimited heights.
  • At the end of each day, confirm and encourage a confident and resourceful state of mind by jotting down in your diary or daily journal all of the day’s achievements, however small or large they are.
    The simple act of writing these down reinforces the idea of success and confidence. It’s extremely beneficial and motivating for you to feel any successes deep within so your mind acknowledges them as confident achievements.
  • Just before going to bed, think about and create your ideal day. When you’ve planned the next day, sit back and take a few minutes to imagine and visualise the entire day from beginning to end. Imagine it unfolding exactly how you see it in every situation. Feel those confident emotions that emanate from success and feeling that you’ve accomplished everything you wanted.
    As you sleep, your unconscious mind will work on ways to help bring about everything you’ve just visualised.

Make it your destiny to accomplish many great things in your lifetime. Do this by adopting a vital ingredient to success, which is confidence. Confidence helps you discard worry, hesitation and fear. Confidence helps you rise above challenges and failures. With confidence you have unending motivation and unrelenting persistence.

Never underestimate the power of confidence. Instead, reap the rewards and work to accomplish great things from this point on. You ARE in control.


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Make It Your Destiny To Accomplish Great Things.

You can accomplish great things Don’t let your past dictate your future. What is gone is gone – forever. Because you have had a few ups and downs doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish great things. Now is the time to move on, to become what you want: to be the best in anything you choose to do and design your own destiny.

I have some simple tips to share with you that can help you to move in the direction of manifesting your destiny to accomplish many great things.

To be able to connect with other successful people in your chosen niche, or even to quietly achieve your dreams for yourself, you’ll need to work towards a better, more enlightened future; toward a more empowered and motivated you and a life you’ll design and achieve. You’ll be able to live your life as you want it, and you’ll become the person you always dreamt of becoming.

Accomplish Great Things By Investing In You.

Invest in life – in your life. It’s time to take action, so no more wavering dreams or aimless wishing and hoping. No more sleepless nights worrying about the future being the same as it is now.

Believe in yourself and believe that what you’re dreaming of will happen. From today, you’re going to take massive action and move forward in your life in a dramatic way. You’ll do what’s needed to accomplish daily goals, big and small. The biggest and most important part is you’ll expect to succeed at everything you do.

You have unlimited power, so embrace it and build a life of excellence. Success is your only option. Do everything you can to fill your days with accomplishments, however small. At this stage it’s important to realise that most successes revolve around your ability to feel certain that you can achieve anything. And for you to feel certain, you need to be more confident.

Have Confidence You Will Accomplish Great Things

One of the foremost things needed to achieve anything in life is confidence. Confidence is an indispensable tool to help you succeed and your further development or betterment. This is the case be it for your personal or professional needs. Confidence is part of the path to success and fulfilment. When you have high confidence, you’ll have the courage, strength and motivation to tackle and overcome setbacks and challenges.

The good news is confidence can be learned. Yes, anyone can learn the skills to having unstoppable confidence.

Here are a few tips that are easy to do and extremely effective. Doing these simple tips daily will help to retrain your thinking and become an automatic part of your new successful and confidence habit.

  • accomplish more great things. Set high limitsChallenge the thoughts that have been holding you back and limiting your belief. Stretch your mind to raise your limits to unlimited heights.
  • At the end of each day, confirm and encourage a confident and resourceful state of mind by jotting down in your diary or daily journal all of the day’s achievements, however small or large they are.
    The simple act of writing these down reinforces the idea of success and confidence. It’s extremely beneficial and motivating for you to feel any successes deep within so your mind acknowledges them as confident achievements.
  • Just before going to bed, think about and create your ideal day. When you’ve planned the next day, sit back and take a few minutes to imagine and visualise the entire day from beginning to end. Imagine it unfolding exactly how you see it in every situation. Feel those confident emotions that emanate from success and feeling that you’ve accomplished everything you wanted.
    As you sleep, your unconscious mind will work on ways to help bring about everything you’ve just visualised.

Make it your destiny to accomplish many great things in your lifetime. Do this by adopting a vital ingredient to success, which is confidence. Confidence helps you discard worry, hesitation and fear. Confidence helps you rise above challenges and failures. With confidence you have unending motivation and unrelenting persistence.

Never underestimate the power of confidence. Instead, reap the rewards and work to accomplish great things from this point on. You ARE in control.


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Wednesday 25 May 2016

Life Revolves Around The Right Attitude

You need the right attitude to make itYour attitude to work and to life will have a really big impact. We’ve all heard the glass half full or glass half empty way of looking at things. Both are the same thing in practice, but can also have a completely different meaning and depend on the right attitude to your action in getting what you want from life. You have the ability in you to achieve anything you want to, but you may not yet realize it. If your attitude is positive, negative or somewhere in the middle, you really can take control of your life and set yourself free! Everyone has potential and it’s time to discover yours.

Visualizing Your Wants And Desires Having The Right Attitude.

You have dreams right? Ambition is another way of putting it. One of the most effective ways to see yourself succeeding and then believing it possible is by visualization. The way that visualization works is that you see yourself where you want to be. Be as specific as you need to be when visualizing. Imagine yourself in your dream car and driving around just where you want to be. How does it feel? Actually see yourself getting there.

Your whole mantra needs to be based on I can, I will and when I rather than the negative version of I can’t, I won’t and if I! Don’t worry if you feel you’re in a negative category – the thing about attitude is you can train yourself to have a positive attitude with a little work and practice.

It’s important that you start to take action on making things better. Look at ways to develop the right attitude to be positive and finding ways to reach your goal. The most important thing is not to set unrealistic targets, otherwise you may put yourself under undue stress and pressure to achieve. This certainly can be detrimental to your progress. You need to believe, but also you need to be realistic when setting everything out.

Having The Right Attitude To Action.

Attitude isn’t everything, but it is a very important thing! The action you take that actually gets you to your goals and it’s your attitude that will determine what pace that will be. You are the architect, the builder and the benefactor of your life’s work. So, if something doesn’t go quite right, the first place to look is inside you. You need to find out if there was something you could have done differently to have achieved a better result. It may not be anything to do with your attitude or work ethic, but you need to look at all angles. After this initial analysis is done, then look at the external things in case you find something amiss there.

Sometimes your plan is incomplete. It’s nothing to beat yourself up about, it’s the sort of thing that can happen to anyone. Negative things will happen sometimes and you need to accept that. It’s how you deal with them that matters.

Everybody has fears; not things like being scared of the dark or spiders etc.  I’m talking about fears about being successful. This may be something that you haven’t learned to do yet, and you fear that you might fail. Think of failure as feedback because you won’t get it right 100% of the time. Understanding that the right attitude to failure The right attitude mattersis just as important as it is to success. If you don’t try or quit, you definitely fail. Remember that. Success is that much sweeter when overcome failures and obstacles to achieve the end result.

Here is something interesting that will illustrate a point on attitude and the need to have 100% the right one:

Take the 26 letters of the alphabet and number them from 1 – 26, so A = 1 and Z = 26 working on the basis we assign each letter of the word attitude with the appropriate numbers and add them up:

A(1) + T(20) + T(20) + I(9) + T(20) + U(21) + D(4) + E(5) = 100 – 100% Attitude!

Having the right attitude to your work and life and striving to be positive will help you to achieve more than a negative or pessimistic one.  Take action to make what you have visualized happen. Work to overcome any fears and keep going. The trees you see in your local park didn’t get to be that big overnight. You can learn to train your mind, work with the right attitude and you will develop and maintain a positive attitude.


The post Life Revolves Around The Right Attitude appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Life Revolves Around The Right Attitude

You need the right attitude to make itYour attitude to work and to life will have a really big impact. We’ve all heard the glass half full or glass half empty way of looking at things. Both are the same thing in practice, but can also have a completely different meaning and depend on the right attitude to your action in getting what you want from life. You have the ability in you to achieve anything you want to, but you may not yet realize it. If your attitude is positive, negative or somewhere in the middle, you really can take control of your life and set yourself free! Everyone has potential and it’s time to discover yours.

Visualizing Your Wants And Desires Having The Right Attitude.

You have dreams right? Ambition is another way of putting it. One of the most effective ways to see yourself succeeding and then believing it possible is by visualization. The way that visualization works is that you see yourself where you want to be. Be as specific as you need to be when visualizing. Imagine yourself in your dream car and driving around just where you want to be. How does it feel? Actually see yourself getting there.

Your whole mantra needs to be based on I can, I will and when I rather than the negative version of I can’t, I won’t and if I! Don’t worry if you feel you’re in a negative category – the thing about attitude is you can train yourself to have a positive attitude with a little work and practice.

It’s important that you start to take action on making things better. Look at ways to develop the right attitude to be positive and finding ways to reach your goal. The most important thing is not to set unrealistic targets, otherwise you may put yourself under undue stress and pressure to achieve. This certainly can be detrimental to your progress. You need to believe, but also you need to be realistic when setting everything out.

Having The Right Attitude To Action.

Attitude isn’t everything, but it is a very important thing! The action you take that actually gets you to your goals and it’s your attitude that will determine what pace that will be. You are the architect, the builder and the benefactor of your life’s work. So, if something doesn’t go quite right, the first place to look is inside you. You need to find out if there was something you could have done differently to have achieved a better result. It may not be anything to do with your attitude or work ethic, but you need to look at all angles. After this initial analysis is done, then look at the external things in case you find something amiss there.

Sometimes your plan is incomplete. It’s nothing to beat yourself up about, it’s the sort of thing that can happen to anyone. Negative things will happen sometimes and you need to accept that. It’s how you deal with them that matters.

Everybody has fears; not things like being scared of the dark or spiders etc.  I’m talking about fears about being successful. This may be something that you haven’t learned to do yet, and you fear that you might fail. Think of failure as feedback because you won’t get it right 100% of the time. Understanding that the right attitude to failure The right attitude mattersis just as important as it is to success. If you don’t try or quit, you definitely fail. Remember that. Success is that much sweeter when overcome failures and obstacles to achieve the end result.

Here is something interesting that will illustrate a point on attitude and the need to have 100% the right one:

Take the 26 letters of the alphabet and number them from 1 – 26, so A = 1 and Z = 26 working on the basis we assign each letter of the word attitude with the appropriate numbers and add them up:

A(1) + T(20) + T(20) + I(9) + T(20) + U(21) + D(4) + E(5) = 100 – 100% Attitude!

Having the right attitude to your work and life and striving to be positive will help you to achieve more than a negative or pessimistic one.  Take action to make what you have visualized happen. Work to overcome any fears and keep going. The trees you see in your local park didn’t get to be that big overnight. You can learn to train your mind, work with the right attitude and you will develop and maintain a positive attitude.


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Tuesday 24 May 2016

Blog Your Way To Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars

Wouldn’t it be great if you could sit down every day, type up a blog post, publish it and then sit back and watch the money pour in? Most people scoff at the idea. Seriously, how much money can you make by putting down your ramblings in a post and sharing them with people? Most of the world thinks of blogging as a joke, as a way to pass the time or an interesting side hobby in which one might indulge in their free time. I have a friend. Let’s call him Tom. Tom is a blogger. Way back when

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Work is Not a Four Letter Word

from Eric Worre - Network Marketing Pro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbjFpYY685U

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How Strong Is Your Inner Belief System?

Work on your inner beliefBe careful what you believe, because it’s odds on that’s what you will experience. Your inner belief system is a mechanism that is yours and yours alone. It’s powered by your innermost principles, your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In fact, you could say that your success is measured by the strength of your belief.

What do you desire? Many people don’t have a clue what they want. They seem to know what they don’t want, so logically it shouldn’t be too hard to work out. It’s time to evaluate your goals and determine the goals you truly want to achieve.

First things first, think about what you want to achieve. Write down the goals and steps needed to achieve that, making sure this is somewhere you can see it throughout the day. Read the goals sheet frequently to keep things fresh on your mind.

Things To Boost Your Inner Belief.

  • Be inquisitive.
    Research and learn everything can on how to achieve your goal. Search online and also take advantage of books, CDs, courses and people. People? Yes! Talk to as many people and influencers you can who are already successful in the niche you’re looking to be successful in. Ask questions, and then ask some more to find out how they achieved their success. Don’t limit yourself, or limit the numbers of people you contact. Introduce yourself to as many as possible by phone or mail, explaining your purpose for contacting them and ask for a tip. The worst that can happen is that they ignore you. The best is that they are willing to help you and they may become your mentor, offering you even more support and encouragement. There is a good chance you’ll get at least one great tip from many of the people you contact. Not expensive and yet very rewarding.
  • Be unique.
    Next, take what you learn, put it all together and come up with your own creative process. Think of how you can approach your goal in ways that no one else has. Be unique. Don’t be afraid to try new things. What have you got to lose? Write out lists showing both possible outcomes. Chances are there will be more positive than negative thoughts to push you on to a successful conclusion. Always put your focus on the desired result.
  • Be better than your competition.
    When you were a young child, do you remember seeing your friends, or older siblings riding a bike (without the need for training wheels). Did you ever look at their scraped knees and elbows and say, “Whoa, I could get be the best you can be with inner beliefhurt doing that!”? Of course not! I bet you were determined to ride your bike just like they did; on 2 wheels. After a lot of practice and some pain, you gradually managed to keep your balance. It wasn’t long before you were trying to “out do” your friends with speed or fancy tricks. If you fell off, you didn’t give up, but you would get back on and be even more determined to do better. You had an inner belief that told you if you got back on, you would learn to ride. I bet you even believed you’d be the best in your street, in your school or even the whole world!
    Always strive to be the best you can be and believe that your outcome will be a positive and achievable one.
  • Be positive.
    When you see obstacles, you only see problems. If you have negative thoughts that your plan won’t work, chances are you’ll be right! If you are influenced by the power of negativity and listen to people who doubt you, then you’ll never be any better than they are. Believe in your plan and act as though you have already achieved it. Chances are you’ll make it.

If your desire to succeed is stronger than pain, fear or thought failure, there is no turning back. Look at your goals like you did when you were a child. Don’t let self-doubt and negative thinking and criticism take over. Remember, anything is possible with strong and immovable inner belief. Make a commitment that you won’t let anything or anyone, including you prevent you from reaching your goals.


The post How Strong Is Your Inner Belief System? appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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How Strong Is Your Inner Belief System?

Work on your inner beliefBe careful what you believe, because it’s odds on that’s what you will experience. Your inner belief system is a mechanism that is yours and yours alone. It’s powered by your innermost principles, your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In fact, you could say that your success is measured by the strength of your belief.

What do you desire? Many people don’t have a clue what they want. They seem to know what they don’t want, so logically it shouldn’t be too hard to work out. It’s time to evaluate your goals and determine the goals you truly want to achieve.

First things first, think about what you want to achieve. Write down the goals and steps needed to achieve that, making sure this is somewhere you can see it throughout the day. Read the goals sheet frequently to keep things fresh on your mind.

Things To Boost Your Inner Belief.

  • Be inquisitive.
    Research and learn everything can on how to achieve your goal. Search online and also take advantage of books, CDs, courses and people. People? Yes! Talk to as many people and influencers you can who are already successful in the niche you’re looking to be successful in. Ask questions, and then ask some more to find out how they achieved their success. Don’t limit yourself, or limit the numbers of people you contact. Introduce yourself to as many as possible by phone or mail, explaining your purpose for contacting them and ask for a tip. The worst that can happen is that they ignore you. The best is that they are willing to help you and they may become your mentor, offering you even more support and encouragement. There is a good chance you’ll get at least one great tip from many of the people you contact. Not expensive and yet very rewarding.
  • Be unique.
    Next, take what you learn, put it all together and come up with your own creative process. Think of how you can approach your goal in ways that no one else has. Be unique. Don’t be afraid to try new things. What have you got to lose? Write out lists showing both possible outcomes. Chances are there will be more positive than negative thoughts to push you on to a successful conclusion. Always put your focus on the desired result.
  • Be better than your competition.
    When you were a young child, do you remember seeing your friends, or older siblings riding a bike (without the need for training wheels). Did you ever look at their scraped knees and elbows and say, “Whoa, I could get be the best you can be with inner beliefhurt doing that!”? Of course not! I bet you were determined to ride your bike just like they did; on 2 wheels. After a lot of practice and some pain, you gradually managed to keep your balance. It wasn’t long before you were trying to “out do” your friends with speed or fancy tricks. If you fell off, you didn’t give up, but you would get back on and be even more determined to do better. You had an inner belief that told you if you got back on, you would learn to ride. I bet you even believed you’d be the best in your street, in your school or even the whole world!
    Always strive to be the best you can be and believe that your outcome will be a positive and achievable one.
  • Be positive.
    When you see obstacles, you only see problems. If you have negative thoughts that your plan won’t work, chances are you’ll be right! If you are influenced by the power of negativity and listen to people who doubt you, then you’ll never be any better than they are. Believe in your plan and act as though you have already achieved it. Chances are you’ll make it.

If your desire to succeed is stronger than pain, fear or thought failure, there is no turning back. Look at your goals like you did when you were a child. Don’t let self-doubt and negative thinking and criticism take over. Remember, anything is possible with strong and immovable inner belief. Make a commitment that you won’t let anything or anyone, including you prevent you from reaching your goals.


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Monday 23 May 2016

Antioxidant Nitric Oxide Follow-Up

In my previous article about the benefits of Nitric Oxide, a question was raised about it being a ‘free radical’ which some believe are not a good thing to have floating around our bodies. This article is to clear up any misunderstanding about Nitric Oxide and to also explain that it is a vital element to health, and is actually the human body’s natural defense and ‘Anti Oxidant’ which we believe is beneficial to health and is consumed to combat any ill doing by antibiotics and other drugs that kill off the good bugs in our body! Below are some

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The Benefits Of Starting Local To Build Authority.

Go LocalWhatever your business, I’ll bet you have a local market for your product or service as well as a wider and more intense one. If you have an online business, this is still relevant despite the opportunity to “spread your wings”. You need to build authority into your web presence and there is no better place to start than from a local perspective.

When targeting your market, focusing on local clients can help because you need leads and local leads are more accessible to you. In fact, marketing your website to your locality is an opportunity that you should never miss. People think that having a website, or a web presence on social media is the way to get out to more people. Of course this is true, but it’s more difficult because people are not directly accessible to you without the internet.

Having a website or a web presence is more important now than ever, but this brings in the need to know things like search engine optimization (SEO) and other techniques to get yourself seen. When it comes to SEO, it’s easier to dominate a local market with your website than a countrywide or worldwide. You have fewer people to target, but also the opportunity to start ranking for local keywords. This ranking starts to build up your authority and that will make it easier for you to rank to a wider audience in the future.

Local Marketing Is Good To Build Authority For You And Your Website

Your offer is important to any market in your niche. Just because it can be easier to get seen in your local area, it doesn’t mean you take a local marketing campaign for granted. Your offer needs to be appealing to your target audience. You must realize that it takes a well-crafted offer to have an effective promotional tool in your hands. Taking the local market for granted could mean you take your “finger off the pulse” and lose your opportunity to connect and get a good response from your local target market.

Any marketing campaign needs good copywriting. The local area is not just a good place to test, it’s a good way to improve your copywriting to get you the results you want. Good copywriting will help you get the leads you need to increase sales.

Build Authority Into Your Website To Zoom In To Your Local Clients.

The internet is the tool consumers more frequently use to search for a solution to their problems. If they’re looking for a plumber for example, they don’t look in yellow pages to find one. Or if they need to find a loca chiropractor, they go to Google and type ‘chiropractor in (your town)’ and they get a list of chiropractors in the locality.

Local SEO is key to making sure your web pages are optimized for the locality as well as the wider reach. Choosing keywords that are relevant to your market is key to having a sell optimized web page on both your website and your social media profiles etc.

Google and other search engines recognize the relevance of your website to the keywords searched for and you are able to show up in the search when someone looks for your product or service. Learning local SEO is something that will benefit you if you’re looking to get your business in front of your locality and beyond. In fact, local SEO works on the same principles, but the wider reach needs more work to take on bigger competition.

It’s a good idea to look for a local SEO course that you can take to be able to keep control of your own website.

Try Local Newspapers And Newsletters To Build Your Authority.Use local ads to build your authority

Your local newspaper or newsletter is similar to local yellow pages. People who have a need for what you’re offering could be looking through the pages of any local publications. That way they will see if there is a conveniently situated local company who can help them. You could be looking for a commercial printing company to take care of your printing needs, so you try looking in your local newspaper. Or if you want to hire people, the local “Help Wanted” section can certainly be of help.

Whether you use online resources or offline like a newspaper, the key to getting good results is to have good copywriting on your side. A bad advert can really reflect on you and your qualities. Good ad copy speaks volumes about your professional image and capabilities. To build authority means you have to present your copy as an authority. This is relevant for your local market and the wider one. Starting local just means you can build that authority and get seen a lot easier than trying to reach a larger audience and get lost in the crowd.


The post The Benefits Of Starting Local To Build Authority. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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The Benefits Of Starting Local To Build Authority.

Go LocalWhatever your business, I’ll bet you have a local market for your product or service as well as a wider and more intense one. If you have an online business, this is still relevant despite the opportunity to “spread your wings”. You need to build authority into your web presence and there is no better place to start than from a local perspective.

When targeting your market, focusing on local clients can help because you need leads and local leads are more accessible to you. In fact, marketing your website to your locality is an opportunity that you should never miss. People think that having a website, or a web presence on social media is the way to get out to more people. Of course this is true, but it’s more difficult because people are not directly accessible to you without the internet.

Having a website or a web presence is more important now than ever, but this brings in the need to know things like search engine optimization (SEO) and other techniques to get yourself seen. When it comes to SEO, it’s easier to dominate a local market with your website than a countrywide or worldwide. You have fewer people to target, but also the opportunity to start ranking for local keywords. This ranking starts to build up your authority and that will make it easier for you to rank to a wider audience in the future.

Local Marketing Is Good To Build Authority For You And Your Website

Your offer is important to any market in your niche. Just because it can be easier to get seen in your local area, it doesn’t mean you take a local marketing campaign for granted. Your offer needs to be appealing to your target audience. You must realize that it takes a well-crafted offer to have an effective promotional tool in your hands. Taking the local market for granted could mean you take your “finger off the pulse” and lose your opportunity to connect and get a good response from your local target market.

Any marketing campaign needs good copywriting. The local area is not just a good place to test, it’s a good way to improve your copywriting to get you the results you want. Good copywriting will help you get the leads you need to increase sales.

Build Authority Into Your Website To Zoom In To Your Local Clients.

The internet is the tool consumers more frequently use to search for a solution to their problems. If they’re looking for a plumber for example, they don’t look in yellow pages to find one. Or if they need to find a loca chiropractor, they go to Google and type ‘chiropractor in (your town)’ and they get a list of chiropractors in the locality.

Local SEO is key to making sure your web pages are optimized for the locality as well as the wider reach. Choosing keywords that are relevant to your market is key to having a sell optimized web page on both your website and your social media profiles etc.

Google and other search engines recognize the relevance of your website to the keywords searched for and you are able to show up in the search when someone looks for your product or service. Learning local SEO is something that will benefit you if you’re looking to get your business in front of your locality and beyond. In fact, local SEO works on the same principles, but the wider reach needs more work to take on bigger competition.

It’s a good idea to look for a local SEO course that you can take to be able to keep control of your own website.

Try Local Newspapers And Newsletters To Build Your Authority.Use local ads to build your authority

Your local newspaper or newsletter is similar to local yellow pages. People who have a need for what you’re offering could be looking through the pages of any local publications. That way they will see if there is a conveniently situated local company who can help them. You could be looking for a commercial printing company to take care of your printing needs, so you try looking in your local newspaper. Or if you want to hire people, the local “Help Wanted” section can certainly be of help.

Whether you use online resources or offline like a newspaper, the key to getting good results is to have good copywriting on your side. A bad advert can really reflect on you and your qualities. Good ad copy speaks volumes about your professional image and capabilities. To build authority means you have to present your copy as an authority. This is relevant for your local market and the wider one. Starting local just means you can build that authority and get seen a lot easier than trying to reach a larger audience and get lost in the crowd.


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Sunday 22 May 2016

How To Get Clicks When Posting In Facebook Groups

Looking to learn how to get clicks when posting in Facebook groups? Well to be clear, this requires a real, methodical strategy if you want to be effective. Have you ever been in one? In case you haven’t lately it’s like WWE Royal Rumble and anything goes. If you have I’m sure you feel like the good guys can’t win because theirs so much spamming going on. Here’s where most people in those groups go wrong. They feel they have to be just as loud and spammy as the others in order to get noticed when that isn’t the case

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Don’t Argue: Ask Questions

don't argue, ask questions insteadThey say “It takes two to tango”. Well, it also takes at least two to argue. It’s not possible to have an argument with someone if there is no reaction. My advice is don’t argue. If you need to find solutions to create a win/win outcome, then arguing isn’t going to serve you. The best way to reach a reasonable and acceptable outcome is to ask questions.

In coaching it’s normal to encourage people to ask questions so the other person can hear the potential solution in their own words. It’s said that coaches don’t ask questions to hear the answer themselves, but so their client can hear the answer. Questions actually let the person to take ownership and responsibility for the solution. There are times, when talking to someone, we already know the answer. It’s more powerful to allow someone to come up with solutions on their own.

The same works with arguments. When all someone wants is to argue, questioning isn’t going to be that helpful. If you want to formulate a solution, questioning can go a long way to creating a solution that’s agreeable to both parties.

Don’t Argue – It Doesn’t Serve You

I believe it’s useless to argue or try to reason with people who are convinced I am wrong and they are right … the foundation to any argument. By asking simple questions aimed at getting a response of providing a solution instead, the person begins to see the problem from a different perspective. Questioning allows people work through a problem and think about it in a different way, without the need for conflict or argument.

This process is very helpful when there is conflict. The process of asking questions can be very valuable when dealing with others in a potentially stressful situation. Let’s take a look at on such situation.

Let’s say that I was in a department store looking to buy a large item of electrical goods. I had followed directions in the electrical department advising me to take my order to the cashier, who would place and confirm the order, take the payment and arrange for shipping.

In this case, the cashier got confused and called over the head cashier, whose name was Gloria.

ask questions because arguing doesn\'t serve youGloria told me I was wrong and need to go to another department to place the order. Gloria clearly indicated she wasn’t interested when I showed her the instructions I read before I proceeded with the order. I could easily get into an argument and cause a situation to get unnecessarily heated and stressful. Instead, I asked some questions. I started with a very important one, “Gloria, how are we going to resolve this?” I remained calm and focused on how to get the order placed. Gloria seemed to have a problem with helping me. However, in the end the situation was resolved without any argument. Asking questions helped Gloria and I stay focused without arguing.

This policy of no arguing can help you in your own business too. There is always a solution to any potential problem if you know how to find it. Any conversation that has conflict and denial in it serves nobody in finding that solution. In many cases, the question route is the right one. The conflict route is the foolish one.

Avoid defending your position or trying to prove a point. Don’t argue, but focus on asking questions. Questions can avoid a stressful situation and allow both parties to see the problem in a different light. Even if you already know the answer, the other person will be more open to a solution if they’re allowed to find it on her or his own. Don’t argue, ask questions!


The post Don’t Argue: Ask Questions appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Don’t Argue: Ask Questions

don't argue, ask questions insteadThey say “It takes two to tango”. Well, it also takes at least two to argue. It’s not possible to have an argument with someone if there is no reaction. My advice is don’t argue. If you need to find solutions to create a win/win outcome, then arguing isn’t going to serve you. The best way to reach a reasonable and acceptable outcome is to ask questions.

In coaching it’s normal to encourage people to ask questions so the other person can hear the potential solution in their own words. It’s said that coaches don’t ask questions to hear the answer themselves, but so their client can hear the answer. Questions actually let the person to take ownership and responsibility for the solution. There are times, when talking to someone, we already know the answer. It’s more powerful to allow someone to come up with solutions on their own.

The same works with arguments. When all someone wants is to argue, questioning isn’t going to be that helpful. If you want to formulate a solution, questioning can go a long way to creating a solution that’s agreeable to both parties.

Don’t Argue – It Doesn’t Serve You

I believe it’s useless to argue or try to reason with people who are convinced I am wrong and they are right … the foundation to any argument. By asking simple questions aimed at getting a response of providing a solution instead, the person begins to see the problem from a different perspective. Questioning allows people work through a problem and think about it in a different way, without the need for conflict or argument.

This process is very helpful when there is conflict. The process of asking questions can be very valuable when dealing with others in a potentially stressful situation. Let’s take a look at on such situation.

Let’s say that I was in a department store looking to buy a large item of electrical goods. I had followed directions in the electrical department advising me to take my order to the cashier, who would place and confirm the order, take the payment and arrange for shipping.

In this case, the cashier got confused and called over the head cashier, whose name was Gloria.

ask questions because arguing doesn\'t serve youGloria told me I was wrong and need to go to another department to place the order. Gloria clearly indicated she wasn’t interested when I showed her the instructions I read before I proceeded with the order. I could easily get into an argument and cause a situation to get unnecessarily heated and stressful. Instead, I asked some questions. I started with a very important one, “Gloria, how are we going to resolve this?” I remained calm and focused on how to get the order placed. Gloria seemed to have a problem with helping me. However, in the end the situation was resolved without any argument. Asking questions helped Gloria and I stay focused without arguing.

This policy of no arguing can help you in your own business too. There is always a solution to any potential problem if you know how to find it. Any conversation that has conflict and denial in it serves nobody in finding that solution. In many cases, the question route is the right one. The conflict route is the foolish one.

Avoid defending your position or trying to prove a point. Don’t argue, but focus on asking questions. Questions can avoid a stressful situation and allow both parties to see the problem in a different light. Even if you already know the answer, the other person will be more open to a solution if they’re allowed to find it on her or his own. Don’t argue, ask questions!


The post Don’t Argue: Ask Questions appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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