Tuesday 29 December 2015

Create Your Own Virtual Summit – But First …

I have observed several seemingly average people create an amazing virtual summit featuring leading experts in different niches. And I always wondered: “How did they do it? How did they get all these well-known authorities to willingly offer their insights and knowledge for free? And what led them to trust being interviewed by these individuals? My understanding of summits began many years ago when my mentor at that time suggested creating a summit to build a list quickly and easily. For the next few years I attended summits in many of my own niches (love, relationships, marketing, health and wellness,

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Monday 28 December 2015

Connect With Us For Exclusive Network Marketing Training

from Eric Worre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7ECEdgd6XI

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Ready For Unstoppable Success In 2016?

How To Achieve Unstoppable Success In Five Simple Steps Success is different for everyone. Whatever your goals for next year are, it’s in the stretching and reaching for the higher level, the bigger cause, etc. that expands your life. You never stop growing and learning. If you are really being honest with yourself to achieve unstoppable success you will need to up your game , because that is what it’s all about. What upping your game means is to look realistically at what didn’t work over this past year and make improvements for 2016 Some of the goals you may have had but

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Sunday 27 December 2015

Tsu Social Groups Are Now Monetized

Tsu Social Groups on the Tsu Social Network recently started to give even more value to their owners as they like the rest of the site became mmonetized If you already run a online community or forum on another site or platform then it is time to take a look at what Tsu is now offering it’s members… just create an engaging active community within the Tsu Social Network and get paid, not only do you and your non owner admins get paid but 5% also goes to the group charity that you nominate for your Tsu group. Monetization of

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Friday 25 December 2015

2015 Ends and PAC Moves Into 2016

2015 Ends and PAC Moves Into 2016 I wasn’t sure what I wanted my post to be about for my last one of the year 2015. Lesly gave me the inspiration of what I wanted to say. I’ll try not to get too mushy but I make no absolute promises.  I want to thank each and every member of the Power Affiliate Club (PAC) who participates daily and abide by the rules and truly work as a “team” to help one another and keep PAC growing as it has already in the last, almost two years. A huge and wonderful

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Thursday 24 December 2015

Learn to Set Goals and Achieve Them

As we enter these last days of 2015, and look towards 2016, we begin to think about New Year Resolutions and with this we must consider how to set goals and achieve them. Statistic Brain reports that only 8% of people keep their resolutions which leaves us with a question. How exactly do we set goals and achieve them? For one thing we need to consider our terminology and recognize that resolutions, intentions, goals and other similar terms are all pushing forward to the same meaning and the same outcome… we have something that we want to achieve and we are stating it as

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Is It Wise To Convince And Sell?

is it best to convince and sellNone of us like selling, but so many of us have to. The question that is on my mind for this post is one that is relevant for most circumstances. Is it really wise to “convince and sell” or is it better to just sell to people who truly WANT what you have to offer rather than trying to convince them they want it?

This “convincing” is fed by desperation. How often do you see or hear “buy my stuff” or “join this fantastic money maker” or “you NEED this”? So many are DESPERATE for a sale. Too many people have the message you NEED this or that shiny object and this is where to get it. Why is this? Because they have not learned the right way to approach their prospects.

Convince And Sell Is Not A Requirement

Too many of us (Yes, including me) make the mistake of “chasing the sale”. When you chase people, you are seen in a different light to someone who provides some aspect of curiosity and “elusiveness”. It’s important for the “smart marketers” to get sales, just like the rest of us, but the approach is very different. They don’t need to convince. The best ones will often REFUSE to take your money, especially if they don’t think it will benefit you. There is also a limit to the product availability or time of the person as appropriate. They target what you need, yes, but more importantly, it’s something you really WANT and crave that they sell to you.

Also, when there is a need to “chase” someone, it usually means they are not ready for what you have to offer them. If you take the scenario of a network marketing opportunity where you sign a person up who you believed needed what you have for them. You convinced them it was what they needed and they were a little “drawn” to the possibility of having a business where they do little work. This is a perception of many people who have to be “convinced”.

Does it really serve you to work with someone just for the sake of it? People who are not ready will usually expect to have their new businesses run for them by you. After all, you convinced them you would help them to get sign ups. You need to shift your tactics and thinking.

There are lots of people out there BEGGING to do work and make a difference. These are the people who will work WITH you and be guided. They will SERVE your goals and needs a lot better because they actually WANT it.

They will:

  • Do what is necessary to progress and build their business.
  • Work the system you teach.
  • Be prepared to do the work for themselves and not expect you to do it for them.
  • Take responsibility.

You can work very well with several of this kind of person, but struggle so much to work with only ONE person who expects the reward and yet is not prepared to do the work. You convinced them it was easy remember. This is actually far WORSE than working for a boss!

Selling Without Convincing Is Easy When The WANT Is There.

Your job is to seek out the people who WANT what you have to offer. Yes, you have to do some research to find your market and where the people hang out, but this is crucial. When you have found these people, it’s necessary to connect with them and build relationships. It is a step by step process and can take time. Offer the person what they TELL you they want. Don’t even think about trying to convince them they NEED something.

Building relationships and then getting to talk to your prospect on the phone helps to build trust. Then you can find out what their real problem is and help them. Don’t try to sell them something if it doesn’t help them. They KNOW what they want, so point them in the right direction. If you have something, that’s great, but don’t be afraid to say no. Believe it or not, they are more likely to return and buy from you if you stay honest with them. This also helps your brand because people tell others about their experience. Sometimes the “shock” of you NOT taking their money is enough to broaden your reach because people become curious about you.

When you talk to people, make sure they are SERIOUS about working with you. Limit the number of people you are going to work with. Have a list of conditions set up to make sure that the tasks you set are done and the prospect is committed to their own business instead of expecting the “magic” to happen without doing anything. Make it clear that if they fail to do the tasks, they will be out of the “elite” circle and someone else will be drafted in.

This doesn’t mean you don’t help people who need it. These tasks will determine the skills needed to be learned and perfected. If the person doesn’t do them, they won’t know. Encourage communication and everything needed to help them to progress and improve.

A dedicated and enthusiastic person is easier to train than someone who was “persuaded” to join you.

There are systems out there to help you to build your business. It depends on what your specific needs are and so it’s wise to do proper research and check out everything on offer. There is one system I recommend, which you can find out more about here.

Remember that to convince and sell is not likely to serve you in the long term. You want a sustainable a growing business, so think about building relationships and filling the WANT rather than convincing people they NEED something.

To the future,

Barrie Evans.

Affordable mentoring is something we could all benefit from. There is a way to get effective mentoring at a more than reasonable cost and work with one of the top marketers in the world. Find out more here.

The post Is It Wise To Convince And Sell? appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Is It Wise To Convince And Sell?

is it best to convince and sellNone of us like selling, but so many of us have to. The question that is on my mind for this post is one that is relevant for most circumstances. Is it really wise to “convince and sell” or is it better to just sell to people who truly WANT what you have to offer rather than trying to convince them they want it?

This “convincing” is fed by desperation. How often do you see or hear “buy my stuff” or “join this fantastic money maker” or “you NEED this”? So many are DESPERATE for a sale. Too many people have the message you NEED this or that shiny object and this is where to get it. Why is this? Because they have not learned the right way to approach their prospects.

Convince And Sell Is Not A Requirement

Too many of us (Yes, including me) make the mistake of “chasing the sale”. When you chase people, you are seen in a different light to someone who provides some aspect of curiosity and “elusiveness”. It’s important for the “smart marketers” to get sales, just like the rest of us, but the approach is very different. They don’t need to convince. The best ones will often REFUSE to take your money, especially if they don’t think it will benefit you. There is also a limit to the product availability or time of the person as appropriate. They target what you need, yes, but more importantly, it’s something you really WANT and crave that they sell to you.

Also, when there is a need to “chase” someone, it usually means they are not ready for what you have to offer them. If you take the scenario of a network marketing opportunity where you sign a person up who you believed needed what you have for them. You convinced them it was what they needed and they were a little “drawn” to the possibility of having a business where they do little work. This is a perception of many people who have to be “convinced”.

Does it really serve you to work with someone just for the sake of it? People who are not ready will usually expect to have their new businesses run for them by you. After all, you convinced them you would help them to get sign ups. You need to shift your tactics and thinking.

There are lots of people out there BEGGING to do work and make a difference. These are the people who will work WITH you and be guided. They will SERVE your goals and needs a lot better because they actually WANT it.

They will:

  • Do what is necessary to progress and build their business.
  • Work the system you teach.
  • Be prepared to do the work for themselves and not expect you to do it for them.
  • Take responsibility.

You can work very well with several of this kind of person, but struggle so much to work with only ONE person who expects the reward and yet is not prepared to do the work. You convinced them it was easy remember. This is actually far WORSE than working for a boss!

Selling Without Convincing Is Easy When The WANT Is There.

Your job is to seek out the people who WANT what you have to offer. Yes, you have to do some research to find your market and where the people hang out, but this is crucial. When you have found these people, it’s necessary to connect with them and build relationships. It is a step by step process and can take time. Offer the person what they TELL you they want. Don’t even think about trying to convince them they NEED something.

Building relationships and then getting to talk to your prospect on the phone helps to build trust. Then you can find out what their real problem is and help them. Don’t try to sell them something if it doesn’t help them. They KNOW what they want, so point them in the right direction. If you have something, that’s great, but don’t be afraid to say no. Believe it or not, they are more likely to return and buy from you if you stay honest with them. This also helps your brand because people tell others about their experience. Sometimes the “shock” of you NOT taking their money is enough to broaden your reach because people become curious about you.

When you talk to people, make sure they are SERIOUS about working with you. Limit the number of people you are going to work with. Have a list of conditions set up to make sure that the tasks you set are done and the prospect is committed to their own business instead of expecting the “magic” to happen without doing anything. Make it clear that if they fail to do the tasks, they will be out of the “elite” circle and someone else will be drafted in.

This doesn’t mean you don’t help people who need it. These tasks will determine the skills needed to be learned and perfected. If the person doesn’t do them, they won’t know. Encourage communication and everything needed to help them to progress and improve.

A dedicated and enthusiastic person is easier to train than someone who was “persuaded” to join you.

There are systems out there to help you to build your business. It depends on what your specific needs are and so it’s wise to do proper research and check out everything on offer. There is one system I recommend, which you can find out more about here.

Remember that to convince and sell is not likely to serve you in the long term. You want a sustainable a growing business, so think about building relationships and filling the WANT rather than convincing people they NEED something.

To the future,

Barrie Evans.

Affordable mentoring is something we could all benefit from. There is a way to get effective mentoring at a more than reasonable cost and work with one of the top marketers in the world. Find out more here.

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Wednesday 23 December 2015

An Advent of Social Christmas Inspiration

Christmas is almost upon us, so here is an Advent of Social Inspiration for you to read and share as the holidays begin… This month has been a fever of excitement, buying, wrapping, partying and decorating as the days count down. But also, Christmas is such a landmark in our calendar that it holds many memories, both happy and sad, which brings to the surface many emotions and reflections on the year past as in the post Is This The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year? by PAC Author Donna Merrill. I have compiled an Advent of Quotes to help you reflect on

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Monday 21 December 2015

7 Google Tools For Bloggers

There are so many Google Tools that you can use to make your life easier when it comes to your online business. Today we’ll talk about 7 of them that you can use to make your experience more enjoyable. 7 Google Tools For Bloggers 1. Google Webmasters Tools. One of the best things that you can do for your blog or website is to connect it with the webmasters. So you can index your site as soon as possible and found on Google It’s going to give you data and diagnostics to help you keep your site clean & healthy.

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Friday 18 December 2015

Your Membership Site

 Membership with a community of like-minded people might be in Your future in 2016. What do you want to see in your life in the new year? What do you want to create in 2016 for you and your family? You can see your dreams come true – if you have the money to do it with.  Right? What is in store in your life concerning money? What income do you want to create? Do you see fun times ahead traveling or vacationing with friends or family? Would that even be possible?  Do you want to make money online? How

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Thursday 17 December 2015

Is This The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year?

 Is This The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year? One of our most popular holiday songs tells us that “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.” One of the greatest films ever made, according to most acclaimed critics, was set against the background of this holiday season. The title: “It’s A Wonderful Life.” The holidays are in the air here in the U.S. and in a great many places worldwide. All you see around you are festive lights and decorations. The music plays happy songs on an endless loop, full of wonder and bliss… and we are all expected

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Wednesday 16 December 2015

What Christmas Means to Me

I love Christmas! The first Christmas I can remember is 1969. I remember receiving a new school satchel and a wooden pencil case. I’m sure there were other items but those are the things I remember as I proudly took them to school after the Christmas break. Christmas stockings were one of my dads long socks filled with an orange and some nuts. Some of those early years I was lucky enough to get an orange too! This was in England. My dad was a carpet layer and on a very small wage. My mum made Christmas special with her

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Wednesday 9 December 2015

Focus For Success

For Success FOCUS on what You KNOW Are you in Internet Marketing, or Network Marketing on the Internet? If so you’ll probably have discovered there are a lot of things to do to be “successful”! Does this look like your ToDo list? You need to Blog regularly, Guest post, visit other people’s blogs, comment and share; Post to Facebook, create viral content for Facebook  Tweet your posts, Put pictures on Pinterest and don’t forget Instagram…. And of course Videos on YouTube, no wait, videos for Facebook… might as well do it for both. Ahhh they say make it easy on

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Tuesday 8 December 2015

12 Days of Christmas Blogger Style

If you were to receive 12 Days of Christmas gifts, to help you with blogging and promotion, what would they be? I’ve compiled this list from the, always tempting, PAC resources. I love Christmas, with its spirit of goodwill and all the glittery things.  Even so, I breathe a sigh of relief when Christmas Day arrives and all the shopping, wrapping, decorating, cleaning and baking is over.  Can you relate to that? I thoroughly decorate the tree, house and garden. I suspect the family think I do it for my youngest son, but they’re only partly right. I enjoy the

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Monday 7 December 2015

Leverage Authority To Dominate Rankings.

Everyone is looking to dominate rankings, so, if there was a way to leverage the authority of other websites to do that, it would be cool wouldn’t it? SEO has evolved over the past few years. Especially when trying to rank your own web pages. It used to be getting the most links to a web page would get the top ranking. Nowadays, quality outstrips quantity. What if I were to tell you there is still a way to blast THOUSANDS of links at a page and get it to rank very highly and not get a penalty? You can

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Friday 4 December 2015

Planning Marketing Over Christmas

While planning marketing over Christmas I’m reflecting on the phenomenon of the shrinking year. If I were to ask you “How many months in the year”, you would probably confidently answer twelve. But more and more, over the past years, I’ve been feeling that there are only eleven. This is particularly scary when coupled with the fact that, as I “advance in years” time goes faster and faster. I remember when I was at school, a term seeming like a complete lifetime, but now it’s like the blink of an eyelid. That particular speeding up of time first started when

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Learn The Game, Then Be The Best Player.

Play the game and be the bestHere we are at part 10 of 10 in the series of articles covering the principles of the great Albert Einstein.

I will be talking about learning about your niche and then going out and crushing it!

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” ~ Einstein

This statement can be based on so many things in life, ranging from sport to business. The best teams mostly win the most prizes, but this doesn’t mean that the team is full of the very best players. There is more to a team than just being the best individual. This, of course, doesn’t mean that the best teams cannot contain the best player of all. That could be YOU in your chosen field as long as you are willing to learn the skills and do the work to make it so.

Being The Best Requires Dedication.

Dedication and the desire to achieve your goals. Great assets to have and work on. When you dedicate yourself to learn the skills, you’re learning the game. When you learn the game, you need the desire to keep going forward so you can develop into the best you can be.

Most of us have heard of Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo. The two top players in the world of football (soccer). I remember when Ronaldo went to Manchester United as a teenager, he stated he was going to be the best and never stopped working. He would always be practicing to improve his game and skills. The top players are at the pinnacle of their game for a reason. That reason is that they do not give up UNTIL they get to where they want to be.

This is also true in the business world. People like Richard Branson, who is dyslexic, never let this get in the way of his progress. His determination and desire to succeed was obvious to all around him. This is the case with many other top business and career people. Others who suffer from dyslexia and have overcome it to be very successful are:

  • Whoopie Goldberg
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Keira Knightly

Who would think that people who RELY on reading in their career could be so successful and yet suffer from this. It’s down to determination and desire as well as a good deal of talent that they achieve and become successful.

There Are No Excuses If You Want To Be The Best.

Of course, we all have bad days as well as good ones. The thing to always remember is what your “why” is. What is the reason for wanting to be successful?

Use this to fuel your dedication and desire and learn. Be like a “sponge” and learn everything you can from the best people you can find who can help you. THEN TAKE ACTION! Nothing comes without ACTION!

Your actions will define the level of your success. The value you bring to the marketplace will build your fortune. You must be prepared to GIVE as well as take. Those who give, receive back. Whatever you learn, be the person who gives back so that you can help others to emulate your success. You will be remembered because of this and be acclaimed as one of the best in your industry.

Don’t expect things to happen overnight. Learn what is necessary and develop your new skills to become the “go to” person in your niche. Lead your team by example and grow. It all starts from the lowest point. Remember that an overnight success is achieved over several years, but it appears that you just came to the fore very quickly. Nobody knows the groundwork you did to build the sure foundation leading that success.

Strive to be the best you can be. It doesn’t matter what your field of expertise. The best are the best because they didn’t stop trying to improve and, even at the lowest point on the way, they didn’t give up. Success is full of failure. The main thing to remember is that failure is feedback.

If you truly want to be the best, learn what you need to learn and take massive action. You WILL crush it.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

To be the best, you should look to learn from the best whenever possible. The best way to is to get mentored by the best people in the industry. This is possible WITHOUT it costing a fortune. Find Out How HERE.

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Learn The Game, Then Be The Best Player.

Play the game and be the bestHere we are at part 10 of 10 in the series of articles covering the principles of the great Albert Einstein.

I will be talking about learning about your niche and then going out and crushing it!

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” ~ Einstein

This statement can be based on so many things in life, ranging from sport to business. The best teams mostly win the most prizes, but this doesn’t mean that the team is full of the very best players. There is more to a team than just being the best individual. This, of course, doesn’t mean that the best teams cannot contain the best player of all. That could be YOU in your chosen field as long as you are willing to learn the skills and do the work to make it so.

Being The Best Requires Dedication.

Dedication and the desire to achieve your goals. Great assets to have and work on. When you dedicate yourself to learn the skills, you’re learning the game. When you learn the game, you need the desire to keep going forward so you can develop into the best you can be.

Most of us have heard of Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo. The two top players in the world of football (soccer). I remember when Ronaldo went to Manchester United as a teenager, he stated he was going to be the best and never stopped working. He would always be practicing to improve his game and skills. The top players are at the pinnacle of their game for a reason. That reason is that they do not give up UNTIL they get to where they want to be.

This is also true in the business world. People like Richard Branson, who is dyslexic, never let this get in the way of his progress. His determination and desire to succeed was obvious to all around him. This is the case with many other top business and career people. Others who suffer from dyslexia and have overcome it to be very successful are:

  • Whoopie Goldberg
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Keira Knightly

Who would think that people who RELY on reading in their career could be so successful and yet suffer from this. It’s down to determination and desire as well as a good deal of talent that they achieve and become successful.

There Are No Excuses If You Want To Be The Best.

Of course, we all have bad days as well as good ones. The thing to always remember is what your “why” is. What is the reason for wanting to be successful?

Use this to fuel your dedication and desire and learn. Be like a “sponge” and learn everything you can from the best people you can find who can help you. THEN TAKE ACTION! Nothing comes without ACTION!

Your actions will define the level of your success. The value you bring to the marketplace will build your fortune. You must be prepared to GIVE as well as take. Those who give, receive back. Whatever you learn, be the person who gives back so that you can help others to emulate your success. You will be remembered because of this and be acclaimed as one of the best in your industry.

Don’t expect things to happen overnight. Learn what is necessary and develop your new skills to become the “go to” person in your niche. Lead your team by example and grow. It all starts from the lowest point. Remember that an overnight success is achieved over several years, but it appears that you just came to the fore very quickly. Nobody knows the groundwork you did to build the sure foundation leading that success.

Strive to be the best you can be. It doesn’t matter what your field of expertise. The best are the best because they didn’t stop trying to improve and, even at the lowest point on the way, they didn’t give up. Success is full of failure. The main thing to remember is that failure is feedback.

If you truly want to be the best, learn what you need to learn and take massive action. You WILL crush it.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

To be the best, you should look to learn from the best whenever possible. The best way to is to get mentored by the best people in the industry. This is possible WITHOUT it costing a fortune. Find Out How HERE.

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Thursday 3 December 2015

Learn The PAC Way

Starting and maintaining a blog is challenging enough. But learning how to connect with people online can be down right frustrating. I certainly know this from experience. So let me share some thoughts on this and maybe, just maybe it will help you in a positive way to learn the “PAC Way”. PAC has come a long way from when we started and we’ve developed a culture of respect for our members and a way to support and promote our members in the best ways possible. Yet it’s you, the PAC member that brings what we do to life through

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Monday 30 November 2015

Are You Neglecting Your Social Circle Of Influence?

My very first observation on your social circle of influence is … are you even aware of what yours looks like? Any business online and offline has a circle of influence which at it’s largest could be as big as the whole population, but generally is less! However, I have to say the latest Alexa ranking for the PAC Blog on 25 November 2015 was 251, 701 …  Awesome!! Marketing is the way to increase your circle of influence, and we are blessed that we have Social Media on our side today. However, unless you actively take steps to reach out

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Knowledge Comes From Experience

experience leads to knowledgePart 9 of 10 based on the principles of the great Albert Einstein.

Einstein’s own thoughts on knowledge can be based on his quote:

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Not sure if I agree 100%, but experience leads to the vast majority of knowledge. In my own experience, I have found this to be true to a very high degree.

Knowledge Is More Than Education.

When I was working as an electrician I placed a lot of emphasis on new training, just as I do in my current business, because there is always something to learn and things develop and change over time. Having said that, experience does come into things along the way.

This could be said to be proved in one of the meetings I had to attend that involved a highly educated engineer. In my role as qualifying supervisor and with my overall experience in the electrical contracting and installation industry, I was presented with a task of getting a job signed off by the client for whom this engineer was responsible.

The engineer in question had a reputation. Such a reputation that people who met him did not question him and were really quite scared of him. I, however, was confident that I knew enough and my experience could get me through, which it actually did. Here is the story:

I arrived at the premises 2 hours before the meeting was due so that I could get a feel of it and check through the snagging list so that I could check through it to be sure things were in order. I noticed that some things were not satisfactorily done and so I made a note to list these things myself.

There was one particular issue I noticed that was a point of proper installation practice rather than a deviation from regulations. I checked my regs book and could find no deviation listed. I also checked another rule book (supplied by the organization for which the work was being done) that was required to be adhered to and could not find any mention of it there either. Having done all of my checks, I was happy that I had a thorough and complete list of work that needed to be carried out to meet the necessary criteria to get the job signed off.

So, the meeting started and almost immediately I was asked to open the equipment that had the “discrepancy” in that I could find no regulation and safety problem with. The first thing that the engineer mentioned was that the installation did not comply with regulation in the way it was installed and they still wanted it to be changed. I agreed with the engineer that it was not the best practice, but told him that I had to disagree with him on the point of regulation. He, and the others around, didn’t expect this and they all looked really shocked that I would question this well qualified and respected person. After all, HE was the one with the degree and the high education.

knowledge of regulationsHe stated that he had never before been questioned and that he wanted the work done to comply with the regulations.

I said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t find anything in the regulations to state that this is unacceptable.”

He replied: “I know it’s a regulation so please don’t insult my intelligence.”

I got the regulation book out of my bag and said: “Please show me so we can clear this up.”

Taking the book, he looked through it for several minutes and then said “It’s not here.”

I replied: “Thank you, I didn’t think I was mistaken, but needed to be sure myself.”

“But it IS in the (name of the organization’s own rule book).” He said.

“Please show me because I can’t find it in there either” I said producing the document.

“It’s not here either” he said in a surprised tone.

In the end we agreed to leave it, but to note that as a point of electrical installation practice it be not encouraged in the future.

He agreed with my list and also agreed that the work would be completed over the next week and signed off the following Monday.

I knew from experience that you must check things BEFORE you make statements that are supposed to be fact. I already KNEW that he was mistaken. I had been in a situation in the past where an inspector, who was very highly educated, had criticized me and I felt rather stupid. This criticism was unfounded because the “facts” were not actually correct. Using this experience to raise my awareness and knowledge of this kind of situation, I made sure I could not be caught out again.

I had 25+ years experience in the industry and the engineer had less than 10. He had an honours degree in engineering, but he actually KNEW no more than I did about the job I did. My knowledge came not only from learning through books and courses, but by the experience of being “in the field”. There were things he knew a lot more about, but that was not my concern at the time because I had no need to know those other things.

The lesson to learn from this is that just because somebody has a degree, it doesn’t necessarily mean they KNOW more than you. Often it means they hold information well in order to pass an exam. If you can process information and then use that information to take action on something, you will learn from experience whether it works based on results. This is knowledge that serves you.

This applies in your business too. When you learn something from someone and you know it works because you have tried it and it’s your experience, don’t let anyone deter you or try to change your belief. Your experience is that it works and your own knowledge is based on that experience.

It’s surprising what you already know, so don’t be afraid to share your knowledge and encourage others to develop their own knowledge through experience.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

My knowledge is grown through experience. Your knowledge can be too. Even moreso if you take advantage of the experience and knowledge of a great mentor. For affordable and effective mentoring, you can join me in a group led by one of the top marketers around today. Click here to find out more.

The post Knowledge Comes From Experience appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Knowledge Comes From Experience

experience leads to knowledgePart 9 of 10 based on the principles of the great Albert Einstein.

Einstein’s own thoughts on knowledge can be based on his quote:

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

Not sure if I agree 100%, but experience leads to the vast majority of knowledge. In my own experience, I have found this to be true to a very high degree.

Knowledge Is More Than Education.

When I was working as an electrician I placed a lot of emphasis on new training, just as I do in my current business, because there is always something to learn and things develop and change over time. Having said that, experience does come into things along the way.

This could be said to be proved in one of the meetings I had to attend that involved a highly educated engineer. In my role as qualifying supervisor and with my overall experience in the electrical contracting and installation industry, I was presented with a task of getting a job signed off by the client for whom this engineer was responsible.

The engineer in question had a reputation. Such a reputation that people who met him did not question him and were really quite scared of him. I, however, was confident that I knew enough and my experience could get me through, which it actually did. Here is the story:

I arrived at the premises 2 hours before the meeting was due so that I could get a feel of it and check through the snagging list so that I could check through it to be sure things were in order. I noticed that some things were not satisfactorily done and so I made a note to list these things myself.

There was one particular issue I noticed that was a point of proper installation practice rather than a deviation from regulations. I checked my regs book and could find no deviation listed. I also checked another rule book (supplied by the organization for which the work was being done) that was required to be adhered to and could not find any mention of it there either. Having done all of my checks, I was happy that I had a thorough and complete list of work that needed to be carried out to meet the necessary criteria to get the job signed off.

So, the meeting started and almost immediately I was asked to open the equipment that had the “discrepancy” in that I could find no regulation and safety problem with. The first thing that the engineer mentioned was that the installation did not comply with regulation in the way it was installed and they still wanted it to be changed. I agreed with the engineer that it was not the best practice, but told him that I had to disagree with him on the point of regulation. He, and the others around, didn’t expect this and they all looked really shocked that I would question this well qualified and respected person. After all, HE was the one with the degree and the high education.

knowledge of regulationsHe stated that he had never before been questioned and that he wanted the work done to comply with the regulations.

I said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t find anything in the regulations to state that this is unacceptable.”

He replied: “I know it’s a regulation so please don’t insult my intelligence.”

I got the regulation book out of my bag and said: “Please show me so we can clear this up.”

Taking the book, he looked through it for several minutes and then said “It’s not here.”

I replied: “Thank you, I didn’t think I was mistaken, but needed to be sure myself.”

“But it IS in the (name of the organization’s own rule book).” He said.

“Please show me because I can’t find it in there either” I said producing the document.

“It’s not here either” he said in a surprised tone.

In the end we agreed to leave it, but to note that as a point of electrical installation practice it be not encouraged in the future.

He agreed with my list and also agreed that the work would be completed over the next week and signed off the following Monday.

I knew from experience that you must check things BEFORE you make statements that are supposed to be fact. I already KNEW that he was mistaken. I had been in a situation in the past where an inspector, who was very highly educated, had criticized me and I felt rather stupid. This criticism was unfounded because the “facts” were not actually correct. Using this experience to raise my awareness and knowledge of this kind of situation, I made sure I could not be caught out again.

I had 25+ years experience in the industry and the engineer had less than 10. He had an honours degree in engineering, but he actually KNEW no more than I did about the job I did. My knowledge came not only from learning through books and courses, but by the experience of being “in the field”. There were things he knew a lot more about, but that was not my concern at the time because I had no need to know those other things.

The lesson to learn from this is that just because somebody has a degree, it doesn’t necessarily mean they KNOW more than you. Often it means they hold information well in order to pass an exam. If you can process information and then use that information to take action on something, you will learn from experience whether it works based on results. This is knowledge that serves you.

This applies in your business too. When you learn something from someone and you know it works because you have tried it and it’s your experience, don’t let anyone deter you or try to change your belief. Your experience is that it works and your own knowledge is based on that experience.

It’s surprising what you already know, so don’t be afraid to share your knowledge and encourage others to develop their own knowledge through experience.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

My knowledge is grown through experience. Your knowledge can be too. Even moreso if you take advantage of the experience and knowledge of a great mentor. For affordable and effective mentoring, you can join me in a group led by one of the top marketers around today. Click here to find out more.

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Saturday 28 November 2015

PAC Gigs Are Getting Noticed

PAC Gigs Are Getting Noticed There are so many ways that you can advertise your services online but PAC offers, not really a unique way but a simple proven idea that works.  Do you know what a “gig” is? Have you ever heard of Fiverr.com? I’m sure there are others that I’m not aware of but we would like for you to be aware of PAC Gigs.   There are quite a few definitions of the word “gig” but for this post, we are referring to Dictionary.com:   Noun 1. a single professional engagement, usually of short duration, as of

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Friday 27 November 2015

Multiple Income Streams For Bloggers

Multiple income streams for bloggers are essential to turn their blogs into a business. It’s nice to have a blog that informs and entertains people. It’s nice to build relationships with your readers, to have them follow you on social media sites, and to engage with them on various levels. But none of those activities represent, in and of themselves, a business model. Creating Multiple Income Streams To turn your blog into a business, you need to find a way to make it profitable. One of the first things you need to do is to integrate an opt-in form into

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Repetition Is Both Good And Bad.

being repetitive is good and badPart 8 of the series based on the 10 main principles of Albert Einstein. In this post I will discuss repetition and why it can be both good and bad. Good is great, but bad is something to beware of and so easy a trap to fall into.

Einstein had a philosophy around this and thought it as:

“Insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Of course, this is based around the “bad” side of repetition and this should be avoided. Of course, it’s a very easy trap to get caught in and can lead to frustration and many quitting their venture altogether.

When Not To Be Repetitive.

The quote mentions doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

The scenario where you are taking action, but you are getting no results at all leads to the question:

“What am I doing wrong?”

You need to ask yourself these things because doing the same thing over again is not likely to change things. This is why the best marketers have several ways of doing a task, so that the best one can be found from testing and getting the data and results from each campaign. If you go along with just ONE campaign and keep targeting a market that didn’t respond in the first place, is it possible they will ignore it again? I think it’s a given fact that they WILL ignore it.

Why is this?

Because you didn’t do your market research and you didn’t put together more than one campaign to test what is effective.

The reactions you have from repeated bad results will have an effect on your thought process. You will think you’re a failure perhaps and just quit. Or you will keep on doing the things you kept on doing because it was what you were told to do. If you don’t get the results, DON’T DO IT. Figure out what your target market is, then supply them with what they want.

Desperation to make money can drive you to take repeated action, but desperation is not your friend. There is a time to be repetitive, and that is when you start to achieve results from your actions.

The Right Time To Be Repetitive.

You have set up different campaigns for a project. You know your target market and you believe you have the right product to solve any problems. Because you are smart, you have set up a way to track your results from each campaign and now you have “got the ball rolling”. So…

  • Ad 1 is getting a little reaction, but not converting to sales. You have some additions to your email list, but that is it.
  • Ad 2 is getting traffic, but you haven’t had even a subscriber to your list.
  • Ad 3 is getting sales and subscribers to your list.
  • Ad 4 is running away with sales and subscribers.

This data tells you that running ad 4 is the best option, but a little tweak of ad 3 could improve sales and the same on ad 1 could get conversions into sales moving. Then you test AGAIN. The reason is that ad 4 could slow down and the others could pick up. You won’t know unless you test these things.

A person who would continuously use ad 2 because this has had results at one stage would eventually say “this doesn’t work” and give up. They would be angry with the whole system and themselves and may even start shouting “scam”.

Don’t get caught in this trap. Be smart by using repetition in the right way. Repeat the action you KNOW works and stop wasting time on things that don’t. It is truly insanity to waste precious time repeating actions that give nothing in return.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

P.S This series was influenced by a discussion in a mentoring group. You can be a part of this group too and get mentoring from a top marketer along the way. Never again think you can’t afford to get mentoring. Go here to find out more.

The post Repetition Is Both Good And Bad. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Repetition Is Both Good And Bad.

being repetitive is good and badPart 8 of the series based on the 10 main principles of Albert Einstein. In this post I will discuss repetition and why it can be both good and bad. Good is great, but bad is something to beware of and so easy a trap to fall into.

Einstein had a philosophy around this and thought it as:

“Insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Of course, this is based around the “bad” side of repetition and this should be avoided. Of course, it’s a very easy trap to get caught in and can lead to frustration and many quitting their venture altogether.

When Not To Be Repetitive.

The quote mentions doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

The scenario where you are taking action, but you are getting no results at all leads to the question:

“What am I doing wrong?”

You need to ask yourself these things because doing the same thing over again is not likely to change things. This is why the best marketers have several ways of doing a task, so that the best one can be found from testing and getting the data and results from each campaign. If you go along with just ONE campaign and keep targeting a market that didn’t respond in the first place, is it possible they will ignore it again? I think it’s a given fact that they WILL ignore it.

Why is this?

Because you didn’t do your market research and you didn’t put together more than one campaign to test what is effective.

The reactions you have from repeated bad results will have an effect on your thought process. You will think you’re a failure perhaps and just quit. Or you will keep on doing the things you kept on doing because it was what you were told to do. If you don’t get the results, DON’T DO IT. Figure out what your target market is, then supply them with what they want.

Desperation to make money can drive you to take repeated action, but desperation is not your friend. There is a time to be repetitive, and that is when you start to achieve results from your actions.

The Right Time To Be Repetitive.

You have set up different campaigns for a project. You know your target market and you believe you have the right product to solve any problems. Because you are smart, you have set up a way to track your results from each campaign and now you have “got the ball rolling”. So…

  • Ad 1 is getting a little reaction, but not converting to sales. You have some additions to your email list, but that is it.
  • Ad 2 is getting traffic, but you haven’t had even a subscriber to your list.
  • Ad 3 is getting sales and subscribers to your list.
  • Ad 4 is running away with sales and subscribers.

This data tells you that running ad 4 is the best option, but a little tweak of ad 3 could improve sales and the same on ad 1 could get conversions into sales moving. Then you test AGAIN. The reason is that ad 4 could slow down and the others could pick up. You won’t know unless you test these things.

A person who would continuously use ad 2 because this has had results at one stage would eventually say “this doesn’t work” and give up. They would be angry with the whole system and themselves and may even start shouting “scam”.

Don’t get caught in this trap. Be smart by using repetition in the right way. Repeat the action you KNOW works and stop wasting time on things that don’t. It is truly insanity to waste precious time repeating actions that give nothing in return.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

P.S This series was influenced by a discussion in a mentoring group. You can be a part of this group too and get mentoring from a top marketer along the way. Never again think you can’t afford to get mentoring. Go here to find out more.

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Thursday 26 November 2015

3 Tips For Busy Bloggers

Quite frankly, blogging takes a lot of work. Although it is a fun part of your marketing routine, it wouldn’t be realistic to sugar coat the time and dedication it takes it take blogging consistently. As you may know, or may be experiencing, life happens fast – so it can be tough to keep up with your blogging when you have a busy schedule outside of your business. However, this can’t be an excuse – the work still needs to be done. Here in this post I will provide 3 tips for busy bloggers to blog more efficiently and avoid common

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When You Create Value Success Will Follow.

Success follows great valueHere we are at Part 7 of 10 of the “Einstein series”. All based on the famous quote:

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value”.

It’s said these days that one is paid by the value one gives out to the marketplace. The more value you offer to people and the more you can show that you have the solution to problems, the more likely you are to be rewarded.

As online marketers we see and give so much away for free that sometimes the perception is that there is no value to what is being offered. After all, FREE means nothing is being PAID, so how is there any VALUE in it?

A dilemma I’m sure, but one thing is certain – if you don’t offer any value, it’s unlikely you will be paid.

To Be Of Value You Must Value Yourself

One important thing to remember is that self belief is a big factor in this.

You could be saying “I don’t have a value to give”. I’ll bet you know someone who does have that value. There may be a webinar that is being presented by a leader your following and you have a prospect who could benefit greatly from the content of that webinar. Don’t hesitate to recommend it. There! You Have VALUE.

Not much, but it’s a start!

You value what you have and what you learn. Be prepared to SHARE it. Bingo! More Value from you.

If you learn from training or you get some mentoring to help you, when something is of value then share it. In some cases it may be best to try it out yourself to be sure it works for you before you do. Don’t EVER be afraid to share something.

As you move forward and learn more, your value will increase because your knowledge will increase. When you can show that you have generated 10 leads from a certain method and signed up new reps into your network marketing business, you have the means to do a webinar yourself. Don’t be afraid to CHARGE for it. Even if it’s only a fiver, the VALUE is worth a lot more. What’s more, you then have your own product!

People perceive things and perception of FREE as stated above is that there is little or no value. When you charge, the perception of the content to the amount paid is key. When you over deliver on a paid product that truly HELPS your prospects, do you think they will share this? Value your own knowledge because when you learn how to set up a blog for example, you already know more than at least 95% of people out there. VALUE it.

This value is just the beginning of your success journey.

Do yourself a BIG favour and stop thinking you have no value to give. Your success depends on sharing what you learn. Compile the things you do learn and when you have success, share it. You will be on your way to be a consultant as well as a successful marketer too.

Remember that the more success you have, the more value you have to offer. The more value you have to offer, the more you will be able to charge for your expertise and the more successful you will become.

You can build your business based on this fact. It’s very true that when you create value, success follows.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

For affordable mentoring to help you build up your value you can join me and others in a great mentoring group. Find out more about it here. See you there!

The post When You Create Value Success Will Follow. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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When You Create Value Success Will Follow.

Success follows great valueHere we are at Part 7 of 10 of the “Einstein series”. All based on the famous quote:

“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value”.

It’s said these days that one is paid by the value one gives out to the marketplace. The more value you offer to people and the more you can show that you have the solution to problems, the more likely you are to be rewarded.

As online marketers we see and give so much away for free that sometimes the perception is that there is no value to what is being offered. After all, FREE means nothing is being PAID, so how is there any VALUE in it?

A dilemma I’m sure, but one thing is certain – if you don’t offer any value, it’s unlikely you will be paid.

To Be Of Value You Must Value Yourself

One important thing to remember is that self belief is a big factor in this.

You could be saying “I don’t have a value to give”. I’ll bet you know someone who does have that value. There may be a webinar that is being presented by a leader your following and you have a prospect who could benefit greatly from the content of that webinar. Don’t hesitate to recommend it. There! You Have VALUE.

Not much, but it’s a start!

You value what you have and what you learn. Be prepared to SHARE it. Bingo! More Value from you.

If you learn from training or you get some mentoring to help you, when something is of value then share it. In some cases it may be best to try it out yourself to be sure it works for you before you do. Don’t EVER be afraid to share something.

As you move forward and learn more, your value will increase because your knowledge will increase. When you can show that you have generated 10 leads from a certain method and signed up new reps into your network marketing business, you have the means to do a webinar yourself. Don’t be afraid to CHARGE for it. Even if it’s only a fiver, the VALUE is worth a lot more. What’s more, you then have your own product!

People perceive things and perception of FREE as stated above is that there is little or no value. When you charge, the perception of the content to the amount paid is key. When you over deliver on a paid product that truly HELPS your prospects, do you think they will share this? Value your own knowledge because when you learn how to set up a blog for example, you already know more than at least 95% of people out there. VALUE it.

This value is just the beginning of your success journey.

Do yourself a BIG favour and stop thinking you have no value to give. Your success depends on sharing what you learn. Compile the things you do learn and when you have success, share it. You will be on your way to be a consultant as well as a successful marketer too.

Remember that the more success you have, the more value you have to offer. The more value you have to offer, the more you will be able to charge for your expertise and the more successful you will become.

You can build your business based on this fact. It’s very true that when you create value, success follows.

To the future,

Barrie Evans

For affordable mentoring to help you build up your value you can join me and others in a great mentoring group. Find out more about it here. See you there!

The post When You Create Value Success Will Follow. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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Wednesday 25 November 2015

Affiliate Marketing What You Need To Know

What You Need To Know To Be Successful At Affiliate Marketing   First of all, what is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online.  When you are an affiliate marketer, you promote a product, service, or site for a business, and you as a publisher get rewarded for doing so. For example: I write a book about affiliate marketing. Your blog is centered on tips to make money online. You actually promote and sell the book from your site. You get a percentage of the sale. There are a several factors that help make your affiliate

The post Affiliate Marketing What You Need To Know appeared first on PAC.

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How Living In The Moment Can Help You Have A Better Life.

live for NOWWelcome to part 6 of 10 based on the principles Einstein lived his life by.

You may be thinking that this is the same as focusing on the present (part 3). To a certain degree it is, but there are subtle and important differences.

Einstein said: “I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”

To live in the “now” is much more a personal thought process than focusing on a specific task.

To Live In The Moment Is The Key To Less Worry.

Of course this doesn’t mean you won’t worry about certain things. We humans do have a tendency to worry about things anyway. Reducing this worry is really a good thing, so ask yourself some questions:

How often do you think about things you did in the past?

Do you dwell on past events that you have no control over and can do nothing about?

Are you worrying about what “might” happen in the future if you do something? You may be playing the “what if” card again. Thing is, if you don’t do the thing you’re thinking about, you won’t ever know will you?

The message here is to stop worrying about things you have no control over or what “might” be. Live NOW and just DO IT! After all, you can only succeed or fail. Either way you have learned something.

“Going To” Is Not A Phrase To Live For Now

Are you in a phase of “I’m going to do this (or that)”? I know I have been guilty in the past of being in this unproductive and procrastinating phase. In fact, I still say this. Difference is, I pinch myself and tell myself to stop delaying and get the job done!

So, if you say “I’m going to write that blog post series” or “I’m going to start to do videos”, if you have 30 minutes right there and then, instead of going to make that coffee (or tea), make a start on it and COMMIT to it NOW! That is being in the moment and a real way of getting past the “I’m going to” phase.

This isn’t a focus issue, but it is a life issue. If you have a tendency to procrastinate or make excuses like “I don’t have time”, then what is the point in thinking about it?

Simple – because we can all have “good intentions”.

Thing is, good intentions don’t get the job done or do anything to move us forward.

The most important thing is to do what comes to you when it’s fresh in your mind. This is even more important when you have some time to do it straight away.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”.

The future will be here before you know it and all your “gonnas” will still be hanging around and doing nothing for you.

Living in the moment may well be similar to focusing on the present, but ultimately it’s not the same.

To the future (via today)

Barrie Evans

Come join the mentoring group and be guided by one of the world’s top marketers. You’ll be glad you did!

The post How Living In The Moment Can Help You Have A Better Life. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

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How Living In The Moment Can Help You Have A Better Life.

live for NOWWelcome to part 6 of 10 based on the principles Einstein lived his life by.

You may be thinking that this is the same as focusing on the present (part 3). To a certain degree it is, but there are subtle and important differences.

Einstein said: “I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”

To live in the “now” is much more a personal thought process than focusing on a specific task.

To Live In The Moment Is The Key To Less Worry.

Of course this doesn’t mean you won’t worry about certain things. We humans do have a tendency to worry about things anyway. Reducing this worry is really a good thing, so ask yourself some questions:

How often do you think about things you did in the past?

Do you dwell on past events that you have no control over and can do nothing about?

Are you worrying about what “might” happen in the future if you do something? You may be playing the “what if” card again. Thing is, if you don’t do the thing you’re thinking about, you won’t ever know will you?

The message here is to stop worrying about things you have no control over or what “might” be. Live NOW and just DO IT! After all, you can only succeed or fail. Either way you have learned something.

“Going To” Is Not A Phrase To Live For Now

Are you in a phase of “I’m going to do this (or that)”? I know I have been guilty in the past of being in this unproductive and procrastinating phase. In fact, I still say this. Difference is, I pinch myself and tell myself to stop delaying and get the job done!

So, if you say “I’m going to write that blog post series” or “I’m going to start to do videos”, if you have 30 minutes right there and then, instead of going to make that coffee (or tea), make a start on it and COMMIT to it NOW! That is being in the moment and a real way of getting past the “I’m going to” phase.

This isn’t a focus issue, but it is a life issue. If you have a tendency to procrastinate or make excuses like “I don’t have time”, then what is the point in thinking about it?

Simple – because we can all have “good intentions”.

Thing is, good intentions don’t get the job done or do anything to move us forward.

The most important thing is to do what comes to you when it’s fresh in your mind. This is even more important when you have some time to do it straight away.

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”.

The future will be here before you know it and all your “gonnas” will still be hanging around and doing nothing for you.

Living in the moment may well be similar to focusing on the present, but ultimately it’s not the same.

To the future (via today)

Barrie Evans

Come join the mentoring group and be guided by one of the world’s top marketers. You’ll be glad you did!

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Tuesday 24 November 2015

The Ups and Downs of Doing a Product Launch

  Have you been introduced to the amazing results some people have shown after doing their FIRST “simple” product launch. Maybe this got your juices flowing and you thought to yourself “I can do that”. Just a few videos and a few emails and voilá. I can already feel my email list exploding and the money pouring in. Not So Fast Come back to reality. It doesn’t quite work like that. Or at least it has not worked that way for me. Maybe I’m a lone case, maybe I didn’t quite do it right, but somehow that avalanche of new

The post The Ups and Downs of Doing a Product Launch appeared first on PAC.

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Be Prepared To Make Mistakes.

A mistake made is naturalWelcome to part 5 of 10 on the principles that Einstein based his life on.

It’s a well known fact that we all make mistakes, but are you prepared to actually make mistakes in order to move forward in your business and life?

Einstein said “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

People make mistakes all the time, but we hate to do that don’t we? Making a mistake leads to one emotion that we all want to avoid – FEAR! If we are to move forward and make the best life and business we can, then it’s inevitable that we make mistakes at some time in the process of living and working. How we deal with it makes us stand apart.

Making Mistakes Is Natural So Accept It.

Anyone who has ambition needs to find ways to help that ambition come to fruition. If you’re prepared to try something imaginative and new, you must be prepared to find out if that works or if it was a mistake.

If you believe that you need to be “safe”, then how will you ever know if your idea is a real game changer, or whether it’s close to being so and needs a little “tweak”, or whether it’s just not worth the effort.

Top business people look for innovators as well as being innovators themselves. They can only find an innovative idea by trying it out and making mistakes to learn from them.

Marketing is no different. You may have a great idea that in theory could be just the thing you need. If you don’t try it out and learn, how are you ever going to know if it will work?

I’ll bet if you told someone who is an innovator about your idea, they would have no hesitation in trying it out. How many would give you the praise for the idea? If it needed a tweak or two, I would wager there would be very few of them.

If, however, you were to try out this idea and then seek the advice of someone showing and publishing your findings, I would bet that you would get a lot of the credit. Assuming that the idea worked of course.

Finding out whether your “innovation” is a real asset or a red herring can be scary, but you need to “take the plunge” and do it. It’s likely you will make mistakes along the way, so be prepared and test, learn, test again and learn. You will have your answer very quickly.

You must accept that being an innovator of new ideas comes with making mistakes. It’s part of the territory and you really need to know it’s completely natural to make mistakes AND feel pretty stupid along the way. Don’t let it stop you!

Making Mistakes Builds Experience.

My experience in the field of music and a little song writing is where I got through some of the feelings of acceptance there will be mistakes made. Any musician, writer or composer can have the feelings of trepidation if they let it happen. It’s all down to belief in the end, just like it is with your business and your own ambition and goal getting.

Having written a piece of music, it needs to be performed. The only way you know it works and people like your work is to get it performed. When it’s well received, you feel great. If it doesn’t, you know you have to change something or throw it out. If you merely fluff something in the process it sticks out and you have a chance to change this to make it better, more especially if the overall reaction is good. The ONLY way you know is by performance and reaction of the audience.

Harmonies sometimes don’t work as well. They may sound ok initially, but a small change could make all the difference. With the tools available these days, it’s far easier to be able to hear these harmonies before it’s put in front of an audience.

This tends not to happen with well known composers who have built up a reputation, but they had to start with the help of friends and others who helped them to make sure their music was basically good and had true potential to be what they “heard” in their mind when writing it.

The same applies to writing a blog or any other form of content to share your message. You will improve as you do more of it and you will make mistakes along the way. How will you know if you don’t do it?

Answer – You WON’T.

Be prepared to make mistakes. If you need help by getting some mentoring or help from a friend or colleague depending on what you are doing, then get it. Making mistakes is a part of the process of success. Go forward, make more mistakes and be successful!

To the future,

Barrie Evans

P.S. Want affordable mentoring? Come and join me and learn together with a top marketer and 16 year veteran in the internet / network marketing industry. Find out more here.

The post Be Prepared To Make Mistakes. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

from Online Marketing And mindset http://ift.tt/1HjUkKi via Article Source
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Be Prepared To Make Mistakes.

A mistake made is naturalWelcome to part 5 of 10 on the principles that Einstein based his life on.

It’s a well known fact that we all make mistakes, but are you prepared to actually make mistakes in order to move forward in your business and life?

Einstein said “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

People make mistakes all the time, but we hate to do that don’t we? Making a mistake leads to one emotion that we all want to avoid – FEAR! If we are to move forward and make the best life and business we can, then it’s inevitable that we make mistakes at some time in the process of living and working. How we deal with it makes us stand apart.

Making Mistakes Is Natural So Accept It.

Anyone who has ambition needs to find ways to help that ambition come to fruition. If you’re prepared to try something imaginative and new, you must be prepared to find out if that works or if it was a mistake.

If you believe that you need to be “safe”, then how will you ever know if your idea is a real game changer, or whether it’s close to being so and needs a little “tweak”, or whether it’s just not worth the effort.

Top business people look for innovators as well as being innovators themselves. They can only find an innovative idea by trying it out and making mistakes to learn from them.

Marketing is no different. You may have a great idea that in theory could be just the thing you need. If you don’t try it out and learn, how are you ever going to know if it will work?

I’ll bet if you told someone who is an innovator about your idea, they would have no hesitation in trying it out. How many would give you the praise for the idea? If it needed a tweak or two, I would wager there would be very few of them.

If, however, you were to try out this idea and then seek the advice of someone showing and publishing your findings, I would bet that you would get a lot of the credit. Assuming that the idea worked of course.

Finding out whether your “innovation” is a real asset or a red herring can be scary, but you need to “take the plunge” and do it. It’s likely you will make mistakes along the way, so be prepared and test, learn, test again and learn. You will have your answer very quickly.

You must accept that being an innovator of new ideas comes with making mistakes. It’s part of the territory and you really need to know it’s completely natural to make mistakes AND feel pretty stupid along the way. Don’t let it stop you!

Making Mistakes Builds Experience.

My experience in the field of music and a little song writing is where I got through some of the feelings of acceptance there will be mistakes made. Any musician, writer or composer can have the feelings of trepidation if they let it happen. It’s all down to belief in the end, just like it is with your business and your own ambition and goal getting.

Having written a piece of music, it needs to be performed. The only way you know it works and people like your work is to get it performed. When it’s well received, you feel great. If it doesn’t, you know you have to change something or throw it out. If you merely fluff something in the process it sticks out and you have a chance to change this to make it better, more especially if the overall reaction is good. The ONLY way you know is by performance and reaction of the audience.

Harmonies sometimes don’t work as well. They may sound ok initially, but a small change could make all the difference. With the tools available these days, it’s far easier to be able to hear these harmonies before it’s put in front of an audience.

This tends not to happen with well known composers who have built up a reputation, but they had to start with the help of friends and others who helped them to make sure their music was basically good and had true potential to be what they “heard” in their mind when writing it.

The same applies to writing a blog or any other form of content to share your message. You will improve as you do more of it and you will make mistakes along the way. How will you know if you don’t do it?

Answer – You WON’T.

Be prepared to make mistakes. If you need help by getting some mentoring or help from a friend or colleague depending on what you are doing, then get it. Making mistakes is a part of the process of success. Go forward, make more mistakes and be successful!

To the future,

Barrie Evans

P.S. Want affordable mentoring? Come and join me and learn together with a top marketer and 16 year veteran in the internet / network marketing industry. Find out more here.

The post Be Prepared To Make Mistakes. appeared first on Online Marketing And mindset.

from Online Marketing And mindset http://ift.tt/1HjUkKi via Article Source
from Tumblr http://ift.tt/1LxhuaS